John Brady, PhD/ CSP 640


(Adapted from Academic Skills Problems, 1996, E. Shapiro)

Student: ______Teacher: ______

Birthdate: ______Date: ______

Grade: ______School: ______

Interviewer: ______


Why was this student referred?

What type(s) of academic problem(s) does this student have?


Primary type of reading series usedSecondary type of reading materials used

 Basal reader Basal reader

 Literature-based Literature-based

 Trade books Trade books

 None

Reading series title (if applicable) ______

Grade level of series currently placed ______

Title of book in series currently placed ______

How many groups do you teach? ______

Which group is this student assigned to? ______

At this point in the school year, where is the average student in your class reading?

Level and book ______

Place in book (beginning, middle, end, specific page) ______

Time allotted/day for reading ______

How is time divided? (Independent seatwork? Small group? Cooperative groups?)



How is placement in reading program determined? ______


How are changes made in the program? ______


Does this student participate in Chapter 1 (remedial) reading programs? How much? ___


Typical daily instructional procedures ______


Contingencies for accuracy? ______


Contingencies for completion? ______


Daily scores (if available) for past two weeks ______


Group standardized test results (if available) ______



How much does he/she read orally, compared to others in his/her reading group?

___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same

___Somewhat better___Much better

In the class?

___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same

___Somewhat better___Much better


Does he/she attempt unknown words? ______


How is the student's sight vocabulary, compared to others in his/her reading group?

___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same

___Somewhat better___Much better

In the class?

___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same

___Somewhat better___Much better


How well does the student seem to understand what he/she reads, compared to others in his/her reading group?

___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same

___Somewhat better___Much better

In the class?

___Much worse___Somewhat worse___About the same

___Somewhat better___Much better


Rate the following areas from 1 to 5 (1 = very unsatisfactory, 3 = satisfactory, 5 = superior)

Reading Group

  1. Oral reading ability (as evidenced in reading group)____
  2. Volunteers answers____
  3. When called upon, gives correct answer____
  4. Attends to other students when they read aloud____
  5. Knows the appropriate place in book____

Independent Seatwork

  1. Stays on task____
  2. Completes assigned work in required time____
  3. Work is accurate____
  4. Works quietly____
  5. Remains in seat when required____

Homework (if any)

  1. Handed in on time____
  2. Is complete____
  3. Is accurate____


Curriculum series ______

What are the specific problems in math? ______


Time allotted/day for math ______

How is time divided? (Independent seatwork? Small group? Large group? Cooperative groups?) ______


For an average-performing student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student at mastery? ______


For an average-performing student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student instructional? ______


For an average performing student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student frustrational? ______


For the targeted student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student at mastery? ______


For the targeted student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student instructional? ______


For the targeted student in your class, at what point in the planned course format would you consider this student frustrational? ______


How is mastery assessed? ______

Describe any difficulties this student has in applying math skills (measurement, time, money, geometry, problem solving) ______


Are your students grouped in math? ______

If so, how many groups do you have, and in which group is this student placed? ______


How are changes made in the student's math program? ______


Does this student participate in Chapter 1 (remedial) math programs? ______

Typical daily instructional procedures ______


Contingencies for accuracy? ______

Contingencies for completion? ______

Daily scores (if available) for past two weeks ______


Group standardized test results (if available) ______



Rate the following areas from 1 to 5 (1 = very unsatisfactory, 3 = satisfactory, 5 = superior)

Math Group (large)

  1. Volunteers answers____
  2. When called upon, gives correct answer____
  3. Attends to other students when they give answers____
  4. Knows the appropriate place in math book____

Math Group (small)____

  1. Volunteers answers____
  2. When called upon, gives correct answers____
  3. Attends to other students when they give answers____
  4. Knows the appropriate place in math book____

Math Group (cooperative)

  1. Volunteers answers____
  2. Contributes to group objectives____
  3. Attends to other students when they give answers____
  4. Facilitates others in group to participate____
  5. Show appropriate social skills in group____

Independent Seatwork

  1. Stays on task____
  2. Completes assigned work in required time____
  3. Work is accurate____
  4. Works from initial directions____
  5. Works quietly____
  6. Remains in seat when required____

Homework (if any)

  1. Handed in on time____
  2. Is complete____
  3. Is accurate____


Type of material used for spelling instruction:

 Published spelling series

Title of series ______

 Basal reading series

Title of series ______

 Teacher-made materials

 Other ______

Level of instruction (if applicable) ______

At this point in the school year, where is the average student in your class spelling?

Level, place in book ______

Time allotted/day for spelling ______

How is time divided? (Independent seatwork? Small group? Cooperative groups?)



How is placement in spelling program determined? ______


How are changes made in the program? ______


Typical daily instructional procedures ______


Contingencies for accuracy? ______


Contingencies for completion? ______



Please describe the type of writing assignments you give ______


Compared to others in your class, does he/she have difficulty with

(please provide a brief description):

 Expressing thoughts ______

 Story length ______

 Story depth ______

 Creativity ______


 Capitalization

 Punctuation

 Grammar

 Handwriting

 Spelling


Are there social/behavioral adjustment problems interfering with this student's academic progress? (be specific)



Check any item that describes this student's behavior:

____ Distracted, short attention span, unable to concentrate

____ Hyperactive, constant, aimless movement

____ Impulsive/aggressive behaviors, lacks self-control

____ Fluctuating levels of performance

____ Frequent negative self-statements

____ Unconsciously repeating verbal or motor acts

____ Lethargic, sluggish, too quiet

____ Difficulty sharing or working with others