Congleton Cricket Club recognises that we have a duty of care towards all young players who are representing the club. The duty of care is interpreted in two ways:

  • Not to place a young player in a position that involves an unreasonablerisk to that young player, taking account of the circumstances of thematch and the relative skills of the player.
  • Not to create a situation that places members of the opposing side in aposition whereby they cannot play cricket as they would normally doagainst adult players.

In addition the following specific requirements apply to young players in adult matches:

  1. All young players who have not reached their 18th birthday must wear ahelmet with a faceguard when batting and when standing up to thestumps when keeping wicket. Parental consent not to wear a helmetwill not be accepted in adult matches. A young player acting as arunner must also wear a helmet even if the player he is running for isnot doing so.
  2. The current ECB fielding regulations must be adhered to and enforcedby the umpires and captain. The umpires are empowered by thesefielding regulations to stop the game immediately if a young playercomes within the restricted distance.
  3. The umpires and the opposing captain must be notified of the agegroup of all players participating in an adult match who are in the Under19 age group or younger even if the player is not a fast bowler. Thisrequirement also covers any young player taking the field as asubstitute fielder.
  4. Any player in the Under 13 age group must have explicitwritten consent from a parent or guardian and from the Club’s Junior Coordinator before participating in adultmatches.
  5. The guidance related to changing andshowering (see below) must be adhered to.
  6. No Junior Players younger than Under 12 on the 1 September of the previous year (i.e. school year 7 and below) mayplay in Adult matches.

It is strongly recommended that a parent, guardian or other identified responsible adult is present whenever a player in the Under 13 age group plays in an adult match.

Passing Junior Cricketer’s Details to Senior Captains

The Junior Coordinator (or their delegated administrator) is responsible for maintaining records of all junior members; this must include contact details and details of any medical conditions which may be relevant to playing cricket. The Junior Managers shall establish which junior cricketers would benefit from playing senior cricket and pass on the relevant details to the senior captains via the club management meeting.

Note in accordance with 4 above written consent from a parent/carer must be obtained prior to passing on any information about Under 13 Cricketers.

Fielding Regulations

For reference, the ECB Fielding Regulations are as follows:

  • No young player in the Under 15 age group or younger shall be allowedto field closer than 8 yards (7.3 metres) from the middle stump, exceptbehind the wicket on the off side, until the batsman has played at theball.
  • For players in the Under 13 age group and below the distance is 11yards (10 metres).
  • These minimum distances apply even if the player is wearing a helmet.
  • Should a young player in these age groups come within the restricteddistance the umpire must stop the game immediately and instruct thefielder to move back.
  • In addition any young player in the Under 16 to Under 18 age groups,who has not reached the age of 18, must wear a helmet and, for boys,an abdominal protector (box) when fielding within 6 yards (5.5 metres)of the bat, except behind the wicket on the off side. Players shouldwear appropriate protective equipment whenever they are fielding in aposition where they feel at risk.
  • These fielding regulations are applicable to all cricket in England andWales.

ECB Fast Bowling Directive (issued October 2009)

Up to 13 / 5 / 10
U14, U15 / 6 / 12
U16, U17, U18, U19 / 7 / 18
  • For the purposes of these Directives a fast bowler is defined as a bowler to whom a wicket keeper in the same age group would in normal circumstances stand back to take the ball.
  • Age groups are based on the age of the player at midnight on 31st August in the year preceding the current season.
  • Having completed a spell the bowler cannot bowl again, from either end, until the equivalent number of overs to the length of the spell have been bowled from the same end.
  • A bowler can change ends without ending his current spell providing that he bowls the next over that he legally can bowl from the other end. If this does not happen the spell is deemed to be concluded.
  • If play is interrupted, for any reason, for less than 40 minutes any spell in progress at the time of the interruption can be continued after the interruption up to the maximum number of overs per spell for the appropriate age group. If the spell is not continued after the interruption the bowler cannot bowl again, from either end, until the equivalent number of overs to the length of the spell before the interruption have been bowled from the same end.
  • If the interruption is of 40 minutes or more, whether scheduled or not, the bowl can commence the new spell immediately.
  • Once a bowler covered by these Directives has bowled in a match he cannot exceed the number of overs per day for his age group even if he subsequently bowls spin.

Captains, Team Managers and umpires are asked to ensure that these Directives are followed at all times.

Club Changing Policy

The club has applied the following guidelines, which apply to Adults and Young People (under the age of 16) sharing changing facilities.

  1. Adults should not change or shower at the same time using the same facility as Young People
  2. Adults should try to change at separate times to Young People
  3. If Adults and Young People need to share a changing facility, the Club must have consent from the Parents that their child/children can share a changing room with adults in the club
  4. If Young People need to share changing facilities with Adults, their Parents should be allowed to supervise them whilst they are changing
  5. Cameras and mobile phones with cameras are not allowed in the changing rooms

Please note:

If Young People are uncomfortable changing or showering with Adults, no pressure should be placed on them to do so. Encourage them to do this at home