LVIV – 2012

Methodical recommendations were worked out by:

Doctor of Medicine, M.D.,

Associate Professor -R.I.Bilobryvka

Candidate of Medical Science,

Associate Professor -A.R.Panas

Candidate of Medical Science,

Associate Professor -B.V.Kulyk

Candidate of Medical Science,

acting Associate Professor -L.V.Rakhman

Assistant -A.R.Tsona

Assistant -K.Y.Zakal

Assistant -Y.V. Shpyliovy

Assistant -T.Y.Zavada

Assistant -N.I.Suvalo

Methodicalrecommendationsonpracticaltrainingforthestudentsofmedicalandstomatologicaldepartmentson basics ofpsychology and essentials of pedagogics were prepared according to the acting academic curriculum (2011).

Responsiblefor edition:М.R.Gzhegotsky,Vice-rectoroneducational process of LvivNationalMedicalUniversity, Doctor of Medicine, M.D., Professor


Head of Dep. Of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Doctor of Medicine, M.D., Professor Filtz O.O.

Head of Dep. Of Neurology, Doctor of Medicine, M.D., Professor

Pshyk S.S.

Methodical recommendations are recommended for printing by Central methodical commission of Lviv national medical university named after Danylo Galytskyi (protocol № 15 from 15.12.2011)

Tentative structure of the final test credit – module 1.

Subject / Number of hours
Lectures / Practice / Individual
work / Including individual work
Content of module 1. Basic aspects of psychology.
1. Subject, aims and methods of psychology / 2 / 2 / - / Preparationofsurveyofscientificmaterial/literature, announcement orabstract, or fulfillment of creative task
2. Directions, schools and conceptions in psychological science / - / - / 1
3. Personalityandlaborpsychology / 2 / 2
4. Communicationasaspecificform of activity / - / - / 1
5. Social groups / - / - / 1
6. Attention, feelings, perception / 2 / 2 / 1
7. Memory. Thinking and imagination. / 2 / 2
8. Emotional and volition/will spheres of individual / 2 / 2
9.Individualandpsychologicaldifferencesofpersonality / 2 / 2 / -
Content of module 2. Essentials of pedagogics.
  1. General fundamentals of pedagogy
/ 2 / - / 1 / Preparationofsurveyofscientificmaterial/literature, announcement orabstract, or fulfillment of creative task
  1. History of pedagogical science

  1. Personalitydevelopmentin teaching and upbringing process
/ - / - / 1
  1. Didacticsis the theory of education and teaching
/ - / 2 / 1
  1. The theory of upbringing
/ - / -
15. Module control / - / 2 / -
Total hours: 45 / 14 / 16 / 7 / 8
CreditsECTS – 1,5
№ /


/ No of
1. / Psychology as a science,its subject, aims and methods / 2
2. / Characteristicof main properties of attention, feelings and perception / 2
3. / Notionandcharacteristicof memory, thinking and imagination / 2
4. / Characteristicofemotionalandvolition/will spheresof personality / 2
5. / Notion of personality. Personality and activity / 2
6. / Individualandtypologicalpeculiarities of personality / 2
7. / Generalcharacteristicof main categories of pedagogics / 2
TOTAL: / 14



№ /

Theme :

/ Hours
1 / Subject, aims and methods of psychological science.
Characteristicofpsychologyresearchmethods. / 2
2 / Psycho-diagnostics ofindividualdifferencesofattention, feelingsandperception / 2
3 / Psycho-diagnosticsanddevelopmentofindividualpeculiarities of memory, thinking
and imagination / 2
4 / Psycho-diagnosticsandimprovementofpersonality emotionalandvolition/will
properties / 2
5 / Formation of consciousness and self-consciousness / 2
6 / Personality and activity / 2
7 / Psycho-diagnosticsofindividual and typological properties of personality / 2
8 / Didactics. Teaching process. Essence of education.
Essence of upbringing process. Doctor’s upbringing. Test. / 2
TOTAL: / 16


Module 1. Basics of psychology. Essentials of pedagogy.

