Don’t Forget Me: Passenger Safety System

Resource Plan (David Ballentine)

Don’t Forget Me

Resource Plan

Version: / 1.0
Date: / November 13, 2007
Status: / Final

The purpose of this plan is to show what resources are needed, and the costs attributed to each. The resources needed in the development of the Don’t Forget Me are outlined here, broken up by the different phases.

Phase 0:

There is no resources needed in phase 0.

Phase 1:

This phase is the first phase of the project with actual resources. Many of these resources go towards the prototype that will be built during this phase. These include the section at the top of this chart. The other resources needed include computer hardware and software to work on the software and algorithms of the product. Installation equipment will also be needed in this phase to install and test the finished prototype. A Test Dummy will be used to test the prototype.

Phase 2:

In this phase, several more prototypes will be built for actual real world cases. For this reason there will need to be many prototype sensors. Additionally, assembly supplies will be needed to install these prototypes. Both a Bus and a Van will also be purchased for the purpose of installing the prototype into these vehicles.
Phase 3:

In this final phase, six workstations are needed for continued development. Additional supplies, such as office equipment, will is also be accounted for. The most money is allocated towards marketing.