Enquiries to: Kevin Symm
Your Ref:
Our Ref: FOI/320090 /
Ms Rebecca Keane
Email: / 13 June 2014

DearMs Keane

Freedom of Information Request 320090

Thank you for your recent request received27 May2014. Your request was actioned under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in which you requested thefollowing

(A)The budget allocation for traffic related works within the council in each of the past 3 financial years to date; To assist you further as in traffic related works eg; Renewal of Double Yellow Lines, installing "No Entry" road signs etc

(B)The actually amount spent on this works in each of these years; If the amount that was actually spent was under the budget allocation, does the remaining amount will be transferred over to the next year or is it reverted back to the main council funds

(C)The procedure that the council take when receiving a traffic related request from members of public, councillors etc; To assist you further when the council receives a traffic request, a traffic engineer within the council will inspect the location within 3 weeks and then revert back the council with there findings etc etc

(D)If this work is carried out by in house staff; if not the names of the companies that carried out the works on behalf of the council; the amount the council paid each company per year for such works

(E)A breakdown of the costs to the council of having DYL remarked for a distance of 10m, if the figure for remarking and installing DYL are seperate, please supply both

(F)The average timeframe it would take for in house staff to have DYL installed or remarked for a distance of 30m

(G)If a traffic related request is approved by the council; is it the council policy to have the works carried out within the next 3 months subject to satisfactory weather conditions


Liverpool City Councilholdsthe information requested and can provide the following:

(A)The revenue budget allocation for new lines, signs, bollards etc. is £80k each year. The maintenance of existing signs, lines and other street furniture are a core service and covered under the contract with Amey LG

(B)It is normal for the budget to be totally spent during each financial year. If there is any surplus it is carried forward into the next financial year.

(C)Any request received regarding any Traffic Management issue is booked into a system and assigned to a relevant officer in Traffic Management department to investigate. All requests vary in terms of timescales. For example, a request to introduce waiting restrictions would necessitate a site visit, which will be undertaken and the existing accident record for each location will be inspected. A decision will be made and the relevant parties informed of the decision.

(D)All requests for lines, signs, bollards etc. are dealt with in house. If, as part of a planning application, there is a requirement for waiting restrictions or any other work as part of a section 38, 106 or 278 agreement then the third party will deal directly with colleagues at Amey. The cost for the works is agreed between them

(E)The cost to remark existing waiting restrictions is as previously mentioned part of the core service within the overall contract with Amey LG. The cost to install new double yellow lines for a distance of 10 metres would be £10.20 for the lines element only. There would also be a cost for Traffic Management in ensuring that the markings are put in safely and this can vary depending on the nature of the road.

(F)The timescale for the introduction of waiting restrictions can vary from between 6 months up to 9 months. As with any request for such a facility there is a need to investigate the enquiry, conduct any appropriate surveys, carry out a consultation with residents, businesses, ward members and emergency services. Once the consultation has been carried out and there is a majority in favour of a scheme, a report is written along with the legal schedules for advertisement. There is a 28 day advertisement period which allows anyone who may wish to object to any proposals in writing or via email to colleagues at legal services the opportunity to do so.Subject to receiving no objections the order is sealed and a works instruction sent to contractors to introduce the scheme. If the City Council receives objections and cannot resolve them, an additional report is written and submitted to The Highways and Representations committee for a decision.

(G)The remarking of existing waiting should be carried out within 25 days, the introduction of new waiting restrictions are, in the majority of instances, completed on site within the three month period.

This concludes our response

The City Council will consider appeals, referrals or complaints in respect of your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. However, these must be submitted in writing to within 28 days of receiving your response.

The matter will be dealt with by an officer who was not previously involved with the response and we will look to provide a response within 28 working days.

If you remain dissatisfied you may also apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision about whether the request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The Information Commissioner’s website is and the postal address and telephone numbers are:-

Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House,

Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire,SK9 5AF

Fax number 01625 524 510, DX 20819,

Telephone 01625 545745

Email – (they advise that their email is not secure)

I trust this information satisfies your enquiry

ÿYours sincerely

Mr Kevin Symm

Senior Information Officer

Information Team Municipal Buildings Dale StreetLiverpool L2 2DH

Telephone 0151 225 3132 Fax 0151 225 2392
