DRAFT 2010 Revised TEKS (May 28/2010)

S- Science

H – Health

T- Technology


Revised TEKS for 2010 (May/2010)

First Grade Science
TEKS - Student Objectives
NOTE: At this time, the Ongoing TEKS are only listed in the first nine weeks. Areas highlighted and in red denote changes made at the May 24th meeting.
(Chicken, Frog, Fish)
The recommendation for K-2 is a minimum of 30 minutes a day for Science instruction. 80 percent of this instructional time should be in classroom and outdoor investigations.
The study of elementary science includes planning and safely implementing classroom and outdoor investigations using scientific processes, including inquiry methods, analyzing information, making informed decisions, and using tools to collect and record information, while addressing the major concepts and vocabulary, in the context of physical, earth, and life sciences.
Grade One Overview
In Grade 1 students are to be involved in simple descriptive investigations. Descriptive investigations involve describing and/or quantifying parts of a natural system.
·  What kinds of organisms live in the playground at our school?
·  What happens to the plant material that is placed in a compost pile?
Students observe and describe the natural world using their five senses. Students do science as inquiry in order to develop and enrich their abilities to understand the world around them in the context of scientific concepts and processes. Students develop vocabulary through their experiences investigating properties of common objects, earth materials, and organisms.
A central theme in first grade science is active engagement in asking questions, communicating ideas, and exploring with scientific tools in order to explain scientific concepts and processes like scientific investigation and reasoning; matter and energy; force, motion, and energy; Earth and space; and organisms and environment. Scientific investigation and reasoning involves practicing safe procedures, asking questions about the natural world, and seeking answers to those questions through simple observations and descriptive investigations.
First Nine Weeks
Ongoing TEKS
Ongoing TEKS are the processes used to teach science content, and are addressed each nine weeks. By the end of the year all ongoing TEKS are to be covered.
S1.1(A)The student will recognize and demonstrate safe practices as described in the Texas Safety Standards during classroom and outdoor investigations, including wearing safety goggles, washing hands, and using materials appropriately
S1.1(B)The student will recognize the importance of safe practices to keep self and others safe and healthy
S1.2(A)The student will ask questions about organisms, objects, and events observed in the natural world
S1.2(C)The student will collect data and make observations using simple equipment such as hand lenses, primary balances, and non-standard measurement tools
S1.2(D)The student will record and organize data using pictures, numbers, and words
S1.2(E)The student will communicate observations and provide reasons for explanations using student-generated data from simple descriptive investigations
S1.3(A)The student will identify and explain a problem such as finding a home for a classroom pet and propose a solution in his/her own words
S1.3(B)The student will make predictions based on observable patterns;
S1.3(C)The student will describe what scientists do.
S1.4(A)The student will collect, record, and compare information using tools, including:
· bowls
· collecting nets
· cups
· computers
· hand lenses
· magnets
· non-standard measuring items such as paper clips and clothespins / · notebooks
· primary balances
· safety goggles
·  timing devices (including clocks and timers)
·  weather instruments such as classroom demonstration thermometers, wind socks / ·  materials to support the observation of habitats of organisms such as terrariums and aquariums.
S1.4(B)The student will measure and compare organisms and objects using non-standard units
K-2 Ongoing Technology TEKS - By the end of the year all ongoing TEKS are to be covered.
T1.4(A)The student will apply keyword searches to acquire information; and
T1.4(B)The student will select appropriate strategies to navigate and access information for research and resource sharing.
T2.5(A)The student will acquire information including text, audio, video, and graphics; and
T2.5(B)The student will use on-line help.
T1.7(A)The student will use software programs with audio, video, and graphics to enhance learning experiences; and
T1.7(B)The student will use appropriate software, including the use of word processing and multimedia, to express ideas and solve problems
T1.8(A)The student will use communication tools to participate in group projects; and
T1.8(B)The student will use electronic tools and research skills to build a knowledge base regarding a topic, task, or assignment.
T1.11(A)The student will publish information in a variety of media including, but not limited to, printed copy or monitor display
T1.11(B)The student will publish information in a variety of media including, but not limited to, stored files or video.
First Nine Weeks Overview:
Matter is described in terms of its physical properties, including relative size and mass, shape, color, and texture. The importance of light, heat, and sound energy is identified as it relates to the students' everyday life. The location and motion of objects are explored.
(5)Matter and energy. The student knows that objects have properties and patterns
(6)Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that force, motion, and energy are related and are a part of everyday life. / Suggested Time Ranges
H1.7(B) The student will identify common illnesses and diseases and their symptoms.
H1.7(A) The student will name types of germs that cause illnesses and diseases. / 2-3 days
H1.4(A) The student will identify and demonstrate use of the five senses. / 3-5 days
S1.5(A)The student will classify objects by observable properties of the materials from which they are made such as larger and smaller, heavier and lighter, shape, color, and texture / 3-5 days
