The following process of simple risk estimation is considered appropriate. Designers must appreciate that the process is essentially subjective and depends heavily on the users informed judgement. Designers should ensure that they or their team have sufficient knowledge and experience of construction methodology to apply the process.
Risk Rating (RR) MatrixProbability / High / M / H / H
Medium / L / M / H
Low / L / L / M
Low / Med. / High
Severity of Injury
Figure 1. Risk Rating Matrix
Severity of InjuryH: / Major, Fatal or long term disabling injury or illness.
M: / Moderate injury or illness
L: / Minor injury/ illness
Probability (Prob.)
H: / Highly likely
M: / Likely event
L: / Possible
Project: Transform Oxford : Frideswide Square / Design Stage:Pre - Construction / Project No: CN1051710 / Rev:5
Prepared by: APW / Date: February 2015 / Checked by:PG / Date:04.02.15
Ref: / Phase / Activity / Potential Hazards / Person(s) at Risk / RR
H/M/L / Design Measures to Eliminate Hazards / Design Measures to Reduce Risk / Residual Risk
1 / DD / Site background information including most recent traffic signal /streetscape improvement scheme / Ground conditions, utility apparatus. / Workforce/general public / L / Utility plant locations etc established via stat returns, trial pits and GPR surveys. New batch of returns processed end January 2015. Pavement condition survey incl. numerous core samples has been completed. Evidence of Tar also checked. / Live services, contaminated land. TAR IS PRESENT.
1a / DD / Site background information including most recent traffic signal /streetscape improvement scheme / Contaminated land / Workforce/general public / L / A 1 above / Contaminated land
2 / DD / Limits of site including uses of adjacent buildings/land / Conflicts between general traffic and site traffic. Noise and dust. / Workforce/general public / L / Construction phasing is such that large areas of possession as a ‘construction site’ are available for majority of the works. / Highway boundary limits confirmed. Continue negotiations with SBS, Christchurch, local businesses etc re. maintaining usage of their buildings / land.
3 / DD / Facilities for cyclists and pedestrians / Conflicts with others, / General public / M / Main Square to cater for shared use c/w careful use of creation of areas by street furniture to focus use and at appropriate speeds. / Further stakeholder discussions completedwith local representative bodies.Consideration needs to be given to both the end product and temporary facilities during construction phase.Areas for pedestrian and cyclist routes during construction to be catered for as part of the temporary traffic management including clear signing / definition for way-finding purposes. / Pedestrians and cyclists (including vulnerable users) using same areas of the public shared space.
4 / DD / Construction / Control of through traffic including cyclists and pedestrians. Rules for site vehicles including deliveries. Unauthorised access to site/works area. / Workforce/general public / L / Early contractor involvement continuing through Skanska. / Consideration to be given to buildability throughout all design elements including traffic management, identify the need for any temporary tro’s including road closures, Consider routes for site vehicles and plant including deliveries. Early involvement of contractor.
5 / DD / Maintaining of emergency routes / Impact of emergency service response times (both during construction and the final scheme). / Workforce/general public / H / Emergency services engaged in discussions from early in project life. / Continue to seek on-going involvement of emergency services during the construction phase. / Specific issues with location of Fire Station in nearby Rewley Road.
6 / DD / Conflicting works and activities / Workforce/general public / M / Early liaison with network management with respect to establishing works by others, road space bookings including public events such as parades, marches and fairs. / Conflict with other major construction projects within the City is inevitable but needs to be managed to minimise disruption as far as possible.
7 / DD / Compound and materials storage / Unauthorised access / General public / L / Early contractor involvement on-going through Skanska / Compound and materials storage to be off highway on adjacent road. Access to be security controlled 07:30 to 19:30.
8 / DD / Noise and dust control / Workforce/general public / L / Advice to be continued to be sought from relevant environmental officers.S61 Control of Pollution Act (Construction and Demolition Site Noise) application form submitted to Oxford City Council / Evening working restrictions with respect to noisy activities etc. Consider use of off site cutting shed with water etc. Appropriate PPE and clamping equipment etc is to be used.
9 / DD / Use of public transport / Conflict of construction activities with bus users and access to rail station / Workforce/general public / L / Additional bus stops on Park End Street to be provided prior to commencement of main works. / Consider use of temporary bus stops away from, but adjacent to, the works. Access to rail station to be maintained at all time. Early and continued talks to be held with bus/rail operators and all other identified stakeholders.
10 / DD / Deliveries to shops and businesses / Conflict with construction vehicles and such delivery vehicles / Workforce/general public / L / Becket Street loading bay completed Dec.14 and now available for use. / Consider using existing (southern) bus stop area at times when temporary TM arrangements allows, if necessary. On-going liaison with residents and business to continue during construction phase. Project specific Public Liaison Officer (Skanska) has been appointed.
11 / DD / Future maintenance needs, particularly with respect to possible use of stone in carriageways and potential high maintenance requirements / Safe maintenance, including associated traffic management arrangements / Workforce/general public / L / Use of appropriate, proven materials in carriageway to suit level and type of traffic and to minimise potential for regular on-going maintenance. Natural stone now not to be used at pedestrian crossing points or at central islands to roundabouts. / Careful consideration into locations for inspection chambers, manholes etc.
12 / DD / Movement of larger vehicles round tight corner of Becket Street into Osney Lane (West) / Vehicle conflict from opposing directions / General public / L / Use of coloured surfacing and warning signage to highlight potential conflict point. Route will not be signed for use by large vehicles.
Phase / Severity of Injury / Probability / Risk Rating (RR) / Hierarchy of Mitigation
PD = Preliminary Design
DD = Detailed Design
C = Construction
M = Maintain/Clean / H = Major. Fatal or long term disabling injury
M = Moderate. Moderate injury or illness
L = Minor injury or illness / H = Highly likely
M = Likely event
L = Possible / NOTE: the purpose of Risk Rating is to determine which risks are significant. It is a subjective process not an absolute or precise determination. / 1. Eliminate hazard (design out)
2. Reduce risk at source (amend)
3. Provide risk information (add)