Topical module 1.

Fundamentals of psychology.

Specific purposes:

-tomasterdefinitionofpsychologyasascience, main stages of its development.

-toanalyzeareasofpsychologyanditsconnections with other sciences.

-toclassifymethodsofscientificandpsychological research.

-to differentiate functions of psyche and forms of its manifestation.

-toexplainformation, historicdevelopment and structure of consciousness.


-toshowrole, placeofactivityandcommunication in professional life of a doctor.

-todistinguishsocial groups and to interpret interpersonal relations within them.

-tosummarizereasonsforconflictsoccurrenceandtodetermine styles of behavior in conflict situation.

-toexplainspecificityofcognitive, emotionalandvolitionalprocesses, and to ground their meaning in doctor’s practice.

-toanalyzepeculiaritiesofpsychiccognitiveprocessesdevelopment, formationofemotionaland volitional sphere of personality and its individual and typological differences.


Practical studies 1.

THEME: Subject, aims and methods of psychological science. Characteristic of methods of psychological research.

PURPOSE: Notionofpsychology, subject and main tasks. History of development of psychology: main stages. Principal tendencies of development of the present-day psychology. Notion of psychics and its functions.Main forms of psyche manifestation, their interconnection. Genesis and development of psyche.Reflectory nature of psyche.Psyche and consciousness.Historicdevelopmentofthehumanconsciousness. Structureofconsciousness.Notionofthe unconscious. Structure of contemporary psychology. Characteristics of the main areas of psychological knowledge. Medical psychology. Connection of psychology with other sciences. Psychology and pedagogy. Importance of psychological knowledge in doctor’s practice.

General notion about psychological research methods. Principal requirements for psychological methods. Psychological methods classification. Characteristic of the main methods:observation,introspection (self-observation), experiment. Characteristic of additional methods: test, questioning, conversing, surveying, analysis of activity products.


1. Teacher’sintroductory word (subject and aims of psychology).

2. Questioning and checking up students’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

3. Gettingfamiliarizedwithorganization ofpsychologicalsupportinUkraineandabroad.

4. Gettingacquaintedwithmethodsofquestioning, surveying, observing, qualitativeanalysisandprocessingofactualmaterial.


1.Notionaboutpsychologyasascience (subject of studies, tasks of psychology).

2.Psychology development stages.

3.Main fields of psychology.

4.Connection of psychology with other sciences.

5.Importanceofpsychologicalknowledgeindoctor’s practice.

6.Principal methods of psychological studies:

- observation and introspection (self-observation);

- experiment (laboratory, natural) and their characteristics.

7. Additionalmethods (questioning, conversing,surveying, interviewing, psychological testing) and their characteristics.

Q u e s t i o n s f o r s e l f – s t u d y i n g:

1. Principal directions of the foreign psychology:



-Gestalt psychology;

-humanistic psychology;

2. General tendencies of the present-day psychology.

3. Main requirements for psychological methods.

C o n t r o l a n d s e l f – c o n t r o l q u e s t i o n s:

  1. What is the subject of psychology?
  2. Whatpsychicstatesandpersonality features do you know?
  3. What are the main tasks of the modern psychology?
  4. What is consciousness and what are its indications?Givepsychologicalcharacteristictothehuman’sconsciousness.
  5. What kind of connection is between the conscious and unconscious?
  6. How does the unconscious manifest itself in psychic characteristics, processes and states of a person?
  7. Name theoretical and practical fields of psychology.
  8. Whatistheessenceofthemainpsychologicaldirections: behaviorism; Gestalt psychology;Freudianism, analytical and humanistic psychology?
  9. Whatisspecificaboutpsychological research methods?
  10. Givecharacteristicstothefourgroupsofmethods (accordingtoB.G.Ananiyev) thatexistinmodern psychology.
  11. What methods are considered to be the main in psychological practice?
  12. What is the essence of the experiment method?
  13. Whatpeculiaritiesaretypicalfornaturalandlaboratoryexperiments?
  14. What is the main point of the observation method?
  15. What kind of tests do you know? What is their essence?
  16. Givegeneralcharacteristicsofthepsychodiagnosticmethods.
  17. Namemainrequirementsforusingpsychologicalresearchmethods.
  18. Whatareadvantagesanddisadvantagesofeachmethodofpsychologicalresearch?
  19. Doyouagreewiththethoughtstatingthatonlya behavior that is being observed can be described impartially?

