Call for Papers

2010 Joint ASM and Missouri Academy of Science (MAS) Meeting

Missouri State University -- April 16 & 17, 2010

The Missouri Academy of Science provides an option of having abstracts of their papers published in the Transactions, an annual publication of the Academy with worldwide distribution.

The title and abstract for each student’s paper must be received by March 1, 2010. The instructions for writing abstracts are given in the “Typing and Layout” guidelines (below). Strict adherence to guidelines is necessary for acceptance of paper submissions. If you have questions, you may contact the Collegiate Division Director, Dr. James Gordon by email () or by phone 660-248-6253. Undergraduate students enrolled as full time students in a ASM & MAS member institutions may register and participate in this event. Each student must send the following information to the business office:

Attn: Paula L. Macy, W.C. Morris 206A, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO 64093

(1) An electronic version of the abstract transmittal form (Microsoft Word) of the abstract via email to Paula Macy at

(2) One hard copy of the complete abstract transmittal form

(3)A completed registration form

(4)The registration fee (if any – see registration form)

(5)The $20.00 abstract publication fee (if publishing in the Transactions - see below)

Presenters can have their abstracts published in the Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science. Those who wish to do so should also send a fee of $20.00 to the Business Office along with their abstract form. The fee is necessary to offset incidental and publication costs. Authors electing not to pay the $20.00 fee may submit abstracts and present papers, but their abstracts will not be published in the Transactions.

Presentations are made orally using Microsoft PowerPoint. Many institutions use the Windows operating system. If you use a Mac, it is best to check in advance to ensure that there will be no compatibility issues. Presentations must adhere to 15-minute time slots. You may bring your presentation stored on a flash drive or CD/DVD. In case of any technical difficulty, it would be wise to bring the presentation stored on both.

You will receive a letter from the Section Chair of your area acknowledging the receipt of your abstract. If you do not receive this letter at least three weeks prior to the meeting, you can contact Paula Macy, MAS Business Manager at .


The abstract should be typed in Microsoft Word using Time New Roman and a font of 10. The abstract should be at least 200 words but no longer than 280 words (including author(s) name(s), departmental name and university name) and be singled spaced. The abstracts should be submitted using the TRANSMITTAL FORM FOR ABSTRACT (found below). Use single-spacing with no margin at the top or sides keeping all materials within the 6.5 by 3-inch space. Additional copies of the transmittal form may be obtained by writing to the Missouri Academy of Science, Attn: Paula L. Macy, W.C. Morris 206A, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO 64093 or the Word document can be emailed to you from Paula Macy ().


  • Type the last name and initials of the author(s), the department or unit, and the affiliated institution or industry as shown in the example. Do not abbreviate department and institution names. Do not give city, state or zip code. Use punctuation as shown. The title written in CAPITAL LETTERS should begin one (1) space after the period following the institution name. Do not use abbreviations in the title. The title needs to be descriptive, as it will often be referenced alone. Edit it carefully keeping it to few key words. Ten words is a good goal.
  • Begin with the purpose or specific objectives of the study. This can usually be done with one or two sentences, and its major purpose is to focus the research effort on a given situation or problem. Introductory material should be brief and understandable to the general reader. Literature citations are not acceptable in an abstract as they cannot be referenced. Include a brief statement of the methods or approach used to achieve the objective. The methods should emphasize procedures that give credibility to the study. Factors such as environmental conditions, sample size, replications, and specialized techniques may be highlighted. Summarize the results by pointing out major findings. Use quantitative terms wherever possible. For example, instead of writing "the high rate of exposure caused significantly more lesions," write "exposure to 12 units caused 34% (p<0.05) more lesions than exposure to 4 units." State the conclusions or potential ramifications stemming from the results. The interpretations should be in response to the first sentence of the abstract. Indicate the source of research support, if applicable, at the end of the text. Use abbreviations and symbols that are standard for the discipline. Spell out names of compounds in full at the first mention followed by the abbreviation in parentheses so the compound can be abbreviated when mentioned again. Identify organisms by scientific name underlining genus and species.
  • Proofread your abstract carefully and use a printer that will produce a quality copy of your abstract. The abstract may be photocopied for publication in the Transactions.