To: All Branches with Members in Capita - Tesco Mobile
Capita (Tesco Mobile) Pay Review 2017 – Offer Rejected
Dear Colleagues,
Members were advised in the previous briefing (001/2017) that negotiations had commenced with Capita on the 2017 annual pay review for non-management grades working in the Tesco Mobile account.
At the most recent meeting between Capita and the CWU negotiating team, a series of questions were posed by Brendan O’Brien, CWU National Officer including seeking detail around the higher than expected pay bill and the investment in facilities raised in the previous meeting.
Capita responded by saying that the higher costs have come on the back of the transfer of the Tesco Mobile (TM) account and unexpected additional staffing payments. The discussion was wide ranging, with challenges moving from finance to productivity and covering reward, recognition and engagement.
Following the lengthy exchange of views, Capita, in recognition of the positive contribution made by members on the TM account, tabled an offer to increase pay by 1.25%. The earlier briefing to members reported that the previous pay award on the TM account had been only nine months ago and that this offer would therefore be pro-rata. The pro-rata offer is therefore an offer of 1.7% for a full year.
Following an adjournment to consider this offer the CWU negotiating team recognised the positive nature of the offer but it was rejected as not going far enough to mitigate the growing impact of inflation.
Further meetings have been arranged with Capita but with the operative pay review date being 1st January 2017 it is recognised that this date has been missed and therefore a claim for back payment will be made. Members are advised that we are now in a very challenging place and are asked to ensure that CWU representatives are aware of any views they have.
CWU Branches and members will be kept informed of progress, any views or questions can be sent to: .
Yours sincerely
Brendan O’Brien
Assistant Secretary (T&FS)