Practical studies 2

THEME: Psycho-diagnosticsofindividualdifferencesoffeelingandperception, memory and attention.

PURPOSE: General characteristics of perception processes. Notion of sensations (feelings). Physiological basis of sensations.Principal peculiarities of sensations. Sensitivity of analyzers, thresholds of sensations.Classification and variety of sensations. Pain sensations. Individual differences of sensations, their diagnostics.

Notionofperception. Physiologicalgroundofperception. Characteristics of main peculiarities of perception. Types of perception.Notion of illusion and hallucination. Individual differences of perception, their diagnostics. sensations and perception in professional doctor’s activity.

Notion of memory. Psychological theories of memory.Classification of types of memory and their interconnection.Characteristicsofmainmemoryprocesses. Memorizing, conditionsforinformationsaving. Reproductionanditsvariety. Forgettinganditsreasons. Individual differences of memory, their diagnostics and development. Memory in doctor’s practice.

Notionofattentionasspecial form of psych activity. Physiological ground of attention. Classification of types of attention. Characteristics of main peculiarities of attention. Individual differences of attention. Inattention and its reasons. Importance of attention in professional doctor’s activity.

P R A C T I C E O U T L I N E:

  1. Interviewoftheteacherwithstudentsandcheckinguptheirtheoreticalknowledgeandpracticalskills.
  2. Gettingtoknowmethodsofexperimentalresearchof feeling and perception processes.
  3. Getting familiarized with methods of experimental research of attention and memory.
  4. Teacher’ssummary.

B A S I C T H E O R E T I C A L Q U E S T I O N S :

  1. Notion of cognitive psych processes.
  2. Sensory-perceptualsphereasinitiallinkofcognitiveprocess.
  3. Definition of the process of sensation.
  4. Classification of the types of sensations (exterioceptors, interioceptors, proprioreceptors).
  5. Psychologicalcharacteristicsofsensation (upper, lowerandabsolutethreshold, adaptation, intensity, etc.).
  6. Individual development of sensations.
  7. Definitionoftheprocessofperception.
  8. Psychologicalpropertiesofperception (selectivity, apperception, comprehension (understanding), generalization (summarizing), etc.).
  9. Types of perception (objective, spatial (related to space), temporal (related to time).
  10. Individual development of perception.
  11. Notions about illusions and hallucinations.
  12. Notion of memory.
  13. Characteristics of the main memory processes.
  14. Classification of types of memory and their interconnection.
  15. Propertiesofmemory (volume, quickness, extensiveness/width, precision/accuracy, readiness/preparedness).
  16. Memory disorder (amnesia and its variety).
  17. Notion of attention.
  18. Classification of types of attention and their characteristics.
  19. Characteristics of the main properties of attention.
  20. Attention disorder.

Q u e s t i o n s f o r s e l f – s t u d y i n g :

  1. Physiological mechanisms of sensation and perception processes.
  2. Psychologicaltheoriesofmemory (associative, functional, physiological and biochemical).

