COURSE TITLE: Co-op/Internship
PREREQUISITES: Program Advisor Approval
DIVISION: Public Services
PROGRAM: Hospitality Administration
CONTACT HOURS: 240 Coop/Practical
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course offers a practical experience in a commercial/non-commercial foodservice or hotel establishment in order to build specialized skills. This work-based experience provides an opportunity for students to transfer their academic preparation into actual work-based learning by acquiring "real world" skills and building ties with the business/professional community. (Students should have a site in mind prior to registering for this course--coordinator will assist.)
1. Letter of application to prospective firm.
2. Resume or personal data sheet.
3. Interview with prospective firm.
4. Follow-up letter and/or thank you.
5. Intern self-evaluation.
Students should contact the coordinator at least SIX months prior to the semester in which they will enroll for work experience for assistance in selection of an appropriate host site.
MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course the student will be expected to have:
1. Applied academic skills to a hospitality workplace environment and have gained experience and built skill proficiency.
2. Practiced organizational skills, multi-tasking and working with a “sense of urgency” to meet the organizational goals of the host site.
3. Utilized skills gained from the technical core of classes in observing and assisting in purchasing, costing, menu planning and scheduling in the host site.
4. Improved interpersonal and teambuilding skills through practical experience.
5. Experienced a management perspective of the host site.
COURSE CONTENT: Major instructional topics
1. Job preparation activities.
· Externship Student Memo of Understanding
· Letter of application to prospective firm
· Resume or personal data sheet
· Interview with prospective firm
· Follow-up letter and/or thank you
2. Establishment of Externship Training Plan (expected learning goal and objectives) Completion of Externship Training Agreement with host site supervisor with signatures and submission to Externship Coordinator.
3. Completion and submission of the Employee Verification Form.
4. Reporting Activities:
· Bi-weekly meeting with coordinator to submit, review & discuss activity logs and reports.
· Weekly activity logs in a workbook to be maintained by the student to include notes pertaining to daily activities, experiences and observations. The workbook is intended for descriptions, recipes, methods, illustrations/photos, specials/projects and any other useful information. Two or three paragraph-typewritten memo attached to each set of activity logs summarizing the activities for the week.
· The workbook must be reviewed and signed by the host site supervisor at the end of each week and submitted to the coordinator bi-weekly.
· Blackboard Mini-Quizzes based upon assigned text readings from the “Hospitality and Restaurant Management” NRAEF “ManageFirst” Competency Guide and other related assignments from this text as directed on Blackboard.
· Final Externship Experience Report. Final Report to be typewritten, double-spaced, professional and in proper report format. Include cover page, adequate margins, etc. Final Report to be a minimum of two pages and should highlight the following areas:
o Strengths and weaknesses of host site and host site supervision.
o Strengths and weaknesses of externship student academic preparation.
o Strengths that student brought to the experience-both personal skills as well as academic.
o Specific abilities and skills that student developed based on the externship experience.
o A general summation of student externship and how it will be useful to future career planning.
o Suggestions for future use of this property for an internship placement.
· Final Student Externship Evaluation form to be completed signed and submitted midway (after 120 hours completion of externship) and upon completion of the externship (after 240 hours completion of externship), within one-week prior the end of the semester.
· Completion and submission of the Hours Verification Form.
5. NRAEF “ManageFirst” Certification Exam. The student will be required to pass the final comprehensive exam with a score of 75% or higher to earn the certificate, which is a core competency required for the ManageFirst Professional Designation..
6. Practical Skills Verification test is required for students of Culinary Arts or Baking/Pastry Arts specialties in the program. This test qualifies the student for ACFF (American Culinary Federation Foundation) certification upon successful completion of the test and graduation from the program. Thirty days prior the end of the externship semester, a practical skills test preparation packet can be obtained from the program coordinator. Students taking the practical skills verification test are expected to review the skill sets to be tested and prepare for the practical skills test on their own time. The program coordinator will provide possible test dates and times for the practical skills verification test to the student. Students must earn a minimum averaged score of 72 for the practical skills verification test. A score lower than 72 will result in remediation of that item at another scheduled time to be determined by the program coordinator. (This may result in an incomplete status for this course until another practical skills verification test can be re-scheduled.)
7. Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP) Exam (a requirement for graduation). The faculty advisor will provide testing dates for the CAAP Exam.
All associate degree graduates must take two modules of the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP) in their capstone course. This is a requirement for graduation. There will be an in-class testing session but students who miss the in-class administration will have an opportunity to take the exams in the local assessment center.
