11-25 SCoG (YPP)


Date: / 5th May 2010
Venue: / Erlas / Time: / 10 – 12pm
Apols / NAME / ORGANISATION / Attend/
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
John Gallanders / (Chair) Chief Officer AVOW / A /  /  /  / Louise Hulme / WCBC PSD (SCoG Facilitator) /  /  /  / 
Kathy Weigh / WCBC HoS: Yth Justice Service /  / A /  / 
Vicky Barlow
(Andy Hawkins) / WCBC
HoS: Ach 14-19 / A / A /  /  / Nia Lloyd (for Laura Williams) / AVOW/Cymorth CYP Devel Officer /  /  /  / 
Angela Roberts / BCU Health Board / A /  / A /  / Jan Wingett / 14-19 Network Co-ordinator /  /  /  / 
Linda Ellis / Job Centre Plus /  / A /  / A / Janet Growcott [JGr] / Community Safety P’Ship Mgr /  / A / A
Carol Gardner / Third Sector: Dynamic /  /  /  /  / John Roberts / WCBC HoS: Corp Parenting / A /  / A
Colin Powell / Third Sector: GVICC / A /  / John Williams / North Wales Police
Donna Dickenson / WCBC HoS: YP Inclusion /  /  /  /  / Joyce M’Caw / CWNE Chair, 14-19 Network /  / A / A
Gary Brown / WCBC Ec Devel Officer /  / Lauren Pilling / WCBC PSD /  /  /  / 
Gillian Cowan / HSCWB P’Ship Co-ordinator / A /  / Carol Martin / NPHS / A / 
Graham Edwards / WCBC HoS: Educ Inclusion / A / A / Patrick Howells / LHB CAMHS Service / A
Gwawr Cordiner / Menter Iaith Maelor /  / Rob Norris / Third Sector: CWVYS /  /  /  / 
Cllr. James Kelly / WCBC CYP Scrutiny Co-Chair / A / Alyn Jones / WCBC - TAMS
Jan Jones / WCBC HoS: PSD CYPFWP Co-ord /  / A /  / A / Dee Rigby / NACRO Youth Choices /  /  / 
Fiona Hibbert / CWNE

Distribution: 0-10 SCoG; 11-25 SCoG; Chair of CYPFWP Board

Agenda/Points covered: / Responsible person:
1. Apologies and Minutes
  • Minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting. KW highlighted that since the last meeting, it had transpired that Arts Council basic skills project was only paying £80 as part of the pilot phase and not the full project.

2.11-25 SCoG Special Interest/ Scrutiny
2.1 Basic Skills Cymru Consultation Synopsis
  • LH referred to the consultation paper which had been distributed prior to the meeting. The document was a summary from WAG discussing options for the future of the Basic Skills Strategy for Wales. The consultation for this has now closed (Members were circulated the document in March in order to give specific opportunity to respond) however, there has been no further word from WAG regarding the future of the Basic Skills Strategy. Suggestion was that representation should be made to WAG to inform them of the SCoG’s continued interest in the basic skills issue, and that while a strategy for the post 16 YSS is under development, a national steer is required to ensure local actions are in line with those nationally. RN commented that this would be a positive step and from the Third Sector point of view, would highlight the important of the Third Sector in promoting basic skills.
ACTION: LH to draft letter to send to WAG to highlight the need for an indication of the future of the Basic Skills Strategy.
2.2 Wrexham YSS Post 16 Basic Skills Strategy
  • Members referred to the draft Basic Skills Strategy produced by LH as per the minutes of the last meeting. VB and JW commented on the various initiatives coming through via the 14-19 Network around Basic Skills including Essential Skills with the Welsh Bac, Learning through Sport for KS4, and increasing the number of post 16 courses. This will have an impact on basic skills levels in the near future. Flying Start will also impact positively in the long term on the skills levels of young people.
  • Partners highlighted the work of the Reducing NEETs TF group which has been an effective partnership which has worked quickly to produce results. Some tasks within the Basic Skills strategy may already feature in the work plan of this group.
  • LH remarked on a basic skills initiative run within Monmouth Youth Service. This has been highlighted as good practice by Estyn.
ACTION: LH to forward the details of this to RN when received from Monmouthshire.
  • VB commented on the need to involve the Basic Skills Management group within the Learning and Achievement department.
  • As much work has been identified as being done to improve on the basic skills issue in Wrexham, there is not need for a separate TF group to further develop the strategy, rather the need for actions within the strategy to be shared between existing groups where appropriate. ]
ACTION: LH to complete the draft strategy and send out to Partners for final endorsement.
2.3 Young Wrexham website and links with Promo Cymru
  • LH drew attention to the report circulated prior to the meeting. Wrexham have been approached by Promo Cymru regarding linking Young Wrexham to the national advice and information network Clic. Promo Cymru have been commissioned by WAG to run Clic on line for the next 3 years.
  • The suggestion has been endorsed by the Enjoy and Participate SCoG, with the proviso that the Young Wrexham identity is retained, and that any content is subject to the rigorous verification by Promo Cymru. The links with Promo Cymru should mean that Young Wrexham is more interactive, and should attract more young people to use it.
/ LH
3. Standing Items
3.1 Reducing NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training)
  • LH reported that the Careers Wales destination data has now been published and confirm the fact that Wrexham Year 11 leavers who became NEET decreased by 50% in 2009.
  • JG commented that the TF group need to look at employment opportunities for older NEETs as many are finding it difficult to find employment after completing periods of employment on short term schemes such as future jobs fund. There are few opportunities for young people to move onto.
ACTION: LH will report this issue to JHJ for the TF group to look at
3.2 Personal Support
  • VB presented a report as per the minutes of the last meeting. The newly reconfigured group has met, and are now awaiting the results of the mapping task which is being progressed by LH. This work is following on from work already commenced through the Reducing NEETs TF group.
/ LH
4. Reports needed for next meeting.
  • Work which is nearing completion i.e. suicide prevention, sexual health.