C o n t r o l a n d s e l f – c o n t r o l q u e s t i o n s:

  1. What is the peculiarity of feelings as essential form of reality reflection?
  2. What is the meaning of sensations/feelings in person’s life and activity?
  3. Bywhatprinciplesare the feelings divided into variety of types?
  4. Characterize the main types of feelings. Give examples.
  5. Whatarethemainpropertiesoffeelings? Characterize them.
  6. What is adaptation?
  7. Whatisthedifferencebetweenadaptation and sensitization?
  8. What are the mainthresholdsofsensitivity,and by what are they defined?
  9. By what does perception differ from feelings?
  10. Characterizethemostimportantpeculiaritiesofmemoryasacognitive process?
  11. Whatpsychologicaltheoriesandmechanismsofmemorydoyouknow?
  12. Give characteristics to the main memory processes.
  13. What is memorizing and what are its main types?
  14. Understandingofnotionalandmechanicalmemorizingandtheirplaceandrole in mastering knowledge.
  15. What is reproduction, its types and role in learning processes?
  16. What is forgetting, what are its reasons?
  17. Characteristics of the main types of memory.
  18. Whatarethemainconditions for productive memorizing?
  19. How individualpeculiaritiesofmemoryare manifested?
  20. Name memory disorders known by you.
  21. Definition of the notion of attention.
  22. Characteristicsofthemainproperties of attention.
  23. Characteristics of the main types of attention.
  24. Whatconditionsareneededforarising andupholding of voluntaryattention?
  25. What is inattention? How can it be determined?

Practical studies 3.

THEME: Psychodiagnostics of individual differences of thinking and imagination (fantasy).

AIM: Notionofthinkingandunderstandingitsspecificityincomparisonwith direct sensitive reflection.Social nature of thinking.Maintheoriesofthinking. Psychologicalcharacteristicsofthinkingastheprocessof tasks resolution. Notion of a problem situation.Mentaloperationsasbasicmechanismsofthinking. Logical forms of thinking.Classificationofthinking types. Individualpeculiaritiesofthinking, their diagnostics and development. Manifestation of intellectual capacities in the doctor’s practice.

Notionofimaginationanditsoriginality (peculiarity) in a cognitive process. Physiological ground of imagination.Imagination types classification, their characteristics. Dream as a special kind of imagination. Ways of creating images of imagination. Imagination/fantasy and personality. Imagination in doctor’s professional activity.

P R A C T I C E O U T L I N E :

  1. Introductoryteacher’s wordandcheckingupstudents’ theoreticalknowledgeandpracticalskills.
  2. Examinationofpatientswithpreserved and lowered intellect.
  3. Gettingacquaintedwithmethodsofexperimentalresearchofthinkingprocess andintellect.
  4. Teacher’s summary.

B A S I C T H E O R E T I C A L Q U E S T I O N S:

  1. Definitionofthinkingasa cognitive process.
  2. Understandingofthinking, itsspecificityincomparisonwithdirect sensitive reflection.
  3. Distinct peculiarities of thinking as reflection of reality.
  4. Principal theories of thinking in domestic/national psychology:

-I.M.Sechenov’stheoryofthinking (basic elements of thinking);

-L.S.Vygotsky’stheoryofthinking (process of speaking thinking);

-S.L.Rubinstein’stheoryofthinking (objective lawsofanalysis, synthesisandgeneralization (summary);

-P.Y.Galperin’stheoryofthinking (genetic approach in the theory of thinking);

-theory of thinking in Ukrainian psychological school (principal approaches and experimental facts in G.S.Kostiuk’s works).

  1. Psychological characteristic of thinking as the process of tasks resolution.
  2. Intellectualoperationsasbasicmechanismsofthinking (analysis, synthesis. comparison, generalization, abstracting, concretization, classification).
  3. Formsofthinking (imagination, notion, judgment, conclusion/deduction, conviction).
  4. Main forms of thinking, their classification.
  5. Notion of induction and deduction.
  6. Individualfeaturesofthinking (independence, width, depth, etc.).
  7. Notion about intellect and intellectual development of a person.

