ACF Fall 2005

Packet by UT-Austin, Chicago B, Yale B, Florida C, and Laurentian

1. The equilibrium value calculated from it is used in the chord-conductance equation, and its namesake is paired with Planck as the creator of a molar flux equation. Derivable from both the equation linking free energy change to reaction quotient and by the assumption that drift and diffusion are equal and opposite in its namesake’s current density equation, it can be obtained from the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz voltage equation in the case of only one ion. Useful in concentration cells, its importance comes in the case of nonstandard cell potentials. Including Faraday’s constant and the charge of the ions involved, FTP, name this central equation of electrochemistry, named for the winner of the 1920 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

ANSWER: Nernst equation

2. This poet wrote “Without a name or history I wake / Between my body and the day” in his poem “Prime,” and asked “What does the song hope for?” in his poem “Orpheus.” He noted that the “crack in the tea-cup opens / A lane to the land of the dead” in “As I Walked Out One Evening,” while his “Lullaby” begins with the lines “Lay your sleeping head, my love / Human on my faithless arm.” One of his most famous works features four “bucolics” from various countries who meet in a bar during World War II, whlie another begins by noting that “About suffering they were never wrong, / The Old Masters” in the course of describing a painting about the fall of Icarus. FTP, name this British poet of “Musée des Beaux Arts” and The Age of Anxiety.

ANSWER: Wystan HughAuden

3. His administration created the National Weather Service and helped put down Dorr’s Rebellion, and the first override of a presidential veto occurred during his presidency. He lost his Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of State, and the father of his future wife during an explosion of the largest naval gun in the world, the Peacemaker. His Secretary of State was one of the few to remain loyal to him, possibly because he was negotiating an end to the Aroostook War. Sometime after the end of his term, this man known as “His Accidency,” served in the Confederate House of Representatives. FTP, name this afterthought to Tippecanoe in William Henry Harrison’s campaign slogan.

ANSWER: John Tyler

4. Steve Cauthen was the last to win it, and among the other nine champions are Willie Saunders, Charley Kurtsinger, and Johnny Loftus, who became the first to win it, with the aid of Sir Barton. Eddie Arcaro is its only two-time winner, taking both Whirlaway and Citation all the way, and its last two champions came consecutively in Seattle Slew and Affirmed. In 2005, Visa withdrew the sponsorship of this title and in 2004, its broadcastwas split between ABC and NBC. FTP, give this collective name for the Belmont Stakes, the Preakness Stakes, and the Kentucky Derby.

ANSWER: United States Triple Crown [don’t accept specific races, the clues all apply only to the triple crown as a whole]

5. For a charged particle, this function includes the square of the difference of the momentum and e over c times the vector potential. Any quantity whose Poisson bracket or commutator with it is zero is also a constant of the motion, and in quantum mechanics, the eigenvalues of this operator are the allowed energies. Equal to the Legendre transform of the Lagrangian, FTP name this function named for the inventor of quaternions, who also lends his name to closed circuits that touch each node of a graph once.

ANSWER: Hamiltonian

6. In Chapter 7 of this novel, the protagonist meets Mr. Crenshaw and a vet who is being transferred to St. Elizabeth’s. In a later chapter, the protagonist witnesses the death of Tod Clifton, who has abandoned his idealist cause to sell paper dolls. Earlier, the narrator is turned away by Mr. Emerson and gets a job mixing Optic White paint under the supervision of Lucius Brockway. As the novel begins, we learn that the narrator has disguised himself to escape a riot led by Ras the Destroyer, after which he reminisces about a blindfolded wrestling match and his time at a nameless, segregated Southern university. FTP, name this novel by Ralph Ellison.

ANSWER: Invisible Man

7. After he defeated the Solymians by dropping boulders on them, he overcame a group of Carian pirates led by Cheimarrhus. After completing these missions, he killed an ambush group sent by a king of Lycia, who later gave his daughter Philonoe in marriage to this man. After this son of Glaucus of Corinth was falsely accused of trying to seduce Stheneboea or Anteia, he was sent on a mission to kill a daughter of Echidna. He was given the task because Proetus had asked Iobates to kill him, but he won through with the help of a piece of lead attached to a spear, and a flying mount. FTP, name this hero who killed the Chimera while riding on Pegasus.

ANSWER: Bellerophon

8. In the XS-Form, XO-Form, A-Form and M-Form of this ISA's opcodes, the highest bit is considered the record (pron. ree-cord) bit, which specifies whether to set the condition register. It was first prototyped in the 801 chip, although the 604e would later prove to popularize it for IBM. Its first version required an emulator to run the native 68K code that had not been rewritten for it. Motorola eventually added a vector processor to it, named VMX by IBM, the AltiVec by Motorola itself, and the Velocity Engine by Apple. For ten points, name this RISC-based CPU architecture used by the G3, G4, and G5 Macintosh computers.


