Important: Please read! Do not just sign without reading this. Thank you.

Please be aware of the unexcused absence policy in my classes. As stated in my course description, read and signed by all students and parents, any assignment due or completed during the class period on the day of an unexcused absence will be recorded as a zero. I will mention this policy on multiple occasions to students in all of my classes, and warn them specifically about college visits being recorded by the attendance office as an unexcused absence unless a pre-arranged absence form has been completed and submitted in advance of the absence to the attendance office.

I used to be more forgiving of unexcused absences when the great majority of these were for college visits or interviews. Then some industrious 18 year-old forced the district to allow 18 year-old students to check themselves out from school as adults. Those absences are now also recorded simply as unexcused, and I give those students NO slack. Given the administrative burden of trying to track 175 students’ "good" unexcused absences like college visits vs. " bad" unexcused absences of 18 year-olds who just don't want to come to class, I got out of that businessand have since advised students repeatedly that if they anticipate absences such as college visits or interviews they can avoid the absences being recorded as unexcused by simply completing a prearranged absence form in advance with the approval of their teachers and parents. These forms are submitted in advance of the absence to the attendance office.

I’m sorry to be so blunt in my communication, but I have had students in some of my classes miss tests due to unexcused absences, and I know those students were disappointed to lose many points of credit despite my efforts to make this policy clear. This message is yet another attempt to do so.


Mr. Lyberger

I understand the unexcused absence policy in Mr. Lyberger’s classes. While this policy was in the course description that I read and signed, this is further acknowledgement that I understand the policy.

Student (print name) ______

Student signature ______

Parent (print name) ______

Parent signature ______

Please print and return this entire page with signatures.