Q u e s t i o n s f o r s e l f – s t u d y i n g :

1. Neurophysiologic mechanisms of thinking.

2. Research methods of thinking and intellect.

C o n t r o l a n d s e l f – c o n t r o l q u e s t i o n s:

  1. What are specific peculiarities of thinking as the highest form of cognitive activity?
  2. What is particular about the indirect/mediatedway of reality perception/cognition?
  3. Whatdoes sensitive perception have in commonwith thinking?
  4. Explaintheroleofthinkinginman’slife and activity.
  5. Provethatthinkingisdeeper, fullerandmoreaccuratelyreflectsouterworldthansensual/sensitiveperception.
  6. What is physiological basis of thinking?
  7. Give characteristics to the main thinking operations.
  8. Open the role of intellectual operations of thinking in medical practice.
  9. By what principles is thinking divided into a variety of forms? The basics of the thinking forms classification.
  10. Givecharacteristicsandexamplesofthemain types of thinking.
  11. Characterize peculiarities of judgments and conclusions.
  12. Givethedefinitionof ’’notion’’, make an example.
  13. What kind of interconnection is between language and thinking?
  14. Name individual characteristics of thinking.
  15. What thinking disorders do you know?

Practicalstudies 4.

THEME: Psychodiagnosticsandimprovement of emotional and volition capacities of personality.

AIM: Notion of emotions and feelings/sensations.Psychological theories of emotions. Physiological ground of emotions and feelings. Expressionofemotionsandfeelings. Forms of experience of emotions and feelings. Types of emotions. Typesoffeelings. Highest/superiorfeelings. Principalparametersofemotionalprocess. Emotionsandman’shealth. Taking into accountpatient’s emotionalstate in the process of treatment. Roleofemotionalstatesinregulationofman’sbehaviorandactivity. Diagnosticsofemotionalsphereofpersonality.

Notionofwill/volition. Physiological ground will. Psychologicaltheoriesofwill. Notion of voluntary and involuntary action.Simple and complicated will actions, their analysis.Notion of will effort and will-power. Lack of will and its reasons.Basic will features of personality, their formation.Will capacities of a doctor and their importance in professional activity.

P R A C T I C E O U T L I N E :

  1. Introductoryteacher’s wordandcheckingupstudents’ theoreticalknowledgeandpracticalskills.
  2. Examinationofpatientswithoutandwith emotional disorders.
  3. Examinationofpatientswithvoluntary activity disorders.
  4. Getting familiarized with methods of experimental studies of emotions and will.
  5. Teacher’s summary.

B A S I C T H E O R E T I C A L Q U E S T I O N S:

  1. Definition of notion of emotion.
  2. Characteristicsofbasicemotionalstates (mood, аffect, passion, admiration, transitory affective states).
  3. Classification of emotions.
  4. Feelings and their types.
  5. Emotions and person’s needs.
  6. External signs/indications of emotions.
  7. Notion of emotional stress.
  8. Characteristicsofthemainemotionalpeculiarities (excitability, impulsiveness, stability, quickness, strength and rhythm of emotionalexperience).
  9. Individual development and upbringing/cultivating of emotions.
  10. Emotional qualities of personality.
  11. Emotional types of personality.
  12. Definitionofnotionof will (voluntary activity).
  13. Simple and complicated volition/will actions.
  14. Individual development and upbringing/cultivating of will.
  15. Volition qualities of personality.

Q u e s t i o n s f o r s e l f – s t u d y i n g :

1. Neurophysiologic mechanisms of emotions.

2. Limbicsystemofbrain.

3. Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of voluntary activity.

