Project Brief
1. Identifiers: /Project Number: / P064438
Project Name: / South Africa: Greater Addo Elephant National Park Project
Duration: / 6 years
Implementing Agency: /
World Bank
Executing Agency: / South African National parksRequesting Country or Countries: / Republic of South Africa
Eligibility: / South Africa ratified the Convention on Biodiversity on November 2, 1995
GEF Focal Area: / Biodiversity
GEF Programming Framework: / Arid and semi arid ecosystems ( OP 1 ) with support to coastal, marine and freshwater ecosystems ( OP 2 )
2. Summary:
The project objective is to create the third largest National Park in South Africa around the existing Addo Elephant National Park by supporting innovative models to involve landowners, community and private sectorto conserve globally significant biodiversity in terrestrial and marine environment. It will include 6 out of 7 of South Africa’s biomes including the highly threatened Succulent Karoo, Fynbos and Thicket biome. The project responds to national priorities by :
1.Strengthening conservation, integrated ecosystem and protected area management in a threatened area.
2.Increasing employment and incomes in the project area, thereby reducing poverty.
3.Increasing regional economic growth through creating a better tourism product in the Eastern Cape.
4.Providing institutional and governance strengthening to SANPark’s, government and landowners.
5.Providing support to the weakest and poorest province in South Africa.
The incremental GEF support will be used to:
1.Develop an integrated conservation plan/ planning and monitoring system for the Park.
2.Support implementation of the Park development plan including rehabilitation of ecosystems and private landowner incorporation and partnership.
3.Provide targeted support to institutions and governance structures to implement the planning and Park management requirements.
4.Support community development so that the community benefit from Park social and economic opportunities
5.Support regional economic development through removing barriers to Addo becoming a tourist destination and facilitating private sector investment.
3. Costs and Financing (Million US): /
gef: / Project 5.500
PDF 0.339
Subtotal GEF 5.839
Co-financing: / IA 0.000
Other International 0.000
Government of South Africa 12.000
South African National Parks 15.942
Private 6.500
Subtotal Co-Financing: 34.442
Total Project Cost: / 40.281
4. Associated Financing (Million US$)
5. Operational Focal Point endorsement: / Refer to Annexure 13. GEF focal Point letter
Organization: / Title: Dr Olver, DG Department of Environment Affairs and Tourism, Tel 27 12 310 3911
Fax 27 12 320 4746
Date: Feb 27, 2002
6. IA Contact: / World Bank Regional Coordinator for Africa Region, Christophe Crepin, Tel 202-473 9725 , Fax 202-614 0893