August 31st, 2016

Centennial Room

Meeting Start Time: 6:26pm

  1. Motion to approve minutes Connor Birzer
  2. Motion seconded
  3. Motion is passed
  1. Elections
  2. Constanza nominates Zoya for chair
  • Zoya accepts the nomination
  • Conner Birzer accepts the nomination

Zoya is acclimated as chair

2.2.Marcus Pepperdine nominates Constanza as the Vice Chair

  • Constanza accepts the nomination
  • Constanza gives a speech, no questions from the floor
  • Marcus motions to acclimate

Constanza is acclimated as Vice Chair of Mutlicultural Affairs

2.3 Isabelle nominates Nicole for Secretary

  • Marcus moves to close the floor from nominations
  • Nicole Riggs gives a short speech
  • Motion to acclimate

Nicole Riggs is acclimated as secretary

2.4 Elections for Fee Review

  • Stephonn nominates Kannika
  • Kannika accepts the nomination
  • Matthew nominates himself
  • Marcus nominates himself
  • McKenzie nominates herself
  • Marcus moves to close the floor to nominations
  • Kannika withdraws from nominations
  • Matthew gives short speech
  • Marcus gives short speech
  • McKenzie gives short speech

McKenzie and Marcus are elected

2.5 Status of Minority committee elections

  • SaidaBonnefield from the provost office introduces the status of minority committee
  • Zoya opens the floor to nominations
  • Conner nominates Daniel Lee
  • Stephonn nominates Kannika
  • McKenzie nominates herself
  • Marcus moves to close the floor from
  • Zoya moves to acclimate

McKenzie, Kannika and Daniel are acclimated

2.6 Student Survey Board Elections

  • Stephonn explains the survey board
  • Matthew nominates himself
  • Matthew moves to close the floor to nominations
  • Cosntanza motions to acclimate

Matthew is acclimated to the Student Survey Board

2.7. Student Athletics Board

  • Abdoulie nominates himself
  • Daniel motions to close the floor, seconded
  • Daniel motions to acclimate

Abdoulie is acclimated for Student Athletics Board

2.8. Student Safety Board

  • Nicole nominates herself
  • Daniel motions to close the floor to nominations
  • Daniel motions to acclimate, seconded

Nicole is acclimated for Student Safety Board

2.9. Student Environmental Advisory Board

  • McKenzie nominates herself
  • Marcus closes the floor

McKenzie is acclimated for Student Environmental Advisory Board

Retention Board

  • Costanza nominates herself
  • McKenzie nominates herself
  • Marcus closes the floor to nominations
  • Floor was open for discussion and voice vote was held

Cosntanza was elected for Retention Board

  1. ECM Bill 2017--016
  2. McKenzie presents the ECM bill
  1. Conner closes the floor, seconded

Bill passes unanimou[1]sly

  1. Bill 2017-015
  2. Stephonn presents the bill
  3. Marcus asks for brief preface
  4. Stephonn grants preface
  5. Marcus wants to include multicultural Greeks in the bill, he asks to strike the language about membership screening process
  6. Kannika asks how much funding this would allow
  7. Cosntanza asks if the bill allows Greeks to request funding
  8. Stephonn clarifies that Greeks are excluded
  9. Marcus asks about the language of the bill
  10. Stephonn clarifies the actual language of the bill, not the same as our bill we have received
  11. Marcus asks if Stephonn would be opposed to adding Multicultural Greeks
  12. Zoya receives word that the bill was tabled
  13. Marcus motions to table the bill

Bill 2017-015 was tabled

  1. Bill 2017-020
  2. Abdoulie and Stephonn present the board of advisor bills
  3. Zoya opens to questions
  4. Constanza asks to open the language from presidents or “its senators”
  5. Abdoulie clarifies the language of the bill
  6. Marcus ask for clarification on the language
  7. Kevin motions to close the floor from questions
  8. Voted to call the question, seconded

Amendment Passes Unanimously

  1. Announcements
  2. Saida talks about Ad Astra conference
  3. Saida announces the climate study
  4. Zoya announces the next meeting, same time same place

7. Marcus motions to adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm [2]

410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710


410 Kansas Union  University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 66045  (785)-864-3710