The role of the Schools in ACStart

The purpose of bringing Academic Welcome to ACStart is exactly that, to welcome student into their school/programs. Student Support Services has grouped the Summer ACStart days into one per school to create a “Welcome to the culture of the School” feel. We know that comfort increases with commonalities and that there is value for the students in making the investment to come onto campus in the summer is to celebrate, “I got in”. There is also value for those of us that are here to engage student in learning when comfort is increased, answers are received and excitement and motivation builds.

Sample script for Dean..NOTE –entire presentation is 10 minutes MAX

Dean comes on to the stage after being introduced and sits on the edge of the stage. (at least try to be relaxed and very informal)

He/She hasa number of his chairs, faculty and support staff with him (only Dean addresses the crowd)

Dean – WELCOME TO THE SCHOOL OF xyz(in big booming, welcoming voice)

Introduce your A team and share with the crowd that they are here to answer their questions related to their studies(team does not speak)

Dean- jokes with the crowd, “so start thinking now because we are going ask you for your questions in a few minutes”

Dean introduces himself/herself as the Dean of xyz and talks of something personal about himself/herself…like previous careers, etc, (in doing this Dean demonstratesthat we have many careers in our lives and that we are all just people).

Dean shares something special about a challenge he/she has had toovercome his learning inside the classroom. He/she explains their experience, the challenges and the opportunities by sharing demonstrates to student that he understands that we each come with “stuff” – demonstrates compassion

Dean- So, here you sit with your dreams and hopes

Dean - I am responsible for the School of xyz. I am responsible for our team meeting you where you are at, to assist you in living your dreams. Talk a bit about highlights of your particular school (with pictures in presentation behind you)

Dean – Dan has highlighted many of the supports for around your experience in the classroom. I will highlight your partners within the classroom

Dean gives an overview of the function of the Faculty, Program Coordinators, Academic Advisors and Student Success Specialists.

Dean - So let’s learn a little about you, who do we have here? What programs have you been accepted into?

Dean asks the crowd and we get to hear what programs we have in the crowd. (Dean makes comments that create excitement and engagement)

Then Dean puts up a slide of all the programs in the school

Dean - Slide one Here are all of our programs, we are very proud of them

Slide two and three - maybe a slide or two of new programs,

Making sure that each program is highlighted(allow the students to see themselves in the presentation) “I see where I belong,maybe a slide of what recent grads are doing.

Bottom line, we have a lot to offer you and we are excited you are here.

So I warned you. We have come to the time of questions.

Every question you ask will help out the entire crowd.

Be prepared for 3 common questions that are unique for your school.

Ask who has come from the greatest distance? You could give away a $50 gift certificate for Restaurant International. At this time you could also explain that it is open to all students, please come on by.

Thank you, good luck and we are with you!