9. His most notorious publication is likely the article “Distortions at Fourth Hand,” in which he apologized for the Khmer Rouge, and he also wrote the preface to a book by Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson, claiming that he was defending the principle of free speech. His assault on B.F. Skinner’s theories helped to initiate the cognitive revolution in psychology, and his namesake hierarchy ranks the expressive power of formal languages, a concept important in automata theory. His “principles and parameters” approach to language acquisition posits the existence of a universal grammar, and he believes that grammar is transformational and generative. FTP, name this linguist and polemicist, author of the scientific Syntactic Structures and political Imperial Ambitions.

ANSWER: NoamChomsky

10. The protagonist of this novel gains favor with the emperor after dancing the “Waves of the Blue Sea” and reciting some of his poetry, but is almost ruined when he impregnates Fujitsubo, the emperor’s concubine. The protagonist also messes around with Utsusemi and Yugao, much to the dismay of his wife, Princess Aoi. Fortunately, she dies at the end of the novel, so that the title character can marry his young ward who shares her name with the novel’s author. FTP, name this 11th-century Japanese novel by Lady Murasaki Shikibu.

ANSWER: TheTale of Genji or Genji monogatari

11. This term is also used as part of a two-tiered system in New Brunswick, but in its American application, the northeastern ones include East Caroll, Madison, and Tensas, while the southwest is made up of Cameron and Calcisseau. The use of this term reflects the area’s French heritage, and more notable ones include St. Charles, Jefferson, Caddo, and Nachitoches, while Vernon, Catahoula, St. Tammany and Caldwell were among those declared disaster areas in 2005 by Kathleen Blanco. FTP, name this equivalent to counties in Louisiana.

ANSWER: parishes

12. Structurally, its transporter is unique among secondary transporters due to the presence of eight membrane-spanning alpha-helices and two pore-loop structures. Following a rise in calcium concentration, astrocytes release this compound to help communication. This compound activates AMPA and NMDA receptors that depolarize cell membranes, one of the reasons it is suspected of causing epileptic seizures. FTP, name this primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, which is also a negatively charged amino acid with side chain CH2CH2COOminus, and which may best known for its monosodium variety.

ANSWER: glutamate or glutamic acid

13. Nine days after this battle, Anthony Wayne’s troops were slaughtered at night by Major General Charles Grey in the Paoli Massacre. In this battle, General Cornwallis led the attack on General Sullivan’s American right flank, while General Wilhelm Knyphausen feinted an attack on Maxwell and Greene’s troops at Chadd’s The Patriot side, which included the wounded Marquis de Lafayette, went to Chester, near Germantown, while the British occupied Philadelphia. FTP, name this September 11, 1777 victory by General William Howe over General George Washington, named for the small Pennsylvania waterway near the battle site.

ANSWER: Battle of (the)BrandywineCreek

14. This poem mentions some hunters who are intent on having “the rabbit out of hiding / To please the yelping dogs.” Later, the speaker makes the accurate observation “But here there are no cows” before having a vision of another man who “moves in darkness” and appears to be a “savage armed.” The speaker resists the temptation to say the word “Elves,” and confesses that “Spring is the mischief in me” after noting that his apple trees will never eat his neighbor’s pine cones. FTP, name this poem about two people who meet annually to perform the titular activity on the line between their two properties, the first poem in North of Boston by Robert Frost which includes the statement “Good fences make good neighbors.”

ANSWER: “Mending Wall”

15. This man composed a series of preludes for piano whose titles include “Wind over the Plains,” “Homage to Samuel Pickwick,” and “The Girl with the Flaxen Hair.” His works for piano include Estampes, In Black and White, and The Children’s Corner, and he composed an opera set in the mythical kingdom of Allemonde, based on Maurice Maeterlinck’s Pélleas and Méllisande. FTP, name this French Impressionist composer, best known for his orchestral works La Mer and Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, as well as his Suite Bergamasque, which contains “Clair de lune.”

ANSWER: Claude Debussy

16. In Chapter 20 of this book, the narrator removes his sandals and sackcloth “as a sign of portent against Egypt and Cush.” In Chapter 23, the narrator compares the city of Tyre to a forgotten prostitute, while the book moves on to prophesy Hezekiah’s defeat of Sennacherib and the end of the Babylonian captivity. Chapter 9 verse 6, which appears in Handel’s Messiah, prophesies the birth of a child of the line of David who will be called “Everlasting Father” and “Prince of Peace.” FTP, name this book of the Bible, a work in 66 chapters which was written by the first of the Major Prophets.

ANSWER: the book of Isaiah

17. This collaborater of Colonel Seves achieved a great triumph in the Citadel massacre. This man’s ambissions led Mahmud II to accept Russian mediation which led to the Peace of Kutahia, but he finally achieved virtual independence from his sovereign following the Battle of Nizip in 1839. His son Ibrahim won a great victory at Konya but was defeated at by a combined Russian, British, and French force at Navarino. Famous for destroying the Mamelukes, FTP, name this Albanian-born viceroy of Egypt, who ruled it from 1805 to 1848.

