Nominationsmust be received byNovember 1



The Janet Doe Lecturer is an individual chosen annually by the Medical Library Association for his or her unique perspective on the history or philosophy of medical librarianship.

The Janet Doe Lectureship was established in 1966 by an anonymous donation to support a lecture in honor of Janet Doe (1895-1985), former librarian of the New York Academy of Medicine, historical scholar, past president of the association, and editor of the first two editions of the Medical Library Practice handbook. The lecturer receives a certificate at the annual meeting and a $250.00 honorarium, reimbursement for travel expenses to the site of the meeting, hotel for one night and per diem for one day, after the annual meeting.


The nominee shall have been an active member of the profession a sufficient number of years to have acquired a broad perspective of medical librarianship and possess the qualities to communicate his or her experiences and ideas articulately.

Nominees should be regular members of the association who have made a substantial contribution to its work through one or more of the following:

  • Leadership;
  • Contribution to medical librarianship as a profession;
  • Development of or sustained work within a particular area within the association;
  • Dedicated service to medicine and the allied health sciences;
  • Contributions to research or scholarship;
  • Effectiveness in administration/management;
  • Contributions to technology application and library practice; and/or
  • Effectiveness in teaching and training.

Nominations are accepted from the MLA membership at large and from the members of the Janet Doe Lectureship Jury.


Nominationsand any supporting documentation must be received at MLA headquarters no later than November 1.

Nomination must contain at least the following elements:

  • A brief summary of the nominee’s career;
  • A precise description of the nominee’s contributions to medical librarianship;
  • Evidence that the nominee will be able to deliver a significant address at the annual meeting (if available, please provide links to an audio or video presentation given by the nominee);
  • A current curriculum vitae; and
  • Any further information which may assist the jury in the evaluation of the nomination and the selection of the recipient(s).

The recipient will be notified in March, fourteen (14) months before the lecture is to be given.

For further information, contact:, 312.419.9094 x14.

In order for the nomination to be considered, all materials and letters of support must be returned to MLA by November 1 via email, fax, or mail (in order of preference).

Email: / Fax: / Mail:
/ 312.419.8950
ATTN: Awards / Medical Library Association
ATTN: Awards
65 E. Wacker Place, Ste. 1900
Chicago, IL 60601-7246



This completed form should be considered a CONFIDENTIAL document. Do not publicize your nomination.


Name (Last, First, Middle): ______

Institution/library: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State/Province: ______Zip/Postal: ______

Telephone: ______Work ___ Cell ___ Home

Email address: ______


Please include below, or append separately to your nomination, a brief summary of the nominee’s career, including a description of the nominee’s contributions to medical librarianship, and addressing substantial contributions to one or more of the following:

  • Leadership;
  • Contribution to medical librarianship as a profession;
  • Development of or sustained work within a particular area within the association;
  • Dedicated service to medicine and the allied health sciences;
  • Contributions to research orscholarship;
  • Effectiveness in administration/management;
  • Contributions to technology application and library practice; and/or
  • Effectiveness in teaching and training.

Provide evidence that the nominee will be able to deliver a significant address at the annual meeting (if available, please provide links to an audio or video presentation given by the nominee).

Provide any further information that may assist the jury in the evaluation of the nomination and the selection of the recipient.

Append a current curriculum vitae of the nominee to your nomination.

OPTIONAL:You may submit up to three letters in support of the nomination. These letters may be attached to this nomination form or submitted directly to MLA, but must be received by November 1.


Name (Last, First, Middle): ______

Institution/library: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State/Province: ______Zip/Postal: ______

Telephone: ______Work ___ Cell ___ Home

Email address: ______

Signature or (if submitting

electronically) name of nominator:______Date: ______

In order for the nomination to be considered, all materials and letters of support must be returned to MLA by November 1 via email, fax, or mail (in order of preference).

Email: / Fax: / Mail:
/ 312.419.8950
ATTN: Awards / Medical Library Association
ATTN: Awards
65 E. Wacker Place, Ste. 1900
Chicago, IL 60601-7246

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