MangegeFirst; Hospitality and Restaurant Management Competency Guide: Pearson Prentice Hall Publishing
A qualified faculty member in Hospitality Administration is one who has an earned baccalaureate or higher degree, from a regionally accredited institution, with academic preparation and/or work experience appropriate to the course and/or specialty being taught, and who has professional certification in the field.
The College is committed to academic integrity in all its practices. The faculty value intellectual integrity and a high standard of academic conduct. Activities that violate academic integrity undermine the quality and diminish the value of educational achievement.
Cheating on papers, tests or other academic works is a violation of College rules. No student shall engage in behavior that, in the judgment of the instructor of the class, may be construed as cheating. This may include, but is not limited to, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty such as the acquisition without permission of tests or other academic materials and/or distribution of these materials and other academic work. This includes students who aid and abet as well as those who attempt such behavior.
Students shall adhere to the laws governing the use of copyrighted materials. They must insure that their activities comply with fair use and in no way infringe on the copyright or other proprietary rights of others and that the materials used and developed at Ivy Tech Community College contain nothing unlawful, unethical, or libelous and do not constitute any violation of any right of privacy.
Ivy Tech Community College seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with documented disabilities. If you need an accommodation because of a documented disability, please contact the Office of Disability Support Services.
If you will require assistance during an emergency evacuation, notify your instructor immediately. Look for evacuation procedures posted in your classroom.
The instructor will provide students with a course syllabus on Blackboard. The HOS 280 syllabus is also available on the Hospitality Group Page on Campus Connect. The syllabus should communicate clear and concise information to help the student understand the scope of the course and expectation for successful completion.
METHOD(S) OF DELIVERY: Experiential, Online and evaluation
MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: Competency Guide, daily activity logs and memos to be created by student and presented to program coordinator.
Student will be evaluated on the following formula:
Points earned / points possible = %
Points are earned from the following:
Weekly Activity Logs/Workbook 16 X 15 240 points
Mid-Term Evaluation 150 150 points
Online Chapter Quizzes 10 X 10 100 points
Comprehensive Final Exam 280 280 points
Final Report by student 100 100 points
Final Student Externship Evaluation 400 400 points
Practical Skills Verification Test 200 200 points
Total Points Possible 1470 points
SCALE: 92%= A 84%=B 75%=C 72%=D.
Tests and Practical may not be made up. Students may take a test prior to the test date. Medical excuses should be reviewed with the instructor.
The quality of student performance or competency level, as determined by the instructor at the completion of a course, is indicated by a letter grade of A, B, C, D, or F. Ivy Tech does not use pluses and minuses as a part of its grading system.
Regular attendance is expected for the externship experience at scheduled times determined by the host site supervisor. The externship-work experience is to be treated as regular employment and the student is subject to the policies and procedures of the host site. Dependability is one of the most important attributes of an employee in the hospitality industry! The externship student is expected to report to work on time, every day. In fact, the student is strongly encouraged to arrive earlier, work harder, and stay later than co-workers. By doing so, the student will impress the employer while increasing the changes of learning. Host Site supervisors keep attendance records that are considered in the evaluation process.
The term paper must be a minimum of __2_ number of typewritten pages (determined by the instructor), not including the cover page, bibliography or attachments. The papers will be double spaced with a one-inch margin on all four sides of the paper. The typeface will be 12 points using a standard typeface such as Times New Roman or Arial (no fancy fonts please).
You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association's Guide for Writing Research Papers (MLA), or A Manual for Writers (Turabian) as a style guide. Whatever you decide to use, be consistent throughout the paper.
You should use a minimum of five references written within the last 5 years with at least two from the Internet. References should not include the textbook or your class notes.
When you submit your term paper, you should have a cover page, which states the title of your paper, the course number and name, the date, and your name.
LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW FROM CLASS: 75% of the semester: (Week 12 in the 16 week semesters, week 8 in the 10 week summer semester).
Baking & Pastry Arts Students:
Name: Paul Vida Office Location: 428 C, NMC
Phone: (317) 921-5930 E-mail:
Event Management, Hotel Management, and Restaurant Management Students
Name: Jeff Bricker, CEC Office Location: 500-J, NMC
Phone: (317) 921-4516 E-Mail:
Culinary Arts Students with Last Name A-K
Name: Lauri Griffin, CEC Office Location: 420-B, NMC
Phone: (317) 921-4913 E-Mail:
Culinary Arts Students with Last Name L-Z:
Name: Thom England Office Location: 428-C, NMC
Phone: (317) 921-4619 E-Mail:
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