Elementary Talent Pool Pull-Out Program FAQs
Whatis the Talent Pool?
Fort Worth ISD is an inclusive school district concerning all advanced academic programs. The talent pool includes all identified gifted and talented children and all children who fall in at least the top 10% (as identified by scores from the NNAT, Stanford 10, Iowa Test of Basic Skills, or Advanced Level on STAAR) of each ethnic group of the school, at each grade level.
Who teaches the Talent Pool Pull-Out?
Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year; Advanced, Accelerated, and Innovative Learning began providing 21 Talent Pool Pullout Enrichment Teachers who teach one day of pull-out enrichment at each elementary campus in Fort Worth ISD. Each child in the Talent Pool will attend an enrichment class for 60-90 minutes determined by campus scheduling. Each child included in the Talent Pool is required to have a minimum of 2.5 hours of enrichment during the week, the remaining 60-90 minutes will be provided by the classroom teacher.
What curriculum is being used for the Talent Pool Pull-Out?
The Talent Pool Pullout Enrichment teachers are utilizing the Talent Pool Curriculum from the FWISD Curriculum Frameworks as the foundation for what is being taught during the enrichment time. This is an enrichment based curriculum that is grounded in the elementary TEKS and the Collegeboard SAT Skills Insight. Through the Talent Pool Curriculum, we teach the following concepts that we believe are important for all children to know: leadership, financial literacy, critical thinking, creative thinking, service learning, problem solving, and independent study. Our teachers will also use the Texas Performance Standards Project ( for products and performances that identify what the children know, understand, and are able to do.
Will the Talent Pool Pull-Out students receive a grade?
No. We do not philosophically believe in grading enrichment, however, all students will participate in interest based projects (products/performances) that are standards based. The projects will be evaluated against a rubric to determine is the student’s work shows mastery of the standards addressed. The Talent Pool Pullout Enrichment teacher will keep evidence with the rubric as documentation.
How do I know what my student is learning/doing during the Talent Pool Pullout Class?
Each Talent Pool Pullout Enrichment Teacher will send home a newsletter/letter each 6 weeks describing what is occurring in class. At any time, please feel free to contact the teacher and ask any questions that may arise. Each semester, the students will host a parent night at the campus where they will present standards-based projects that demonstrate what they have been learning.
What standards are being used in the Talent Pool Pull-Out classes?
Our Talent Pool Pullout EnrichmentTeachers are basing their lessons on the following standards:
The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
The Collegeboard SAT Skills Insight
The National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) National Programming Standards
Who do I contact for more information about the Talent Pool Pull-Out?
You may contact Tyler Dean, Elementary Coordinator for Advanced Academics ( or 817-814-2580), as well as the Talent Pool Pullout Enrichment Teacher assigned to each campus.