South El Monte- El Monte

Communications Workgroup Meeting

San Gabriel Valley Service Center

Thursday, June2nd, 2016



  • Opening
  • Desired Outcomes Agenda
  • Meeting Norms
  • Communication Skills and Leadership
  • Emotional Abuse Communications Tool
  • Social Media Training
  • API Outreach Actions
  • Business Engagement and Sponsorships
  • Next Steps with Planner and Close


By the end of this meeting, we will have:

  • A shared understanding of three basic types of communications skills and leadership
  • A text to include in the emotional abuse communications tool
  • A shared understanding of the Social Media Training implementation and goals
  • A prioritized list of outreach actions with API
  • A shared understanding of business engagement activities and sponsorships


The group reviewed the norms and decided that:

  • food can be served as soon as it is ready even if there is only one person present
  • food should be divided evenly amongst any interested members once the meeting is over

Group members agreed to revisit this topic for further discussion.

First 5 LA Updates

Please fill out the conference waivers with Michelle.

The El Monte/ South El Monte Chamber of Commerce and The Downtown El Monte Business Association will be hosting their Annual Installation and Awards Banquet on Thursday, June 23rd. The social event begins at 5:30PM, dinner at 6:30PM, and Installation and Awards at 7:30PM. There are 7 available spaces, if interested, please sign up. If more than 7 people are interested in attending then there will be a lottery to determine who will attend.

The 9th Annual Fatherhood Solution Conference will be held on Friday, June 17th, 2016 from 8:30AM- 5:00PM at the Westin Los Angeles Airport Hotel. Please confirm with Michelle if you would like to attend. Childcare can be provided if there is enough of a need. Translation will be provided.

Conflict Resolution

As part of the ice breaker, group members introduce themselves and shared how they resolve conflict with a friend.

Group members shared that they talk things out, they write a letter, or make a phone call to resolve their conflicts.

Fabiola shared that there is a ‘formula’ to expressing yourself effectively which includes, I feel… when… why… I have a need…

Carmen and Fabiola first demonstrated how to resolve conflict using this formula then group members paired up and acted out a sketch where they took turns answering the questions:

I feel______when______because______and I would like______.

Group members were asked to think of other examples they would like to share that they can combine withthe practice they’ve had with assertive communication.

Social Media Training

Social Media Training is underway

  • The last training will be held next Thursday from 3:00PM-6:00PM.

Fabiola asked the group to please ‘like’ the South El Monte/ El Monte Facebook page once they set up their Facebook accounts.

Once the Social Media Training is over, we would like to have at least 4 volunteers that can take and post pictures, video, and comments on the South El Monte/ El Monte Best Start Facebook page. We are working on providing support for this and we are trying to find a computer lab or classroom that we can use at least once a month so group members can keep the South El Monte/ El Monte Facebook page up to date.

API Outreach

Connie visited the workgroup and explained what the BSF Project’s purpose is and further discussed group members working with the BSF Workgroup in reaching out to API families. She shared that there is a sense of urgency in trying to involve API families because workshops are currently underway and they would like to have API families involved before phase 2 begins. The project will last 2 years and the final goal is for parents to be able towork with businesses and organizations.

She shared that either she, Eduardo, or Diana, can bring group members flyers in any of the languages they have available when they need them.

Who would they be advocating on behalf of, First 5 LA or the grantee?

The main purpose of doing this outreach is to increase API participation in the BSF Project but API families will be invited to participate in the Partnership and all other First 5 LA Best Start South El Monte/ El Monte meetings.

Fabiola suggested we add the First 5 LA logo to the BSF Project flyers so that community members can see the connection when sharing them with the community.

The group worked on putting together a list of locations with a large API population where they could visit and pass out flyers. They will try to visit these locations within the next 4 days because most schools will be out for summer vacation by the end of next week.

Music School- Santa Anita past Garvey

Korean Church- on Durfeebefore Ramona

Carmen’s Art Group at SGVSC

Line Dancing at SGVSC on Tuesday

Church on Santa Anita and Michael Hurst

Tzu Chi Clinic- Vacco

Parkview Elementary

Michelle asked for a volunteer to get in touch with the rest of the group and with Connie and coordinate a day and time when they can get together so they can decide how many people would go, who they would have to get in touch with, and whether they’re only taking flyers or speaking to a group of parents.

MariaRodas volunteered to take lead and coordinate with group members and then get in touch with Connie.

Emotional Abuse Tool

Fabiola reviewed the information she’s put together for the Emotional Abuse Pamphlet using the group’s input. The group would like to add more information regarding how much money is spent every year addressing emotional abuse and how it would be better to invest in prevention. Another suggestion that was made is to add local resources as well as internet resources and the child abuse prevention hotline.

The section that mentions ‘biological’ parents was unclear. Fabiola will edit it and present it during the next meeting.

Group members were asked to please review the information that Fabiola provided and share constructive criticism during the next meeting. While reviewing, ask yourself: will other people understand it?

As a group we will make decisions later as to what images we will use, what will go on the cover, etc.


The norms will be edited to include:

  • food can be served as soon as it is ready even if there is only one person present
  • food should be divided evenly amongst any interested members once the meeting is over


  • Next Communications Workgroup
  • Date: Thursday, June16th, 2016
  • Location: San Gabriel Valley Service Center
  • Meeting Time: 3:00PM-5:00PM
  • Next Community Partnership Meeting
  • Date: Monday, June 27th, 2016
  • Location: SPIRITT Family Services
  • Meeting Time: 5:00PM-7:30PM

RSVP with Lorena Artiga:

or (213)482-7834