Parkway Towers BoardofDirectors Meeting


January, 24, 2017

Homeowners Present: Jim McTiernan, 1101

1.Call to Order -- 7:06 p.m. by Joseph Page, Vice president.

Robert Boczkiewicz, Secretary; Branislav Strizak, Director-at-Large.

Absent: Jill Hrobsky, President; Jeff Teter, Treasurer.

Roberta Seligof Weststar Management Co., Off-site Manager assigned to PWT.

Absent:CatheMitchell, On-site Manager.

Mr. McTiernan pointed out that no notice of the meeting had been posted in advance as it normally is, so that is why only he attended.

2. HVAC Project Report

Mr.Page reada Jan. 23, 2017 updatefrom our HOA's project manager,Michael Kern of Hammersmith Construction Services, regardingstatus of designof a possible project for additional renovation of the HVAC system.

3. ApprovalofNovemberBoard Meeting Minutes.

November, 2016 Minutes approved by unanimous vote. No meeting was held in December.

4. Review of Current Financials

a. Financials for the period endingDec. 31, 2016

No oral report was given due to absence of Treasurer Teter. Ms. Selig provided written financial statements for the year 2016. Mr. Boczkiewicz and Mr. Page questioned the invoice for snow removal. The invoice seemed to show that on Dec. 7 the company charged for 8 man-hours of shoveling and that on Jan. 5 fora total of 10 man-hours of shoveling. Mr. Page and Mr. Boczkiewicz had doubt about whether that many man-hours were actually worked. Ms. Selig said she will ask the Elite snow removal company to include start and stop times on future invoices. Mr. Boczkiewicz asked whether the HOA or, instead, a unit owner, is financially responsible for an emergency water shut-off. Choice Mechanical billed the HOA $370 for it. Ms. Selig said she would research an answer to the question.

5. Unfinished Business

a. Fire Gate Installation -- Update

Ms. Selig reported that the fire gate installation was delayed because Property Solutions Team company didn’t take into account the frame for the fire gate and will have to re-do that before they can install the gate.

b. Pool update

Ms. Selig said an engineer, Mr. Caldwell, had examined the swimming pool as well as exteriormetal panels hanging loose on the north side of our building. Beginning last summer, a small leak had dripped into a mechanical area of the 16th floor from above, in the area where the pool is located. She said the engineer will submit a report.

c. 2016 Audit and Tax Preparation Engagement Letter

Ms.Seligpresented proposals from two accounting firms to audit our Associations' 2016 finances and to prepare the HOA's tax returns. The Board voted unanimously to hire theOlson Reyes & Sauerwein, certified public accountants firm, of Denver.

d. 2017 Weststar Proposed Management Agreement

Held over so it could be reviewed.The monthly fee is $2,050.

e. Additional Items from the Board

Board members voted via email in Decemberforour Association to give $150 holiday gift to Ms. Mitchell and $100 holiday gift to Mr. Duvall, our on-site maintenance person. The vote was ratified tonight.

6. New Business

a.Winzenburg,Leff, Puvis & Payne New 2017 Collections Program - thisis the law firm that our Association's attorney, Kimberly Porter, now works for. The firm is offering an alternative program for collecting delinquent accounts or the option of keeping the current program. Action held over until February meeting.

b.KOS Fitness Products Quotes for Repair and Preventative Maintenance

Ms. Selig presented proposal from KOS Fitness Products company to replace a cable on a machine in the Exercise Room. Mr. Boczkiewicz stated that an owner who, on a volunteer basis,has helped maintain the machine in the past has volunteered to do the work at no charge. Board consensus was to disregard the KOS proposal. Ms. Selig presented another proposal from KOS, this one for preventative maintenance of Exercise Room equipment. No action was taken because the proposal was not clear.

c. Unit 104 Repairs and Rentability

Ms. Selig said unit 104, owned by the HOA and leased as a rental, needs improvement to the bathroom before it is offered to the next set of renters. The unit became vacant recently. She said she knows of a person who may be able to do the work at $40 per hour and she will see if he wants to do the work. Mr. Duvall did maintenance to the unit after the most recent set of renters moved out.

d. Ms.Selig presented a proposal that Ms. Mitchell had obtained for updating lighting in common areas. Mr. Strizak asked for a second proposal to be obtained for comparison purposes.

7. Homeowners Open Forum

No comments.

8. Manager's Report

Ms. Selig said she met yesterday with a contractor to consider repair of stucco on roof. She saidshe wants to prepare aproposed plan for improvements to the building in coming years. Mr. Strizak said he would like to havea proposed three-year plan and five-year plandeveloped. He asked Ms. Selig if she has an update from the company that leases washers and dryers in our building. She said the company's account rep for our building is new and is not responding to Ms. Selig's phone messages.

9. Adjournment.

8:31 p.m.