GTTC Working Group: Future of Ground Testing
Minutes from the Telecom of 8/7/14, Noon – 1300 US Eastern Daylight Savings Time
1. Quick round-robin on who’s on the call.
Steve Dunn
Vic Canacci
Dan Guisinger
Tom Wayman
Oliver Leembruggen
Steve Schneider
Paul Kelley
2. Old business
a. Dunn commented that the notes from the AIAA Aviation conference are posted on the web site. Additional references have also been posted. All are encouraged to visit and also add the function to be notified when something new is posted.
i. This is a group of busy people; let’s use the web site as our virtual meeting room at times of our conveni9ence.
b. Reviewed actions from meeting at SciTech using table (at end of notes). Some notes from those discussions:
i. Discussion on the necessity of integrating with computationalists if we’re going to make a difference; some raw notes:
1. Make a solid list of things CFD can do well à list these up front
a. But marginal in some areas and not good in other areas
2. Some discussion on the CFD 2030 Slotnik, et. al. paper (posted in references section on web site)
a. Seems pretty pro CFD and minimized EFD up front; done by multiple authors in sections and need for balance CFD/EFD is present in later sections
b. They spoke of ‘what’, but the ‘how’ is largely missing; seems to need batter balance with EFD and measurement technologies
c. Need to get to the money people on how we’ll move to CFD
ii. Consider using the science decadal studies with the whole community – physics guys, CFD/EFD and others – working together
iii. Do we have enough CFD representation on our WG? No.
1. Need to find some of the right people and ask them to join us
2. A couple of guys from Langley were mentioned: Peter Gnoffo and Peter Smalard(?)
3. Need a common program of numerical modeling, experimental validation, and more
3. New business
a. Discussed preparations for AIAA SciTech (January 2015 in Orlando area)
i. We do not have a session in the plan; AIAA is locking it down early this year. Still checking, but unlikely. So we only briefly touch on these agenda items:
1. Can we have a meta-analysis paper ready by SciTech 2015? We have until September 30th to decide.
a. See if we can go to this invited session; check this out; see what’s there; can we do it by this date? Can we just provide a status report; status overview rather than actual paper;
2. Can we have an information advocacy briefing or at least, a solid draft, that could be presented at SciTech 2015? Wondering if we could turn a 30 minute session into a draft presentation with audience comments. We have until September 30th to decide. – can we blend one and two into a status – can we do this? Look at Aero meeting; see if we can get into Integration Layer of the conference too;
ii. From the earlier discussion on being more involved with the CFD community, we briefly discussed greater involvement in the AIAA integration layer, which cross-cuts and includes the computational community and (maybe) the flight test community.
iii. Dunn noted the upcoming NPAT meeting at AEDC in October (which might include the opportunity to interact with Dr. Ed Kraft about our WG). Leembruggan (?) noted that NPAT is meeting at Wright Patterson AFB August 19-20.
iv. In reference to the action on tracking article reviews, Canacci noted that tracking spreadsheets have already been developed and he will procide them to the steering committee
v. Noted that Joe Morrison (Langley) is working follow-up to the CFD Vision 2030 paper. A meeting to learn more and discuss how we could interact is scheduled for 8/13/15; attendees are Dunn, Micol, Jacobs
vi. In follow-up to involving more CFD folks with our team, several actions to contact and invite involvement:
1. Peter Gnoffo and Peter Smalard(?): action to Jacobs, Micol
2. Jeff Slotnok: action to Tom Wayman
3. Dmitri Mavriplis: action to Tom Wayman
vii. Summary of new actions:
# / Item / Assigned to: / Due Date: / Status:16 / Meet with Joe Morrison about CFD Vision 2030 followup and how our WG and interact. Post notes. / Dunn, Micol, Jacobs / 8/13/14
17 / Contact Jeff Slotnik about joining our WG / Tom Wayman / 8/31/14
18 / Contact Dmitri Mavriplis about joining our WG / Tom Wayman / 8/31/14
19 / Contact Peter Gnoffo and Peter Smalard(?) about joining our WG / Pete Jacobs / 8/31/14
4. Reminder that the next telecom planned for September 4th. Please see and use the web site in the interim.
5. Adjourned
# / Item / Assigned to: / Due Date: / Status:1 / Check with Brian Hollis (NASA LaRC) on the 11 ‘things’ CFD can’t do – are these public domain? / John Micol / 7/29/14 / See paper posted in references by Yoon, (AIAA-2007-4265) – this covers some of it. The rest was created by Brian. Checking if we can post the list as used in the NPAT hypersonic study.
2 / Steering committee actively engaged / S Dunn, V Canacci, O Leembruggen, P Jacobs, J Micol / Ongoing
3 / Set up monthly telecoms for all the WG / S Dunn / Complete 7/9/14
4 / Define audiences: who, what mission / Dunn, Micol, Jacobs, then to WG / Meeting planned on 7/31; (Examine this paper and review Mallick and Bushnell (SP?) paper) Look at Boeing paper (shows more pro’s and con’s); CFD sweat spots – find this information. Look at CFD 2030 Funded Study; See if we can get systems, CFD, and EFD together and show what needs to be done to advance field as a whole; find out how to do that; Dunn to talk to Mallick and Joe ? next week; see what we can find;
5 / Develop approach and build table that defines all the different funding approached used for ground test facilities (methods/means) / Initial discussion is S Best and S Dunn / See Irvine/Arrington paper on Unitary Plan (would like to see this); Look on this website;
6 / Study and highlight failures resulting from inadequate early development work (EFD/CFD). Put folder for examples on WG web site. / Folder is Dunn action. All to add examples. / Folder created on 7/29/14
7 / Mine the Ed Kraft paper for references and post them on the web site. / Dunn / 7/29/14 / Complete
8 / Contact Ed Kraft about additional references and to update him about our web site / Dunn / Initial contact made by Baresh ; need to follow this up; see if we can find him;
9 / Request an invited session for 2015 SciTech / Dunn / 7/23/14 / Complete; NOT ACCEPTED; Need to find out that we need to get into this program; see if we can get this going; VC talk to Arrington about inflexibility of conference rooms at Sci-Tech 2015;
10 / Meet with Mike Mastaler (NASA ATP) as a follow-up from Aviation and to engage with NPAT (National Partnership for Aero Testing – late October); NPAT at August 19-20 at WPAFB/AFRL; see if Oliver has a chance to talk to them in August; / Dunn / Initial meeting held on 7/28. Good possibility of being added to NPAT agenda to brief what we’re doing and to seek their engagement. (see if we can add ourselves to the distribution for this)
11 / Use control paper and initial attributes list to review paper and develop review form / All meeting attendees / 7/11/14 / Review this paper and look at this; 11/12/15 Steering Committee to do work; Need to create summary document of what the last decade’s meta-analysis; Dunn to lead; SC to do; should have progress by next telecom
12 / Divide documents into groups of 3, with approximately similar page counts, and assign across the entire WG membership / Steering committee / To be done by steering committee – we can do this on the website; Canacci to talk to Dunn regarding how to track with the reviewers;
13 / Post a WG member list on the web site / Dunn / Post on website? Post list of members and organizations;
14 / Explore WG involvement in the AIAA conference integration layer; report on first telecom / Dunn / 9/30/14 / Dunn spoke with R. Wahls; inconclusive so more to do. Baresh contacted Ed Kraft (twice); inconclusive so more to do. Increased due date to end of September
15 / When Item 12 is complete, an action will be created to track member assignments to review papers.