Minutes –7 July 2014
Meeting #4 – 7 July2014 @ 10am
Department of Health, Conference Room, 1st floor, Matt Glynn Building
Meeting Chair / Barb Shaw, President of Barkly Regional CouncilPresent / LT, Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation
Georgina Bracken, Tennant Creek Women’s Refuge
Stewart Naylor, Barkly Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Group
Richard James & Shirley Lewis, Patta Aboriginal Corporation
Jordan Jenkins, Tennant Creek Hotel
Greg Marlow, Chamber of Commerce
Des O’Brien (Secretariat), Department of Business
Apologies / Pat Braun, Catholic Care
John Baker, Memo Club
Ian Gabriel, Headframe Bottle Shop
Meeting started at 10.15am.
The Chair welcomed and thanked the Alcohol Reference Group (ARG) members for attending. The Chair made a special welcome to Shirley. Apologies received from Pat Braun, John Baker and Ian Gabriel.
The Chair acknowledged today’s meeting clashes with the NAIDOC March.
The Chair informed members that Samuel Goodwin from the Tennant Creek Hospital cannot make today’s meeting.
The Chair discussed a recent letter to the editor in the local Tennant Creek District Times authored by Phil Crouch. The Chair will call Phil to discuss the matter.
The Chair informed members that the Minister is aware of the ARG stand at the forthcoming Tennant Creek Show. The Minister will visit the stand.
The Chair discussed the Community Forum scheduled for Wednesday of this week. The Chair asked that ARG members attend and promote the event.
The Chair congratulated BRAADAG on their successful Alcohol Mandatory Treatment tender.
Members discussed Night Patrol operations, predominately operating Night Patrol over a Saturday night; Richard James provided members with current stats of operations and possible issues.
LT informed members of a FASD forum to be held in Tennant Creek on 30 & 31 July.
Action: LT to email members information on the forthcoming FASD forum.
The Minutes to be accepted, moved and seconded.
Moved by: Georgina BrackenSeconded by: Stewart Naylor
The June ARG Minutes accepted and all members in favour.
Samuel Goodwin, General Manager Tennant Creek Hospital, cannot make today’s presentation.
The Chair introduced Donna Cross and Cath Rouse who will present the draft discussion paper to the members.
Donna and Cath spoke to the discussion paper. Topics included:
- Introduction and Background
- Alcohol Management and AMPs in Tennant Creek
- Goal Statement
- Objectives / Outputs
- Assumptions
- Findings of recent AMP planning and consultation in Tennant Creek
- Where the 2014 Tennant Creek AMP is at now
- The ARG
- Summary of key findings: Harm, what has worked, what didn’t work, what keeps you strong, supply suggestions, demand and harm reduction, positive attitudes, FASD, monitoring and reservations.
- Recommendations going forward for the 2014 AMP
- Governance of the process
- Process – communication, transparency and accountability
- Model of the AMP for Tennant Creek
- The How – enforcement and community involvement
Supply Feedback/Update
Jordan Jenkins provided an update on the current Accord supply/restrictions:
- As of 1 July the voluntary restrictions ceased to operate
- Discussions to renegotiate voluntary restrictions are occurring; however, there is no guarantee
- Special events were held last week and next week is the Show and no restrictions will be in place
- The TBLs did not operate last Saturday at any premises in town.
- Tennant Creek has seen an increase in offences, hospital admissions and anti-social behaviour.
4Other Business
- Night Patrol and Memo Club Courtesy Bus Participation
John Baker, from a previous meeting, and Richard James have extended an invitation to any ARG member wanting to participate in Night Patrol or the Memo courtesy bus.
If an ARG member wishes to participate, they should contact John or Richard to arrange participation.
- Tennant Creek Show
The ARG will hold a stall at this weekend’s Show. A roster has been organised and will be emailed to members. The Minister for Alcohol Policy will attend the stall.
Meeting concluded at 1.15pm.
Department of Business1