SGA Formal Meeting Minutes
Sunday, October 19, 2014
The meeting began at 8:03 PM.
I. Deans Report
Andy McGadney and Lori Kletzerjoined SGA for tonight’s meeting. They are seeking to establish a new committee, Committee on Mission and Priorities. This will be the first new committee established in the past ten years. In order for the new committee to be approved, SGA must endorse it first. The committee would meet continuously to think about long-term strategic planning for the college. The intention will be to take in ideas, review them, and work with the President to form the college’s intermediate and long-term missions and priorities. Ideally, the committee would start right away and meet on a regular basis. It would hold forums for faculty and students and would regularly inform the campus about their ideas and works in progress. It’s a way for President Greene to work closely with the Colby community.
Justin: How did strategic planning happen before this committee? Dean Kletzer: There were committees that met when new presidents were inaugurated, but they disbanded after they had completed their works. Who will chair this committee? The President. Dean McGadney: This is very new for Colby, and not something you see at most institutions. Dean Kletzer: This was introduced and approved amongst the faculty. Tim: Four senior officers will be on the committee, who will they be? Dean Kletzer: The president will appoint them with consultation. Lori encouraged all students to share ideas with her, Dean McGadney, or President Greene. Justin: What kind of issues will this committee be dealing with? Lori: Growing faculty and staff, adding new programs, changing study abroad, etc. President Greene will turn to SGA to help with student appointments.
II. Minutes
The minutes from Sunday, October 5th were passed.
III. Executive Board Report
Mike: Justin and Mike have been in contact with Andy McGadney about the upcoming trustee event, which will take place next weekend. Last spring, students form the club, Students for Engaged Society, wrote questions on balloons and posted them outside of the alumni center for trustees to see as they attended their meetings. The balloons were visible and nonaggressive. This Friday from 5:45PM-6:45PM in Lovejoy 100, Justin, Michael and two trustees will be there to answer questions and share ideas. This will be a good opportunity to bridge the gap between trustees and students. All SGA members are encouraged to attend. Justin is working with Sam Helm to create a poster. Dorm Presidents should pick them up and post them around. Dorm Presidents should include this in newsletters. Next, Mike and Emily Schusterbauer have been working together to improve Colby’s Sexual Assault Policy. Emily will gather date and draft a report comparing Colby’s policies in regards to Sexual Assault Policies at other similar schools. Additionally, on October 25th, SGA is partnering with SAAC to host an on-campus athletic event encouraging students to attend athletic contests that day. There will be a tailgate and keg. Finally, Colby Affirmation has been going very well. Dorm Presidents should include a brief pitch with the link to the Affirmation nominations in their newsletter: The task force is working on a new poster campaign. The alsoplan to put broken vandalized things to put in Pulver and “price” the dorm damage. This is a similar idea to high schools that puttotaled cars in the school lobby during prom season.
Justin: We are working with the CVC (Meghan Harwood) and Hall Staff (SangayThinley) for a Halloween Extravaganza on November 1st. Additionally, The Colby Report will likely be airing later this week.
Osman: Osman provided an update on the budget: $291,000 for the entire year. There are fixed expenditures for every year, so without these fixed prices, we have approximately $147,000 to spend on clubs, campaigns, programs, etc. The Financial Committee has approved about $20,000 so far. We are looking to spend about 40% of our budget for the fall and 60% for the spring. Osman is also planning to set aside some extra money this year for JanPlan, which is something we haven’t been doing in the past. Osman and Jed have been working out what we should do with Club Sports who don’t get funding from the Athletic Department. Lastly, anyone interested in improving dialogue tables in dining halls, talk to Osman.
Connor: Each person should be sharing The Colby Report on individual accounts when it comes out later this week. Class Presidents should post in Facebook groups. Also, spread by word of mouth. The business card campaign had little luck in raising the numbers of Facebook and Twitter followers. The next publicity method will be to get a life-sized cut-out of Justin holding a sign with SGA information. The cutout will move around campus, mostly likely be in Pulver. Send any pose suggestions to Connor.The Registered Parties task force will not be needed any more. If you still want to be involved, talk to Jed. Connor will be sending out information about ZipCar. Dorm Presidents should include this intheir newsletters, which are due Tuesday at 12.
Shane: Next Sunday at 9PM is the next story time. EBoard will be deciding the person tomorrow evening.
IV. Community Forum
TariniHardikar asked if SGA would be discussing illumination plans later in this meeting. Michael: We will be covering this during Committee Reports.
