2. Identify a character that creates dramatic tension in your prescribed text with reference to 5 key moments.
As an actor, describe 5 ways in which you would build and communicate the dramatic tension in each of the highlighted moments.
KEY MOMENT 1: Page 19
1st pt: The first key moment I will discuss is when the audience are first introduced to two of the main characters Isa and Alex. It is a key moment because the audience instantly get an understanding of the two characters and the relationship they have because of the tension that is created. The tension comes from Isa’s outbursts sparking conflict between the Morrison family members as she turns up with Alec in the middle of the night showing no respect to the neighbours and family. The first insight into Isa’s personality comes from the following stage direction and quote;
(Giving him a push) ‘Aw shut up ye wee nyaff’.
2nd pt: This abrupt introduction to Isa’s character creates tension through shock in the audience as they instantly see a woman who is not afraid of her man and is physically aggressive towards him. This behaviour is unusual both for a contemporary audience and in 1930’s. However, the character builds the tension as the audience want to discover more about this character who clearly has little care and respect for others.
1st pt:In order to communicate this tension to an audience, as an actor, I would use a loud volume with an aggressive tone. To convey this tension further I would back up my physical movement of pushing Alec with a look of disgust on my facial expressions.
2nd pt: This sudden movement of physical attack creates tension for an audience as does the use of sharp aggressive voice as they would not expect a woman in the 1930’s to talk to her husband in this way, thus highlighting a prominent theme in the play, the role of women. Through Isa’s actions, she goes against the expected role of women at the time and the character of Isa is immediately communicated to an audience as an aggressive woman with little respect for husband or family.
1st Pt: Another key moment in the text where Isa creates tension is when the workmen arrive to move Granny Morrison over to Lizzie’s house. There is a light-hearted mood created by removal men making jokes about the bed walking out door by itself. However, Isa’s comments change atmosphere dramatically as she says
‘Well next time he beckons, jist you go’
This creates tension as this would be a shock for the audience to see Isa blatantly disrespect her elder which goes against expectation in the 1930’s that youngsters showed their elders respect and did as they asked.
2nd pt: Isa goes against this expectation and by doing so, creates feeling of anger from an audience towards her character as she verbally attacks poor old Granny.
1st Pt: In order to highlight this tension created by Isa, as an actor I would adopt a sarcastic and menacing tone with low volume. I would use proxemics to show my higher status by getting up close to Granny and looking down on her to highlight just how patronising of her elders she is.
2nd pt : This would make an audience feel uncomfortable as no one likes to have their personal space invaded, creating tension through Isa’s tormenting of Granny. This tension would further communicate the theme of the plight of the elderly whom Isa has no respect for, which is against what was expected in the 1930’s.
KEY MOMENT 3 – pg 41
1st pt: A third key moment where dramatic tension is created by Isa is in the first real introduction to domestic violence as Alec lashes out and almost strangles Isa. Isa pushes and torments Alec through her talk of Peter Robb which she knows drives him insane with jealousy. The tension is built for the audience as they start to question just how much Alec will take before he erupts.
‘If I’d went wi Peter Robb I’d hae a fur coat an it woundna be rabbit. An he’s got a caur….
2nd pt: This turns out to be the climax to what Isa has been saying as Alec responds with extreme violence, highlighting one of the plays key themes to an audience. Whilst the action of Alec grabbing Isa’s throat is the climax to the tension, the audience are also left feeling some sympathy for Alec as his wife is constantly disrpecting and goading him into a response as she threatens leaving him for Peter Robb.
1st Pt: As an actor, I would build this tension to a climax by starting off with a low volume, uninterested tone of voice. I would also avoid too much eye contact to highlight my lack of respect for my husband. As the character builds the tension, my volume would increase and I would make direct eye contact with Alec to show how intent I was in winding him up. I would use open body language with my arms by my side, facing him directly, almost offering him the opportunity to respond with aggression.
2nd Pt: By using these acting techniques, it would allow the audience to feel the building of the tension that results in the climax of the strangle. This would be extremely shocking for an audience to witness as they are left hanging for a few moments to discover whether Alec’s actions have actually killed Isa or not, creating suspense. This key moment also develops the audiences understanding of the relationship between Isa and Alec as clearly, this is not the first time Isa has tormented him but it appears as though it is the first time Alec has responded so aggressively.
KEY MOMENT 4 – pg 44
1st Pt: Isa is involved in another key moment which creates dramatic tension as conflict arises between herself and Alec’s mother, Maggie. up until this point, the audience has seen Maggie as a loyal, hardworking woman, struggling to do her best by her family, however, she is known not to approve of violence. This is why it is such a shock for an audience to see her retaliate by slapping Isa’s face. Isa builds this tension to a climax by saying to her mother in law;
‘You keep yer insultin names to yersl, ye dirty aul bitch!’
2nd Pt: Tension is created by Isa through conflict and shock, once again showing that she has no respect for her elders. A contemporary audience would be able to relate to why Maggie lashes out at Isa as they feel sympathy for her character as opposed to feeling anger towards the character of Isa.
1st Pt: As an actor, to show the development of this conflict and tension, I would start the build up by positioning myself at the other side of the stage to Maggie. This would highlight just how different our view points and morals are. However, as the argument builds I would move slowly towards her, to show to an audience that I am up for a fight and taking the challenge to Maggie. I would hold eye contact with her to try and assert a higher status over her but keep my arms folded to show I was guarding myself from any attack from Maggie.
2nd Pt: This would help an audience see the tension building in front of them as they wonder just how close Isa will get to Maggie before something happens. As it turns out, Isa is successful in getting a rise from Maggie, as she resorts to slapping Isa’s face. An audience would feel more anger toward Isa at this point as she pushes Maggie so far that she renegades on one of her principles of not agreeing with violence.
KEY MOMENT 5 – pg 47
1st Pt: A final key moment in which Isa creates dramatic tension is when Isa is left alone with her father in law, John Morrison. It is a key moment as the audience, up until this point, have seen John as a loyal and dedicated husband to Maggie. Due to Isa’s actions, the audience begin to question whether he will remain true to his word or fall for the manipulative behaviour displayed by Isa. Tension is created as the audience do not know what is going to happen, will John reciprocate his daughter in-laws advances or reject them? Isa builds this tension to a climax as she states;
(Impudently she tickles the back of his neck)
‘Whit for, Daddy?’
2nd Pt: This would be equally as shocking for an audience reading the play when it was first produced in the late 1940’s as it would be for a contemporary audience as they would be outraged that Isa is willing to cross all boundaries by engaging in sexual relationships with her father in-law just to prove she is a woman who can get what she wants.
1st Pt: As an actor, I would communicate this build up of tension by using a lot of flirtatious gestures, such as twirling my hair round my finger, tilting my head to one side and using wide eyed and naïve facial expressions to portray my coyness. I would slowly move closer and closer to John, using any opportunity to brush against him, or place a hand on his knee or shoulder. As well as using the stage directions highlighted above, I would, at this point, say this line from behind him, directly into his ear, with a low volume and seductive tone. This would clearly communicate my flirtatious intentions to an audience.
2nd Pt: Using these acting techniques would build and communicate the tension as they would make an audience feel uneasy as they would not know where this physical contact would lead to. This key moment further communicates the character of Isa to an audience and how she is willing to break any taboo, to get what she wants.
= 20 POINTS !!