Attendance: Steven King, Thomas King, Mike King, Tom Plett, Noah Tutt, Thomas Payne, Alex Hoffmann, Colin Ludzyk, Jacob Bakker, Steve Heitmeier, Joe Amoros, Jim Huges, Jeff Beech, Tyler Young, Carl Palma, Clyde Sinclair, Brandon Sinclair, Sue Palma, Kevin Tutt, Nick Capell, Eryk Feala, Mark Gutowski, Chris Grandy

Meeting Started: 2:05

Approval of the Agenda:

Steven: Going to be a longer meeting

T-Payne: Motion to move 6 and 5s order on the Agenda

Brandon: Lodge D&D Crew Funding as # 10 new business

Vote to approve agenda: Motion carries unanimously


Alex Hoffmann: Has been working on updating the website and preparing a layout upgrade that should be ready in the next month or two.

Nick Capell: Talked to Joe deadline is Tuesday the 16th for AOTY and HATY and Centurion awards. Thomas Payne email me about the history book

Joe Amoros: Organizing his eagle project going to sit down with his chairman

Jonathan: Did Eagle Scout Project

Thomas Payne: Doing history stuff book things

Mark Gutowski: going to email me his report

Eryk Fealea: going to email it to me.

Noah Tutt: Noacc going well

Jonathan Logan: Eagle Project, Winter Banquet Flier, Cub Ceremonies for the Chapter

Charlie Rogers:

Chapter / Unit Elections Scheduled
1 / 0
2 / 0
3 / 1
4 / 10
5 / 0
6 / 0
7 / 4
  • All Chapter Chiefs and Chapter Unit Elections Chairmen have been instructed (most have been called multiple times) about the proper procedures for Unit Elections including scheduling, confirming, use of the spreadsheet, and forming UE Teams.
  • I have instructed the Unit Elections Chairmen to contact each troop in their district with the primary goal of informing them of the UE scheduling process. I estimate that there has been approximately 50% follow-through on this assignment.
  • An article about Unit Elections was submitted for publication in the Proclamation, but I’m not sure if that was ever approved by Robert Silvernail and published.
  • I have distributed a checklist of UE Team Responsibilities to each Chapter Chief and Chapter UE Chair for further distribution to UE Teams once assigned.

Everyone else is going to email me

Josh Langue: so I have been working on budget. Hope to get it approved

Jacob Bakker: Finalized was late because he was missing a vital article

Jason Andrus: I’m sick

Chapter Chiefs

Chapter 1: Had meeting Christmas party. Started getting unit elections teams’ setup. Teaching scoutmasters how to sign up for unit elections.

Chapter 2: Not here Thomas Payne: Chapter 2 had a July and Christmas party. Went well. Other than that he is not sure what is going on

Chapter 3: Talked about unit elections and Cub Ceremonies

Chapter 4: Viewed a Cub Ceremony. Promoted Lodge Events. Has all scoutmasters contacted

Chapter 5: not here Josh Lange: Does not know

Chapter 6: Is currently doing Unit Elections

Steven King: In the past month I have been busy preparing for the EC meeting as well as working on the budget and our lodge JTE. I have assisted in opening a financial assistance program for new members, and have pushed to help on winter banquet and the newsletter.

Old Business

  1. Approval of Budget: Jim Huges: No budget for the trading post. Spend 10k make 14k

Brandon Sinclair: Three Fires Traders consolidating. Previously it has not been in our budget.

Jim: Account where trading post is in was just deposit and withdrawal. There could be a budget. Now that we can see the money amounts we can create a budget. So we made a new line for the Trading Post.

Steven: Some new changes

Josh: Able to get actual trading post numbers. Able to add it to our budget to add us significantly into the black

Key 3: 5,000k to 3,500 website now has $275 ceremonies now has $600

Summer Conclave $4000k income $4000k expense

Ordeal Scholarships added with: $500 expenditure

Thomas King Makes a motion to approve the budget as it currently stands seconded by Jacob Bakker : Passes Unanimously

Approval of October Minutes:

Jacob Bakker makes a motion to approve the October Minutes seconded by Alex Hoffmann: Passes Unanimously

  1. Lodge Calendar:

Lodge Officer Seminar moved to after Spring Conclave

LLD is on 9/11 move to August 28th-30th

EC meeting September 13th

ALL new EC meetings TBD

Motion to approve changes motion by Alex Hoffmann seconded by Thomas King Approved unanimously

  1. First Year Arrowman Award

T-Payne- Participating in ceremony needs to be clarified change pre-ordeal ceremony to Ordeal Ceremony

Joe: Need to change bead name already exists

The bead is a problem we cannot approve it to January

Chris Grandy: Do not add too many beads maybe make it alternate way to earn the bead instead of creating new bead

Brandon: Approving the award? It was approved already

Tyler Young it is approved except for the spirit of the lodge award. It has been approved

Steve: What do we do if this form gets turned in?

