Assessment of Inclusivity and Multiculturalism (AIM) Fact Sheet

History 2005 - 2007

The discussion regarding Cary Academy’s participation in AIM began in 2005. As Cary Academy’s Committee on Multicultural Initiatives and Diversity (COMID) searched to identify ways to evaluate the school’s diversity efforts, they discovered the Assessment of Inclusivity and Multiculturalism administered by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) to which Cary Academy belongs. The proposal to participate in the assessment was brought to the school’s leadership team, who approved it last year.

Goals Year-Round

The specific goals of AIM are to:

  • Determine progress in meeting diversity and multiculturalism goals
  • Assess current diversity and multicultural initiatives
  • Encourage participation of all school affiliation and affinity groups in assessing the school’s current level of inclusivity
  • Provide affirmation of a school’s progress in diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusiveness
  • Provide for meaningful dialogue on building and sustaining a diverse and inclusive school community
  • Provide benchmarking opportunities
  • Allow for a community-building process/experience

Ultimately, participating in the AIM process helps Cary Academy to achieve its goals of discovery, innovation, collaboration, and excellence.

Process ’07 – ’08 Academic Year

AIM is a two-part process incorporating both discovery committees (which are conducted like focus groups) and an online climate survey component. The suggestion is to focus on the discovery committees during the fall and to do the online survey in the spring. The entire process of the survey administration, data collection, and receipt of results should take the entire academic year.

Steering Committee Year-Round

A steering committee composed of 5 – 8 people must be assembled. This committee should be reflective of the school’s diversity of job roles, length of time with school, interaction with different constituents, etc. The committee by default will include the Director of Diversity and Head of School. The steering committee will be responsible for helping to develop the timeline, creating the discovery group membership, writing the report and assessing the data. This group will most likely need to meet once a week in the beginning stages of the process, and more infrequently thereafter. Committee membership is both voluntary and by invitation, and will be assembled within the next few weeks. Committee interest should be expressed to the Director of Diversity.

Discovery Groups Fall 2007

There are ten discovery groups that will be used to gather information:

School governance and leadershipStudent life

Policy and administrationSchool publications & environment

Admissions and financial aidStaff involvement & life

FacultyParent/guardian involvement

Teaching and learningAlumni involvement and investment

Discovery groups will meet once for about two hours, and factual information and discussion questions will be provided before the groups meet. Meeting times will be determined by the type of group being surveyed. The suggested size for these groups is no more than ten and no fewer than six. These groups will be audio recorded and co-facilitated by the Director of Diversity and another facilitator (not yet determined) primarily responsible for note-taking. Discovery group participation is both voluntary and by invitation; indicate interest to Director of Diversity.

Climate Survey Spring 2008

The online survey is designed to take about 15 – 20 minutes to complete. All school constituents 12 years of age and older will be eligible to participate. NAIS suggests that school time be used when possible to increase the participation rate. Paper copies can be provided if necessary. There are seven affiliation groups, each with its own set of questions:




The online survey is hosted by Insightlink Communications out of Glendale, California, which will provide monitoring information to the Director of Diversity and Steering Committee.

Results Spring 2008

The discovery group facilitators will be responsible for collecting relevant data, and the Director of Diversity will create the groups’ reports and submit it to NAIS. If conducted entirely online, climate survey results will be available approximately a week or two after the close of the survey. If paper surveys are used, results will be available after approximately three weeks.

Promotion Year-Round

The AIM process requires participation from as many school community members as possible. Promotion should take place at all levels of the school, including websites, newsletters, and classrooms. NAIS suggests that art classes be involved in the creation of posters and other promotional materials, and that a general “buzz” be created about the importance of participation and its impact on the school’s future.

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