ANSWER: Muhammad Ali Pasha (or Mehmet Ali)

18. They are divided into two classes based on the ratio of the penetration depth to the coherence length, a quantity known as the Ginsburg-Landau parameter. Alexei Abrikosov discovered his namesake vortex lattice in one type, and the London equation describes a characteristic behavior of these materials similar to perfect diamagnetism. A complete theory of the type I variety of these substances, including the concept of the pairing of opposite-spin electrons over long distances, is known as the BCS theory. Discovered by Heike Kammerlingh-Onnes, FTP, identify these substances which exhibit zero electrical resistivity.

ANSWER: superconductors (accept superconductivity)

19. His philosophy was shaped by his time in the von Gerlach circle, with whom he collaborated on a column in the Kreuzzeitung. As a representative to the Erfurt Parliament in 1849, he denounced unification as “a putrid brew of sentimentality,” and he later negotiated the Three Emperors League, launched the Kulturkampf, and altered the Ems Telegram. He warned that “the great questions of the day will not be setteld by speeches and majority by blood and iron.” After the success of his realpolitik in the Franco-Prussian War, he was elevated to Chancellor of the new German Empire. FTP, name this Prussian diplomat.

ANSWER: Otto Eduard Leopold, Fürst von Bismarck, Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen, Herzog von Lauenburg

20. In Woody Allen’s short story The Kugelmass Episode, the title character is transported through a cabinet in Brooklyn to the estate of this novel’s title character.In Chapter 21, the protagonist buys a riding whip from Lhereux [loo-roo], and presents it to another character along with a scarf and a seal reading “Amor nel cor.” At the end of the novel, one character is awarded the Legion of Honor, while Berthe, the daughter of the title character, is sent to live with an aunt who makes her work in a cotton mill. The wily pharmacist Monsieur Homais inadvertently provides the title character with the arsenic she uses to kill herself, after she racks up debts and is spurned by her former lover, Rodolphe Boulanger. FTP name this Gustave Flaubert novel about the wife of Charles, Emma.

ANSWER: Madame Bovary

21. Benedetto Croce wrote a book discussing “what is living and what is dead in the philosophy” of this man, while a book on this man and “the rise of social theory” which appeared in 1941 attacked the idea that his philosophy contained the seeds of fascism. In the 1790s this man wrote essays on “The Positivity of the Christian Religion” and “The Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate,” which were influenced by his theological studies at Tübingen. The three terms for which he may be best known were in fact invented by Heinrich Chalybäus in 1837, six years after this man died while working as a professor of philosophy at Berlin. He tried to offer an account of any necessary concept in his Science of Logic, while he considered the relation between human thought and the real world in his Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences. FTP, name this German thinker who wrote the Philosophy of Right and The Phenomenology of Spirit.

ANSWER: Georg Wilhelm FriedrichHegel

22. It was used in wall paintings in ancient Egypt and Babylonia, and during the Mycenaean period in Greece, where a little vinegar was probably added. One must first fill all the cracks and crevices in the panel with a mixture of size, glue or sawdust. The panel is then covered with cloth and the surface is coated with heavy gesso. The painter had to work with great rapidity and sureness, because correcting errors was nearly impossible and it dried very quickly. FTP, name this oldest method of painting, which usually used egg yolk and was practiced by such painters as Giotto and Cimabue.

ANSWER: Tempera

23. In the first scene of this opera, the protagonist comes onstage with a bear that pesters his surrogate father, who responds with his “Starling Song.” After he bathes in the blood of the antagonist in Act Two, the protagonist is able to see through the lies of that surrogate father, and proceeds to kill him. The blood also enables him to talk to a wood-bird, who explains how he can use the Tarnhelm to transport himself to Valkyrie Rock, where, at the beginning of Act Three, he must break the spear of Wotan with his newly-forged sword Notung. FTP, name this third opera in Richard Wagner’s Ring Cycle, in which the title character awakens Brunnhilde.

ANSWER: Siegfried

24. He came to power by killing the usurper Gautama, also known as Smerdis, in a coup which he recounted in the Behistun Inscription. He divided his empire into twenty provinces, each under the command of a satrap. He also built a road from Susa to his new capital, which replaced the former dynastic capital at Pasargadae. During his rule, he successfully put down rebellions in Sugartia and Susiana and waged war against the Scythians, but he was defeated in 490 B.C. by revolting Ionian city-states in the Battle of Marathon. FTP, name this Persian king who was succeeded by Xerxes I.

ANSWER: Darius I [or Darius the Great; prompt on Darius]

ACF Fall 2005

Packet by UT-Austin, Chicago B, Yale B, Florida C, and Laurentian

1. Answer the following about graph theory, for 10 points each.

[10] A graph can be described as this if it can be drawn 2-dimensionally so that no edges cross.

ANSWER: Planar

[10] Who developed the formula that equates the number of regions in a planar, connected graph with the number of edges minus the number of vertices plus two?