  • SA queried the children educated at home policy. This is under development at the moment and has recently been presented to the LSCB. This also falls under the Children Missing Education policy which is also under development.
ACTION: LP to forward relevant papers to SA
  • DD commented that the Youth Service Strategy funding (capital and revenue) had been confirmed for 2010/11. This is funding for both the statutory and voluntary sectors. Funding is uncertain for 2011/ 12 due to the funding being linked with 21st Century Schools.
  • DD also commented that the WLGA have made representation to WAG regarding the recent consultation on 14-19 Learner Support and Youth Support Services and the fact that the questions within the consultation document and those used at the consultation events were different. This may render the consultation invalid. WAG has not yet responded on this issue.
  • RN commented on the difficulties around funding within the Voluntary Sector at present. CWYVS are currently lobbying for at least one year rolling contracts as one year contracts with no future guarantees are causing difficulties particularly around redundancies.
  • JW reported that the Learning and Skills Measure becomes law for 16 year olds in 2011. This will put pressure on any schools with small sixth form provision as due to the number of subject options which will be required to be offered to pupils. The transformation agenda within L&A is aiming to take account of this, however this may impact on the number of Level 1 courses which are offered in the future. This could in turn impact on the number of young people NEET if fewer opportunities are available. The Learning and Skills Measure also dictates that Welsh medium students should be offered the same choices as their English medium counterparts.
  • The 14-19 ANDP has been approved for 2010-2011, however there are sustainability issues now as this is grant funded, and is due to be mainstreamed within the RSG in 2013.
  • RN highlighted that CVYWS are working towards becoming a training consortium, the development of a quality standard for the voluntary youth sector, and the appointment of Accreditation Advisers as an extra resource for voluntary sector youth settings.
  • DD stated that she is now the ‘Caretaker’ for Play Development Team and the Wrexham Family Information Service.

7. Date and time of next meeting(s):
NEXT FULL 0-10/11-25 MEETING: Wednesday 4th August 2010
TIMES: / 10:00 - 12:00 pm / 11-25 SCoG (YPP):
12.15 – 13.15 pm / Working Lunch and Joint Business Meeting
13:30 - 15:30 pm / 0-10 SCoG (CP):
VENUE: / Erlas Centre / Conference Room 3
Please note: Attendance at 0-10/11-25 meetings is important if we are to make progress on CYPP Key Tasks and ensure that all relevant agencies contribute to this.
If you cannot attend a meeting you must send a fully-briefed nominated deputy to represent your organisation. Failure to attend meetings will, in future, be followed up. Continued failure to attend will lead to a management discussion to establish if the right person has been identified by the organisation. Obviously, it is expected that apologies will be given well in advance, not least so that precious funds are not wasted on food which is not needed.
The joint business meeting will start promptly at 12.15; please try to be on time and note that there is an expectation that 11-25 members will stay for this part of the meeting and that 0-10 members will arrive in time for this part of the meeting.