1. Each school/setting with part time 2, 3 and 4 year olds receives a budget share for its delegated items. This is the school’s/setting’s share of the Individual Schools Budget (ISB) and is determined by a formula.
2. Under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, Luton, together with all other Local Education Authorities, is required to devise its own formulae,
having regard to local needs and circumstances and in accordance with advice provided and requirements laid down by the Secretary of State under Sections 47 and 48 of the Financing of Maintained Schools Regulations .
3. Under the School and Early Years Finance Regulations 2015, various factors or criteria can be used, these are set out in Sections B and C of this document.
B. THE FORMULA (PVI Providers and Childminders)
1. Elements of the Formula – 3 and 4 year olds
Each setting will receive a formula allocation, which will include the following
Elements: -
a) Basic Rate of Funding
b) Deprivation Funding
Full details showing the operation of the formula and rates of funding are contained in Luton Borough Council’s Annual Budget Statement published under Section 251 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
2. Details of Each Element Of The Formula
2.1 Pupil Numbers
Basic Rate of Funding for part time 3 and 4 year olds
Each setting is allocated a basic hourly rate of funding per pupil up to a maximum of 15 hours per week of funding over 38 weeks per year, or 570 hours per year. The basic hourly rate should be sufficient for a provider to deliver care, which meets acceptable quality levels to a child, which does not have exceptional needs and to cover running costs
An estimated amount of basic rate funding is given to providers at the beginning of each financial year and this is adjusted on a termly basis based upon a count of pupil numbers each term at the time of the official DfE census, usually the third week of each term.
2.2 Deprivation Funding for part time 3 and 4 year olds
This factor is based on the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI). The indicator is applied by mapping the postcode of each pupil in a school to the relevant Super Output Area (SOA) where the pupil resides. The scoring index increases as the level of deprivation increases. The SOAs are grouped into five bands with each band attracting a weighting, the higher the deprivation index the higher the weighting. The value of these weightings gives a total for each provider, which is then used to distribute the available funds.
3. Elements of the Formula – 2 year olds
Basic Rate of Funding
Each setting is allocated a basic hourly rate of funding per eligible pupil up to a maximum of 15 hours per week of funding over 38 weeks per year, or 570 hours per year. The basic hourly rate should be sufficient for a provider to deliver care, which meets high quality levels to a child, which does not have exceptional needs and to cover running costs
An estimated amount of basic rate funding is given to providers at the beginning of each financial year and this is adjusted on a termly basis based on actual hours of attendance.
C. THE FORMULA (Nursery Schools)
1. Elements of the Formula – 3 and 4 Year olds
Each nursery school will receive a formula allocation, which will include the following elements: -
a) Core Rate
b) Deprivation Funding
c) Lump Sum
d) Split Site
e) SEN Funding
Full details showing the operation of the formula and rates of funding are contained in Luton Borough Council’s Annual Budget Statement published under Section 251 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
2. Details Of Each Element Of The Formula
2.1 Pupil Numbers
Basic Rate of Funding for part time 3 and 4 year olds
Each nursery school is allocated a basic hourly rate of funding per pupil up to a maximum of 15 hours per week of funding over 38 weeks per year, or 570 hours per year. The basic hourly rate should be sufficient for a provider to deliver care, which meets acceptable quality levels to a child, which does not have exceptional needs.
An estimated amount of basic rate funding is given to nursery schools at the beginning of each financial year and this is adjusted on a termly basis based on a count of pupil numbers each term at the time of the official DfE census, usually the third week of each term.
2.3 Deprivation Funding for part time 3 and 4 year olds
This factor is based on the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI). The indicator is applied by mapping the postcode of each pupil in a school to the relevant Super Output Area (SOA) where the pupil resides. The scoring index increases as the level of deprivation increases. The SOAs are grouped into five bands with each band attracting a weighting, the higher the deprivation index the higher the weighting. The value of these weightings gives a total for each provider, which is then used to distribute the available funds.
2.5 Lump Sum
Each nursery school will receive a lump sum allocation to reflect the statutory requirement to have a headteacher, complete School Census and other statutory returns etc.
2.4 Split Site Allowance
An allowance will be allocated to a nursery school which has a split site to help meet the additional costs incurred as a result of operating on two geographically separate sites.
2.7 SEN Funding
The current resourced provision for part time 3 and 4 year olds with special educational needs is provided mainly by the Nursery Schools, offering a total of 88 part-time places (nursery schools are funded for either 8 or 16 resourced SEN places). Funding is centred on the Nursery Schools due to the high cost of providing specialist staff and equipment and to ensure stability in provision whilst numbers fluctuate.
4. Elements of the Formula – 2 year olds
Basic Rate of Funding
Each nursery school is allocated a basic hourly rate of funding per eligible pupil up to a maximum of 15 hours per week of funding over 38 weeks per year, or 570 hours per year. The basic hourly rate should be sufficient for a nursery school to deliver care, which meets acceptable quality levels to a child which does not have exceptional needs.
An estimated amount of basic rate funding is given to nursery schools at the beginning of each financial year and this is adjusted on a termly basis based on actual hours of attendance.
D. THE FORMULA (Infant and Primary Schools)
1. Elements of the Formula – 3 and 4 year olds
Each infant and primary school with part time 3 and 4 year old pupils will receive a formula allocation, which will include the following elements: -
a) Basic Rate of funding only
All other factors will be funded under the Local Authority’s mainstream Fair Funding Formula.
2. Details Of Each Element Of The Formula
2.1 Pupil Numbers
Basic Rate of Funding
Each infant and primary school is allocated a basic hourly rate of funding per part time 3 or 4 year old pupil up to a maximum of 15 hours per week of funding.
The basic hourly rate should be sufficient for a school to deliver care, which meets acceptable quality levels to a child, which does not have exceptional needs.
An estimated amount of basic rate funding is given to infant and primary schools at the beginning of each financial year and this is adjusted on a termly basis with a count of pupil numbers each term at the time of the official DfE census, usually the third week of each term.
5. Elements of the Formula – 2 year olds
Basic Rate of Funding
Each school is allocated a basic hourly rate of funding per eligible pupil up to a maximum of 15 hours per week of funding over 38 weeks per year, or 570 hours per year. The basic hourly rate should be sufficient for a school to deliver care, which meets acceptable quality levels to a child which does not have exceptional needs.
An estimated amount of basic rate funding is given to schools at the beginning of each financial year and this is adjusted on a termly basis based on actual hours of attendance.
3. Schedule of rates of funding – 3 and 4 year olds
(a) Basic Rate of funding
Nursery School / 4.00
Infant/Primary School / 3.88
PVI Provider/Childminder / 3.72
(b) Deprivation Funding
Type of Setting
/ £ per weightingNursery Schools, PVI providers and childminders / 78.83
Infant and Primary Schools / 31.71
(d) Lump Sum
Type of Setting / Lump Sum per School£ /
Nursery Schools / 177,424 /
e) Split Site Allowance
Type of Setting / Allocation per setting£
Nursery Schools / 48,993
(f) SEN Funding
Type of SettinType of Setting / Funding per place
Nursery Schools / 7,349
4. Schedule of rates of funding – 2 year olds
Nursery School / 5.03
Infant/Primary School / 5.03
PVI Provider/Childminder / 5.03