V. Old Business
Motion 1: Andrew Ferraro moved to make Colby Bodybuilding & Weight Training an official Colby Club. Dan: Have you talked to the Athletic Department about funding? Nick: We haven’t because we do not need much funding. We are thinking about reaching out to different nutrition companies for free samples, but other than this, very limited funding will be required. Dan: Have you thought about safety? Nick: We’re trying to provide a safe and secure environment and make sure everyone works out within his or her boundaries. At least one representative will be in the gym during Bodybuilding workouts. Dan: Have any of you taught classes before? Nick: No, we will be consulting YouTube videos and online forums. Connor: Have you reached out to Dawn? You should consider asking for her advice, but make sure it does not detract from her job. Also, there is limited space in the gym, you should take this into consideration. Nick: We’ve been talking about holding our events Saturday mornings and other dead times. Justin: Have you thought about how to incorporate other people to your club? Joe: Wealready have about 15-20 pending members, have sent out General Announcements, and we plan on making a Facebook page. Will: Do we have the capacity to support this club financially if there are additional safety liabilities? Dan talked to Marcella (if there is physical contact in the sport and they compete against other teams, the Athletic Department handles the sport). Nick: We will not be competing; this is more of a hobby. Justin recommended checking with Athletic Department about potential liabilities. Contact information: Nick Morriss – ndrew moved to question. Seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion 2: Phil Klitirinos moved to establish a Committee on Mission and Priorities. The committee will include students and meet on a regular basis. Tim: How many students are on typical committee? Justin: It varies. Most big committees have between 3-6. This committee would have a lot more focus on administrators, but they do want student particpation. Tim moved to question, seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.
Motion 4: Phil Klitirinos recommended to campus life that TV monitors be implemented into dining halls for publicity and promotional purposes to engage the Colby Community more thoroughly.Connor met with Larry from Sodexo to get TV monitors into dining halls. Sodexo had already been looking into this and has gotten $20,000 approved to fund this. There would be five in Dana, two in Foss, and three in Bobs. They will be put over major food stations and will show nutritional information for the food being served. The slides will be on a timed PowerPoint and will alternate between Dining Services information, SGA, and other major clubs’ publications. SGA does not have to fund any of it; we would only have to send Sodexo a PowerPoint. It isn’t a done deal yet, so we have to push Dean Terhune and Doug Terp to implement this. The hopes would be to put another TV monitor in the Spa and in the Athletic Center. Tim: Larry has been working on ways to promote nutrition. They are also looking to incorporate SPB and PCB. Joe had hesitations with congestion in lines. Connor: We did consider this. They felt like it would be more effective to be near the food. Jenner: is this happening in other colleges? Tim: Yes, Sodexo has done this in other colleges. Also, most the cost is not from the monitors, but rather set-up costs. Laura: How can other Colby clubs get involved? Connor: Connor will be a point person for events across campus. This will hopefully be implemented second semester. Dan moved to question and seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
VI. New Business
Committee Reports:
Academic Affairs Committee:Meets every Tuesday. Been working on the timing of CLAS and the possibility of adding a Sociology minor.
Admissions and Financial Aid Committee: Has not met yet.
Independent Study Committee: Has not met yet.
Information Technology Committee:Met once and discussed working on problems with improving the Internet. There are also working to find ways to get students to not click on spam emails requesting personal account information.
Library Committee:This committee has met twice and talked about the library forum, transparency of the libraries, and the libraries’ mission.
College Affairs Committee:Meets on a regular basis. They have been discussing better lighting on campus. Before snow, there should be a full sidewalk with adequate lighting, better lighting down Bixler drive, and lighting on Miller Quad. They are also working on a shuttle that runs from campus into town. Mike will be putting pressure on the CAC to go forward with TVs.
Athletics Advisory Committee:Met once, approved spring schedules and trips.
Cultural Events Committee: Met once (only meet three times a year).They elected a chair, approved events for freshmen orientation, and talked about the food festival happening in November as well as an art exhibit.
Healthcare Advisory Committee:Meets every other week on Thursday mornings. Last spring, the committee approved putting AEDs in high traffic areas. They got funding approval, but PPD hasn’t approved it yet. They are working on getting one at the Hume Center as well. They have also been talking about making adjustments to the space in the Health Center. Eric Johnson would like to come and speak to us for the next meeting.
Student Security Advisory Committee: The First Meeting will be this week.
Multicultural Affairs Committee/ Committee on Race and Racism: The committees are still meeting independently for now. They discussed combining the two committees and how to go about doing this. They are looking at recreating mission statements.
Bias Incident Prevention and Response (BIPR): BIPR has met every other week so far. There has been one Biased accident, and has been discussed thoroughly. Going to discuss Halloween to make sure people are thinking about costumes.
Traditions Committee: First meeting will be this week.
Housing and Facilities Advisory Committee:Meet every Monday. They have been talking about Dialogue Housing and online housing.
Dining Services Committee: They have been meeting biweekly and discussing meal swipes and SPA delivery.
Publicity Committee:Meets every Monday and has been talking about new ways to publicize, making posters…
Alumni Relations Committee:Will be having first meeting this weekend. Trying to coordinate alumni council and student body and organize student events.
J-Board:No reason to meet.
Additional new business:
Andrew: Apparently there was a way to gain access to the Wall Street Journal. Can we push to get this back? Andrew should touch base with Osman and check in with the investment club.
Justin: There is a football game at Bates this weekend. Justin will book buses for students to travel to and from Lewiston.
Will: Moved to adjourn.Seconded.
Meeting ended at 9:14 PM.