Group Piano Program

Kevin T. Gunter, Coordinator

Owen Arts Center B078


PERB 1205, Section:______Semester:______




The objective of the group piano program for non-music majors at Southern Methodist University is to provide students with complete functional musicianship skills in the process of playing piano for personal pleasure. These skills include basic technique, reading, keyboard theory, ensemble, performance, and improvisation.


1.  Hilley and Olson: PIANO FOR PLEASURE.

2.  Folder or 3-ring binder


15% DAILY WORK, PARTICIPATION, ETC. A grade will be recorded at every class


15% QUIZZES. May be announced or unannounced, performed or written.

15% IN-CLASS PERFORMANCE. Scheduled during the 12th week of class, performed

for and graded by the Coordinator

25% MID-TERM EXAMINATION. Scheduled during the 7th week of class and heard by

class instructor.

30% FIFTEEN WEEK EXAMINATION. Scheduled during the 15th week of class.


More than three absences for any reason other than a Dean’s excuse and those listed at the end of the syllabus will result in the final grade being lowered one letter. Grades will be lowered two letters for six absences, and three letters for nine absences. Excessive tardiness may count toward absences at the instructor’s discretion. Students are responsible for any missed work or assignments.

*Disability Accommodations: Students needing academic accommodations for a disability must first contact Ms. Rebecca Marin, Coordinator, Services for Students with Disabilities (214-768-4557) to verify the disability and establish eligibility for accommodations. They should then schedule an appointment with the instructor to make appropriate arrangements.

*Religious Observance: Religiously observant students wishing to be absent on holidays that require missing class should notify their instructor in writing at the beginning of the semester. The student(s) should also discuss with the instructor—in advance—acceptable ways of making up any work missed because of the absence.

*Excused Absences for University Extracurricular Activities: Students participating in an officially sanctioned, scheduled University extracurricular activity will be given the opportunity to make up class assignments or other graded assignments missed as a result of their participation. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the instructor prior to any missed scheduled examination or other missed assignment for making up the work.