4. Emotions and vegetative nervous system.

C o n t r o l a n d s e l f – c o n t r o l q u e s t i o n s:

  1. What is the difference between emotions and feelings?
  2. Bywhatsigns/indicatorscanweaffirmthatapersonisinthestate of emotional agitation?
  3. Do feelings influence upon the course of cognitive processes?
  4. What emotional functions do you know?
  5. Name psychological theories of emotions know by you.
  6. Whatpresent-dayforeignconcepts of emotions do you know?
  7. Name know by you emotional states, characterize their main qualities.
  8. Characterize types of emotions and feelings.
  9. What is the role of feelings in the man’s life?
  10. Howdofeelingsinfluenceonperson’sactivity, its course and results?
  11. Why do moral, intellectual and esthetic senses/feelings belong to the highest emotions?
  12. What disorders of emotions and feelings do you know?
  13. What is will, what is its nature?
  14. How important is will in person’s life and activity?
  15. In what do the main functions of will manifest themselves?
  16. What is the essential difference between voluntary and involuntary action?
  17. Whatarethemainstagesofdevelopment of complex volition action?
  18. Name volition/will qualities of personality.
  19. Namepathologicalchangesofwillsphere of personality.

Practical studies 5.

THEME: Personality and activity.

AIM: General notion about personality. Modern psychological theories on personality.Psychological structure of personality. Biologicalandsocialaspectsinpersonality. Correlationofnotions „human being”, „individual”, „personality” and „individuality”. Personality’sactivityanditssources. Purposefulnessofpersonalityanditssources. Needsandmotives, theirtypes. Purposes and interests. Ideals and convictions, personality’s outlook. Self-esteem.Levelofpersonalityclaims (demands). Main factors and conditions for personality formation. Formation of personality of a doctor.

Notion of activity.Purpose and motives of activity.Structureofactivity. Principaltypesofactivity, their development in men.Knowledge, abilities, skills, habits.Doctor’s activity and formation of professional abilities and skills.

P R A C T I C E O U T L I N E:

  1. Introductoryteacher’s wordandcheckingupstudents’ theoreticalknowledgeandpracticalskills.
  2. Demonstrativeclinicalanalysisofpatientsinborderlineconditionswithevaluationofpremorbidtypeofpersonality, determination of reaction types and their correlation with conclusions on results of experimental and psychological research.
  3. Getting acquainted with experimental and psychological methods of studies of personality (ММРІ-profile of personality, Аisenk’s individual questionnaire, Кеtel, the Rorshakh test, ТАV, method of uncompleted sentences, etc.).

B A S I C T H E O R E T I C A L Q U E S T I O N S:

  1. Notion “humanbeing”, “individual”, “individuality” and “personality”.
  2. Psychological definition of notion of personality.
  3. Notionofstructureofpersonality (psychic type, dynamic tendencies, abilities (talents), etc.)
  4. Sensitivity (sensory organization) as personality’s quality.
  5. Keenness ofobservation and attentiveness as the quality of personality.
  6. Intellectualandmemory qualities of personality.
  7. Emotional properties of personality.
  8. Moralandvolition qualities of personality.
  9. Dynamiccharacteristicsofpersonality (needs, inclination, interests, values, ideals, purposefulness, convictions, outlook, etc.).
  10. Formation and upbringing of personality, role of biological and social factors.
  11. Notion of a harmonious personality, accentuation and psychopathy.
  12. Notionofactiveness, passivity, frustration, derivation, repressiveness and aggressiveness, personal reaction.
  13. Principal methods of personality research.

Q u e s t i o n s f o r s e l f – s t u d y i n g :

  1. Types of highest nervous activity and personality.
  2. Importance of social factors and upbringing in personality formation.
  3. Psychoanalytical model of personality.

C o n t r o l a n d s e l f – c o n t r o l q u e s t i o n s:

  1. What are the main qualities of personality in psychology?
  2. In what does social essence of personality reveal itself?
  3. What in personality is stipulated/determined by its biological nature?
  4. How do notions of “personality” and “individuality” correlate with each other?
  5. Can we call any man “a personality”? Individuality? If not, then why?
  6. What elements compose personality’s structure?
  7. What factors influence on personality formation?
  8. What is directedness (purposefulness) of personality?
  9. Whatelementsform substructure of personality directedness?
  10. Give classification of needs and motives. What is it based on?
  11. Does activity have an impact on psychic development of personality?How exactly?
  12. What is activity and what is its structure?
  13. What unites consciousness and activity?
  14. What is knowledge, abilities, skills?
  15. What influences on formation of professional abilities and skills?