S1.5 (B)The student will predict and identify changes in materials caused by heating and cooling such as ice melting, water freezing, and water evaporating. / 3-5 days
H1.2(A) The student will identify and use protective equipment to prevent injury.
H1.2(E) The student will identify safety rules that help to prevent poisoning.
H1.2(F) The student will identify and describe safe bicycle skills. / 2-3 days
S1.6(A)The student will identify and discuss how different forms of energy such as light, heat, and sound are important to everyday life / 4-6 days
S1.6(B)The student will predict and describe how a magnet can be used to push or pull an object; / 2-3 days
S1.6(D)The student will demonstrate and record the ways that objects can move such as in a straight line, zig zag, up and down, back and forth, round and round, and fast and slow / 3-5 days
S1.6(C)The student will describe the change in the location of an object such as closer to, nearer to, and farther from / 2-5 days
Second Nine Weeks
Second Nine Weeks Overview
Weather is recorded and discussed on a daily basis so students may begin to recognize patterns in the weather. In addition, patterns are observed in the appearance of objects in the sky.
(7)Earth and space. The student knows that the natural world includes rocks, soil, and water that can be observed in cycles, patterns, and systems (continued in Third Nine Weeks).
(8) Earth and space. The student knows that the natural world includes the air around us and objects in the sky / Suggested Time Ranges
S1.2(B) The student will plan and conduct simple descriptive investigations such as ways objects move; / 3-4 days
S1.8(D)The student will demonstrate that air is all around us and observe that wind is moving air / 2-4 days
S1.8(C)The student will identify characteristics of the seasons of the year and day and night / 6-8 days
S1.8(A)The student will record weather information, including relative temperature, such as hot or cold, clear or cloudy, calm or windy, and rainy or icy / 5-8 days
S1.8(B)The student will observe and record changes in the appearance of objects in the sky such as clouds, the Moon, and stars, including the Sun / 6-8 days
S1.7(A)The student will observe, compare, describe, and sort components of soil by size, texture, and color; / 6-8 days
Third Nine Weeks
Third Nine Weeks Overview
Weather is recorded and discussed on a daily basis so students may begin to recognize patterns in the weather. In addition, patterns are observed in the appearance of objects in the sky.
(7)Earth and space. The student knows that the natural world includes rocks, soil, and water that can be observed in cycles, patterns, and systems (continued from Second Nine Weeks).
In life science, students recognize the interdependence of organisms in the natural world. They understand that all organisms have basic needs that can be satisfied through interactions with living and nonliving things. Students will investigate life cycles of animals and identify likenesses between parents and offspring.
(9)Organisms and environments. The student knows that the living environment is composed of relationships between organisms and the life cycles that occur.
(10) Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms resemble their parents and have structures and processes that help them survive within their environments. / Suggested Time Ranges
S1.7(B)The student will identify and describe a variety of natural sources of water, including streams, lakes, and oceans / 5-7 days
S1.7(C)The student will gather evidence of how rocks, soil, and water help to make useful products / 2-3 days
S1.1(C)The student will identify and learn how to use natural resources and materials, including conservation and reuse or recycling of paper, plastic, and metals / 2-3 days
S1.9(A)The student will sort and classify living and nonliving things based upon whether or not they have basic needs and produce offspring / 3-5 days
H1.4(B) The student will identify major body structures and organs and describe their basic functions.
H1.1(B) The student will describe activities that are provided by health care professionals such as medical check-up and dental exams. / 3-5 days
H1.5(B) The student will list ways health information can be used such as knowing how to brush teeth properly. / 2-3 days
S1.10(A)The student will investigate how the external characteristics of an animal are related to where it lives, how it moves, and what it eats. / 5-7 days
S1.10(C)The student will compare ways that young animals resemble their parents / 3-5 days
Fourth Nine Weeks
Fourth Nine Weeks Overview
In life science, students recognize the interdependence of organisms in the natural world. They understand that all organisms have basic needs that can be satisfied through interactions with living and nonliving things. Students will investigate life cycles of animals and identify likenesses between parents and offspring.
9)Organisms and environments. The student knows that the living environment is composed of relationships between organisms and the life cycles that occur.
(10) Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms resemble their parents and have structures and processes that help them survive within their environments. / Suggested Time Ranges
S1.10(D)The student will observe and record life cycles of animals such as a chicken, frog, or fish / 7-10 days
S1.10(B)The student will identify and compare the parts of plants / 3-5 days
S1.9(B) The student will analyze and record examples of interdependence found in various situations such as terrariums and aquariums
S1.9(C)The student will gather evidence of interdependence among living organisms such as energy transfer through food chains and animals using plants for shelter. / 7-15 days
S1.9(B) The student will analyze and record examples of interdependence found in various situations such as pet and caregiver; / 3-5 days
S1.3(A)The student will identify and explain a problem such as finding a home for a classroom pet and propose a solution in his/her own words / 3-5 days

S- Science

H – Health

T - Technology



S- Science

M- Math

SS–Social Studies

H – Health

T – Technology