Your are Cordially Invited to a NO COST
Law Enforcement, Fire, EMT, ER, 911 Dispatch, Social Services, Criminal Justice Agency Personnel
(Law Enforcement Credits available) General public is welcome.
Autism Public Safety Training Day
Thursday, May 21, 2009
8:00 am-3:30 pm
Westin O'Hare Hotel
6100 North River Road, Rosemont, Illinois
Autism today affects 1 in 150 children, 1 in 90 boys, and 1 in 67 families.
This is a 10 fold increase over the past 15 years.
Research indicates that persons with developmental disabilities are approximately seven times more likely to come in contact with law enforcement professionals than others in field situations. This number will increase dramatically in the coming years. Today, autism is the most common childhood developmental disability.
The rising population of autistic children is coming of age. Adolescents and young adults with autism are less confined to supervised settings and increasingly more active in public places. “Odd” behaviors prompt concern and anxiety in the uninformed public and untrained first responders. This increases the likelihood of physical or emotional trauma to the autistic individual.
The Autism, Law Enforcement & Public Safety Training Day provides the skills and knowledge necessary to recognize and appropriately deal with these encounters. The Training Dayisa "Train the Trainer" symposium. Attendees are given informationand knowledge which allows them to train their organizations.
Dr. Stephen Shore, a national authority on autism, joins Dennis in this workshop.
Autism, Law Enforcement & Public Safety Training:
• Increases Officer and Citizen Safety; Enhances Officer Communication and Response Skills
• Saves Valuable Time and Resources
• Avoids Litigation
• Builds Community Partnerships.
SCHEDULEMorning Session :
Registration & Continental breakfast / 8:00 am
Opening Remarks & Welcome / 8:45 am
Training (breaks at the 45 minute mark of each hour) / 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Lunch Break / 12:00 pm - 1:30
Afternoon Session:
Panel & Forum on Developing a Regional Training Initiative / 1:30 pm - 3:30 pmWrap Up & Post Session Social Event / 3:30 pm
To register online click here.To register by fax or mail click here.
To learn moreclick here.
Trainer/coordinator Dennis Debbaudt – for content and background info see
Questions about credits contact NEMRT,
Other questions, Edmund C. Arranga, Executive Director, Autism One, 714-680-0792,
There is no cost to attend this seminar. This training is a public service for first responders and interested members of the public and the autistic community.
Presented byAutism One, Autism Society of Illinois and North East Multi-Regional Training(NEMRT)