Practical studies 6

THEME: Formation of consciousness and self- consciousness.

AIM: Socialformsconsciousnessand individual consciousness.Psychological definition of the notion of consciousness.Peculiarities of consciousness. Basicnotionsofconsciousness.Typesofconsciousness(objectiveconsciousness, self- consciousness, reflexive consciousness). Notion about levels of consciousnessof personality. Individual development of consciousness.Notion of unconscious processes. Notionofclearconsciousnessandcriteriaofa disturbedconsciousness. Sleep and dreaming. BasicphasesofsleepbyI.P.Pavlov. Z.Freud’stheoryofpsychoanalysisandneofreudianism. Hypnoticstate. Mainstagesofhypnoticstate.

Consciousness is the highest integrallevelofman’spsychicactivitywhichletus getorientedin oneself and surrounding world, tothink consequently, control and evaluate critically the course of psychic processes.

Allthatmakeslifeofconsciousnessisknowledge, i.e. knowingisawareness.

Consciousnessis reality reflection.

P R A C T I C E O U T L I N E:

1. Introductoryteacher’s wordandcheckingupstudents’ theoreticalknowledgeandpracticalskills.

2. Demonstrative examination of patients with disturbed consciousness.


4. Summary.

B A S I C T H E O R E T I C A L Q U E S T I O N S:


2.Peculiarities of consciousness.

3.Levels of consciousness.

4.Statesofconsciousness, notionofline ( cord)consciousness.

5.Socialformsofconsciousness andindividualconsciousness.

6.Kinds of consciousness (objective consciousness, self- consciousness, reflexive consciousness).

7. Individual development of consciousness.

8. Notion of unconscious processes.

9. Notionofclearconsciousnessand criteria of disturbed consciousness.

10. Sleepanddreaming. BasicphasesofsleepbyI.P.Pavlov.

11. Z.Freud’stheoryofpsychoanalysisandneofreudianism.

12. Hypnoticstate. Mainstagesofhypnoticstate.

Q u e s t i o n s f o r s e l f – s t u d y i n g :

  1. Present-day ideas/notions about the origin of consciousness.
  2. Conscious and unconscious activities.

C o n t r o l a n d s e l f – c o n t r o l q u e s t i o n s:

  1. Givepsychologicaldefinitionofconsciousness.
  2. What are the basic components and peculiarities of consciousness?
  3. What are the principal kinds of consciousness?
  4. Whatisthe link between conscious and unconscious precesses?
  5. What are the levels of personality consciousness?
  6. What main phases of sleep do you know?
  7. What is seeing dreams/dreaming?
  8. What is a hypnotic state?
  9. What is clear consciousness?
  10. Criteriaofundisturbedconsciousnessby K.Yaspers?

Practicalstudies 7.

THEME: Psychodiagnosticsifindividualandtopologicalqualities of personality.

AIM: Notion of temperament, its role in psychic activity and behavior. Main properties of temperament. Physiological grounds of temperament. Theories of temperament. Typesoftemperaments. Theirpsychologicalcharacteristicsanddiagnostics. Taking into considerationpeculiaritiesofthepatient’stemperamentinthe doctor’s practice.

Notion of character/temper, its connection with temperament. Physiological grounds of character. Structure of character. Classification of character traits. Formationofcharacter. Characterandman’sindividuality. Character and professional activity of a doctor.

Notion of abilities. Faculties as natural preconditions for abilities development. Typesofabilities. Levelsofdevelopmentofabilities, individualdifferencesofpeople’sabilities, their diagnostics. Connection between temperament, character and abilities. Abilities in doctor’s practice.

P R A C T I C E O U T L I N E:

1.Introductoryteacher’s wordandcheckingupstudents’ theoreticalknowledgeandpracticalskills.

2. Gettingacquaintedwithexperimentalandpsychological methods of research of temperament.