The B.4. session includes 10 papers related to manyissues, thematically included to the tele-education subject as are:e-learning,web-based education, adaptive web-based instructional systems, education portal,multimedia networks, adaptive hypermedia,videoconference, artificial intelligence, distance learning, knowledge cycle, and e-University.

The first paper by Alena Ilavská, Jozef Babiak, under the title System Education – Virtual University Systempresents a point of view of the global education as an integral and participative process of learning. The second paper by Anastasios Tzerahoglouunder the title Implementinga Teleducation Network Based on Videoconferencing Systems within Technological Educational Institutes in Greece, presents the aspects of the application of videoconferencing systems in the sector Greek Technological Educational Institutes (TEI) over low cost communication infrastructure.The third paper by Α. Kokkosis, S. Tsitomeneas, C. Κokkonis, A Charitopoulos, under the title The knowledge of life cycle presents the issues of what’s happening to life cycle in the information age, what accelerates cycles, and what retards them.The forth paper by Panagiotis Kenterlis under the title Electra, a Multifunctional Education Web Portal for Technological Education Institute Departments, presents the “Electra”a multifunctional web applicationproject, that allows students and academic staff, of an entire department, to communicate together in a uniform manner and have access to information resources at any time and from any place. The fifth paper by Athanasios Velios, Georgios Panagiaris, under the title Preservation of digital educational material presents the aspects of abriefly review of some open source systems for organizing institutional repositories. The sixth paper by V. Tsoukalas, M. Kontesis, D. Papachristos, E. Badogiannis, N. Fragiadakis,under the title WELDES,an educational software for aluminium welding, presents the WELDES system a tool in technological institutes, universities and industry for the education in aluminum welding.The seventh paper by Spiros Panetsos,under the title ¶Adaptive Educational Hypermedia: An Overview,presents an overview of the current status of the discipline of adaptive web-based educational systems, emphasizing on research trends and state-of-the-art techniques.The eightieth paper by Α.Kokkosis, A.Charitopoulos, L.Athanasopoulou, under the titleE-learning present and future in Greecepresents an overview of the e-learning growth and usage in Greece with the estimation that it will become an integral part of the educational system,in combination with the typical classroom/lecture style learning, as the most widely used application for individuals to learn.The ninth paper byP.M.Papazoglou, D.A.Karras, A.C.Tsakiri, under the titleThe challenges of wireless communications in developing a virtual university, presents thetrends of e-learning in higher education in combination with the technical challenges in the area of wireless communications (specifically in cellular networks). Finally the tenth paper byManiatopoulou G. Angeliki, under the titleThe convergence of sequential decisions to succeed a good estimate for an event, a property or a characteristic concerning the student's personality in universities (a contribution to the student's rights), presents a point of view of the educational environments of decision making with the target to offer a good estimation about an event, a property or a characteristicconcerning the student `s personality.

The chairman

S. Tsitomeneas