Thomas Payne – never got any for ordeal packet

Joe Amoros: Want to remove the bead.

Thomas King makes a motion to remove the part of the award that awards the spirit of the lodge bead seconded by Jacob Bakker

Tyler Young: There will be a certificate

Passes unanimously

  1. Ordeal Scholarship Program

Will help people who cannot afford their ordeal payment. We will pay ½ if they fill out the form and it gets approved. We don’t need specifics. 20 awards about. Filled out by Scoutmaster.

Steve: Who approves this? I have a suggestion to contact the scoutmasters and have them contact me or the treasurer advisor. Don’t make it too public or we will get overwhelmed. Keep it there for people who REALLY need it. We don’t need form just have them contact an advisor. Alex thinks it should go the first year at least just for ordeals not Brotherhood.

Motion to move this to table by Joe Amoros motion seconded by Jacob Bakker motion passes unanimously.

  1. Centennial T-Shirt

Red Sash

Black shirt

White Arrow

War club and Arrow

100th anniversary on red sash

Cost unknown

After centennial change sash to white and take off centennial wording and sell it

Alex Hoffmann makes a motion to approve Thomas Payne’s shirt as he described it seconded by Gabe Miller passes unanimously

  1. Historical Patch Preservation

Collect 2 of every patch that the lodge has produced for preservation. Indian Drum has done this. Display for both camps. Put in dining hall/ museum for future generations to enjoy

Alex Hoffmann makes a motion to preserve two of every patch and to preserve them. One display at Greilick museum and one at Gerber Centennial Dining Hall. Motion passes unanimously

  1. Lodge Display Case

Frame to store all the patches in. Would cost about $75 dollars total. Special projects is where the money would come from. Noah Tutt makes a motion to allocate funds from special projects to buy to patch cases seconded by Thomas King. Motion carries unanimously

  1. Leftover legacy and Jamboree patches

Right now they are all on the website all 16.

Joe makes a motion to distribute the remaining 16 gold border lodge flaps. Keep them up on the website until winter Banquet where we will auction the remaining ones off. Seconded by Nick Capell amended the motion to allocate the money to the NOAC fund seconded by Nick Capell amended motion approved unanimously motion approved unanimously

  1. Legacy Lodge merchandise

Joe moves that the remaining legacy lodge flaps excluding HAOTY AOTY elangomat and all other legacy special patches and sell them to NOAC participants. Seconded by Nick Capell passes unanimously

JoeAmoros makes a motion to use the remaining legacy lodge flaps be auctioned off at a future lodge events. Seconded by nick Capell. Amended motion to sell them at Section conclave seconded by Nick Capell an amendment to the amendment and put it into the NOAC fund Thomas King seconded the amendment of the amendment passes amendment of the motion passes unanimously’

Closing moved to 4:30

  1. Motion by Nick Capell to approve the November minutes seconded by Thomas King passes unanimously
  2. Lodge Regalia Repair Tyler Penrod wants to repair lodge regalia at his crews upcoming lodge Regalia meeting and return by spring conclave

Tyler Penrod makes a motion to be allowed to take Regalia from Gerber to repair and be returned by Spring Conclave seconded by Thomas King

Thomas Payne asks if they can make new regalia for camp

Thomas King Amendment to move return date to section conclave. Seconded by Jacob Bakker. Approves unanimously

Motion approved unanimously

  1. D&D crew funding

Buy crew materials with the $1,400 from the budget

Joe moves to provide the materials to the crew seconded nick Capell motion carries unanimously

For the Good of the Lodge

Colin: Theme (Dr. Who) going to contact the BBC and get permission. Theme 2 super heroes Theme 3 Hockey Theme 4: Outer Space

Charlie Rogers: Winter Extravaganza many activities Early January

Alex Hoffmann: Send in your reports

Brandon Sinclair: Thanks the three from Traverse City for driving here. Warns not to concentrate on the tachasin

Steven King: Good Job Everyone!

Steve Heitmeier: NOAC had to turn away adults. Section Officer is running for National chief

Meeting Closed at 4:26pm