Fever 1793 Newspaper

Today you will be creating a newspaper reminiscent of the 1790’s. You researched earlier what way typically included in one so you know they were typically only one page, front and back. They contained chiefly advertisements, notices of auction sales, shipping news, short

clippings from papers in other states, letters from places in the West and from the WestIndiaIslands, and extracts from European newspapers. Broad jokes and anecdotes were scattered through the pages. Events of local interest were seldom published.

Your newspaper must include 3 advertisements relative to something in the book, one short article about Philadelphia (this can be made up but must be believable), 10 precautions people should take for Yellow Fever, a comic and 2 extra items of your choosing.

You may work with a partner on this assignment. You can use blank paper or lined paper for your final product but it should be laid out like a newspaper. Each person should take responsibility for 4 of the 8 items and your name should be on each item you complete. I would not recommend using the front and back of the same paper if you use anything other than pens or pencils. Let me know if you have any questions.

Fever 1793 Newspaper

Today you will be creating a newspaper reminiscent of the 1790’s. You researched earlier what way typically included in one so you know they were typically only one page, front and back. They contained chiefly advertisements, notices of auction sales, shipping news, short

clippings from papers in other states, letters from places in the West and from the WestIndiaIslands, and extracts from European newspapers. Broad jokes and anecdotes were scattered through the pages. Events of local interest were seldom published.

Your newspaper must include 3 advertisements relative to something in the book, one short article about Philadelphia (this can be made up but must be believable), 10 precautions people should take for Yellow Fever, a comic and 2 extra items of your choosing.

You may work with a partner on this assignment. You can use blank paper or lined paper for your final product but it should be laid out like a newspaper. Each person should take responsibility for 4 of the 8 items and your name should be on each item you complete. I would not recommend using the front and back of the same paper if you use anything other than pens or pencils. Let me know if you have any questions.