Plans May 2008

08/00655/B Alterations and extensions, Far End Glen Auldyn REFUSED – unanimous 3:1. The Commissioners wish to object as this application is an over-development of the site. The only access is narrow and restricted. The area is considered an area of heritage value and a place of national beauty.

PA 08/00667/R Operation of a cookery school from a residential dwelling, Riverslea Glen Auldyn APPROVED - unanimous.

PA 08/00326/REM Reserved Matters application to erect a dwelling. Land Adjacent to Allandale Farm Ballamanagh Road Sulby (Re advertised due to amended plans received) REFUSED – unanimous. The Commissioners wish to object as this application is an over-development of the site on land that is not zoned for development. The Commissioners are not comfortable to see that the amendments shown are only to make the development bigger.

The Commissioners have never been in favour of this application as it sets a precedent for further development in the village. They understood from the original application in principle that the house would be designed around the needs of the applicant’s disabled daughter but they feelthat a seven-bedroom mansion is totally beyond what must be required and out of keeping with others in the area. The commissioners also state that the Planning committee should bear in mind that there are already drainage problems in the area which have halted nearby building work.

PA 08/00718/B Erection of conservatory, Hazelmere Glen Auldyn – APPROVED - unanimous

PA 08/00740/REM Reserved matters application to erect a detached dwelling with integral garage, Land Adjacent to Wychwood Ballacaley Road Sulby APPROVED - unanimous with a stipulation that the building should be sympathetically built to blend in with the countryside and the surrounding cottages.

PA 08/00757/B Proposed car park, Field 133229 26th Milestone Mountain Road Glen Auldyn. REFUSED 3:1 The Commissioners feel that this is a retrospect application as the work has already begun. The letter supplied with the application from the Department of Tourism & Leisure leaves the Commissioners in no doubt that this is a done deal! The Commissioners feel that applying for planning permission is just a formality.

PA 08/00758/B Proposed car park, Black Hut Mountain Road. REFUSED 3:1 The Commissioners feel that this is a retrospect application as the work has already begun. The letter supplied with the application from the Department of Tourism & Leisure leaves the Commissioners in no doubt that this is a done deal! The Commissioners feel that applying for planning permission is just a formality.

Notifications from DoLGE

PA08/00247/B Mr Gary Hewitt, Narradale West, Narradale, Sulby. Erection of conservatory. APPROVED

PA07/02155/GB The Milntown Trust, Milntown, Glen Auldyn. Alterations and extensions to existing house to create a restaurant, shop, public access and parking areas including the demolition of existing lean to conservatory (In association with 07/02156CON). APPROVED

PA07/02156/CONMilntown Glen Auldyn. Registered Building Consent for alterations and extensions to existing house to create a restaurant, shop, public access and parking areas, including the demolition of existing lean to conservatory and internal alterations (RegisteredBuilding no 168, in association with 07/02155GB). APPROVED

PA08/00279/B Mr & Mrs J E Berry, Abbeville Cottage, Kerrowmoar, Sulby.

Installation of replacement windows. APPROVED

08/00328/C Gary Quilliam. Glen Mooar Cottage Sulby Glen SulbyAdditional use of residential property as holiday accommodation. APPROVED

08/00333/B Mr & Mrs P Jeans. The Old Nursery Garey Alterations to dwelling.APPROVED

08/00368/BMartin Jackson, Sulby Primary School Main Road Sulby Construction of a polytunnel greenhouse. APPROVED

Appeals to be heard (pending)

PA07/02350/A Mr & Mrs D Musson, Field Adjacent To Holly Bank, SulbyBridge, Sulby. Approval in principle for the erection of a detached dwelling.

PA07/02366/A Mr & Mrs David Brew, Field 134146,St Judes Road, Sulby.Approval in principle to erect a detached dwelling.


Copy of letter received in respect of the creation of new access and driveway across field 134252 adjacent to Cronk Constantia, Garey, Lezayre. The Enforcement officer concurs that the applicant has to apply for planning approval and has instructed that a retrospective application be made.