Name andStaff Number
Faculty/Unit / School/
Delivery Address
Including Room Number
Suburb /
Post Code
Phone No / Fax NoEmail Address
I the above mentioned, hereby apply to be allocated access to the Corporate Express Internet ordering system. I understand that this access can be terminated immediately, if I do not observe any instructions regarding the ordering of supplies given to me by my supervisor. I also understand that that this access allows me to process an order for goods up to $2,000, without the approval of my supervisor. And that the order will be automatically paid by FSU, upon receipt of an invoice. All orders of above $2,000 will not be processed without the approval of my nominated supervisor. Copies of all orders processed by me will e-mailed to my nominated supervisor.
Signature / Date2. APPROVAL
I hereby delegate to the applicant approval to commit to the cost centres mentioned above, amounts of less than $2,000 per order. I nominate the under mentioned person as the nominated supervisor to the applicant and delegate to them approval to expend funds of more than $2,000 and less than $5,000. I also approve this application.
Nominated Supervisor
Full Name.Phone No / Fax No
Email Address
Org Unit
Signature / Date
Corporate Express Procedures
- Delegation of Authority to Order.
A Dean/Head of School/Department/Unit may delegate to an employee within the area the authority to order items from Corporate Express using their on-line ordering system. It is important to realise that the employee nominated must be the person who normally does the ordering not the supervisor. The Cost Centres to which the goods will be charged must also be nominated. Each authorised ordering employee must have a nominated supervisor. - Allocation of Access
The delegation authority will be sent to Purchasing Branch who will organise access and training. A combined UTS and Corporate Express team will carry out the training. The access will be controlled by logon name and password, which should be treated in the normal secure manner. Any breaches of discipline or security may result in the immediate withdrawal of access. A list of terminated employees will be sent to Purchasing Branch each fortnight so that no ex-employees will be allowed access. - Ordering Goods.
When any goods, which are supplied by Corporate Express, are required, the authorised employee will log on to the system, indicate which goods are required and print of a copy of the order. This copy of the order will be retained in the area concerned and the electronic order transmitted to Corporate Express. The system will allow the ordering employee to open an order, put some items in it, wait a day or so, then put more items on the same order before finally printing, approving and submitting it. It should be noted that each order can have only one Cost Centre, if you are ordering for different Cost Centres, you will need to open a separate order for each one. - Delivery of Goods
When submitting an order, you nominate the delivery point. One big advantage of Corporate Express is that they offer desktop delivery. As the Central Store will no longer be operating all orders must nominate a destination within the Faculty/Division. When the goods are received a priced Delivery Docket will be attached. Ensure you check the goods received against the Delivery Docket and your original order. If there is anything wrong contact Corporate Express immediately, arrange for the incorrect goods to be collected and the issue of a Return Authority No. - Reports
Copies of all orders placed will be e-mailed to the nominated supervisor for their information. Purchasing Branch will also get summary and detailed reports of all orders placed by Cost Centre and Category. Purchasing Branch will not be able to check every order; they will however look for general blatant misuse or excessive usage. - Payment.
Financial Services Unit will receive a monthly DataFile invoice, which will be processed for payment without any further authority. The debits will be charged to the Cost Centres as indicated on the orders.