Northside College Prep

Français II



Block 1 / Block 3 Rm: 232



1.  D’accord! 2 – Langue et culture du monde francophone textbook

2.  Pens (blue and black), pencils and highlighters (3-4 different colors)

3.  3-ring binder with pockets (for French ONLY)

-  5 labeled dividers (To be labeled in class)

-  College-ruled loose-leaf paper and/or a spiral notebook for note-taking

-  Portable 3-hole puncher (optional but RECOMMENDED!)

6. (Optional but highly recommended!) Dictionary (Micro Robert, Larousse)

COURSE OBJECTIVES: As French II students this year, with your hard work you will be able to…

-  Acquire new vocabulary and expressions and grammatical concepts through meaningful contexts

-  Express yourselves using a variety of tenses (present, past and future) and moods (the conditional) and parts speech such as pronouns to avoid repetition and to increase fluency

-  Broaden your global perspective through a discovery of the historically and culturally diverse regions of the French-speaking world

-  Develop your competence and confidence as language and cultural learners to be active and contributing citizens!



a.  Punctuality: All students are expected to arrive ON TIME everyday to class. Unexcused tardiness (arriving without a teacher/administration signed pass) will affect your participation grade (see participation rubric). Note: It is expected that you use your 8 minute passing time to go to the restroom, your locker, get books, and all necessary/required materials for class. Frequent departures from class will negatively impact your participation grade.

b. Planned Absences/Field Trips: You will be expected to contact me ahead of time to gather and complete foreseen missing assignments/quizzes in order to stay up to date on material covered in class. Refer to our Moodle® French II class for documents and descriptions for daily and weekly assignments as well as important announcements. If you are absent when an assignment is due, it is your responsibility to see me and turn it in promptly upon your return. Again, not following this policy will affect your participation grade.

c. Medical/Illness: Again, please refer to our Moodle® when absent due to illness or for medical reasons. Also, email me or have a parent email me and speak with your classmates outside of class to see what you missed. Upon your return, you will be accountable for making sure you are up to date on missing work and notes from previous days..


All assignments (homework, projects, etc…) are to be completed at the BEGINNING of class. Class documents will be accessible on our Moodle® site. You may be required to print off documents prior to coming to class (notes, class activities, assignments, etc.). If you need to print any work, you must do so prior to class time. Again, in the event of extenuating circumstances, modifications will be discussed on an individual basis.


With projects and long-term assignments, you will receive a 1 letter grade deduction (10%) for each day it has not been turned in.

Important: For special projects or computer presentations, you must save all work on a USB flash-drive AND your student hardrive.Please make sure you back up your work at all times. Also, if you use a Mac at home, make sure your work opens from a computer station here at NCP before the presentation. Be sure to check this PRIOR to assignment/presentation due dates.

4.  RULES:

You may NOT use Ipods (ITouch or IPhones), headphones or cell phones in the classroom at any time. These items should be turned off at all times during the school day (according to CPS student code of conduct manual). Even following an assessment, you may NOT use these items. This is to ensure that you do not disturb other students.

Additionally, NO gum-chewing or food will be permitted (unless otherwise discussed with me) as this interferes with speaking French. Not following this policy or the need for frequent reminders will negatively impact your participation grade.


BE PREPARED! You are expected to arrive on time to class, be seated, with all class materials with you when attendance is taken. Be ready to maximize learning 100% of our time together!

BE RESPECTFUL! Respect yourself, classmates and your teacher. Treat your classmates and teacher as you would like to be treated. Demonstrate courtesy by listening while others are speaking and do not interrupt. The most successful world language students are the best listeners!

BE RESPONSIBLE AND ACCOUNTABLE! These traits are essential to your success as a high school student, college student and in life beyond school. Be sure you are continuously following classroom policies, recording assignments and checking the class website and Moodle® for announcements. Please abide by all classroom expectations and policies and communicate honestly and maturely with me.

BE AN ACTIVE LEARNER – You will be expected to take notes at ALL times. You will be expected to participate substantially (i.e. volunteering in HW corrections, engaging in class activities, sharing your opinion) every class period to the best of your ability and to maximize your interaction with the French language. Take risks by putting forth a genuine effort and don’t be afraid of making mistakes! I can’t do my job unless you try! I have always said, feel free to imitate me (appropriately, of course J), just do not mock me!

A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = >60


Quarter grades will be based on total points which translate into the following approximate percentages. The percentage breakdown in each category is subject to change.

-  Participation (In class/language lab) ~ 30 %

-  Projects/Assignments ~ 25%

-  Interros (Quizzes) ~ 25%

-  Examens (Unit tests) / Examen Final ~ 20%


Last, but certainly not least, is the expectation that you not only exemplify academic integrity as a student in French II, but also as a Northside College Prep student. Yes, I do maintain severe consequences for acts of academic dishonesty. My greatest concern, however, regards the decision to act dishonestly and unethically. These decisions and behaviors are serious and can affect the remaining part of your high school career and may follow you into life beyond the classroom. As it is incumbent on me to instruct you and facilitate learning in an ethical manner, you are equally expected to conduct yourself ethically.

Any student engaging in any of the above will receive a “0” for the assignment. Parents/guardians will be notified in the event of any academically dishonest behavior. Involvement of NCP administration may be enacted with consideration to the severity of the action. (You will be asked to sign a contract indicating you have read the course policies and that you clearly understand the various forms of academic dishonesty and agree to the consequences of your actions.)

NCP Course Outline Template

World Languages / French II Honors / <9-10(s)>
<Blocks 1 / 3 / <Anne Huestis / <Quarter
Unit Overview
Review – “Reprise”
Subthemes: Activities, Hobbies, Classroom objects, school courses, etc… / <Weeks 1-2
<Common Core Standards/Skills:
National Foreign Language Standards:1.1.; 1.2.; 1.3.; 2.1.; 2.2.; 3.1.; 4.1.; 4.2.; 5.1.; 5.2.
Illinois Foreign Language Standards:28 A. B. C. D.; 29 A B E; 30 A
<Essential Objectives: Students will be able to…
1.  Describe people and school and discuss everyday activities, specifically their personal interests/hobbies
2.  Review fundamental grammatical concepts: verbs avoir and être, expressions with avoir, present-tense of regular -er / -ir / -re verbs, irregular present-tense -er / -ir/ -re verbs (including aller, prendre, boire, faire), spelling-change –er verbs,
3.  Discover how summer vacations are spent in francophone cultures
<Summative Assessments:
·  Students will create an off-line Facebook profile in French in which they will summarize their interests, hobbies, activities, summer internships, jobs, activities, etc…
·  Students will write a postcard to Mme Huestis recounting how they spent their summer vacation (differentiating between the two predominant past tenses le passé compose and l’imparfait
·  With a partner, students will create an original dialogue about being “back to school” in which they will use vocabulary and grammatical structures to discuss the start of the school year 2011-2012 and their summer vacation
·  Students will develop an advertisement to promote an internship opportunity to reinforce the imperative mood
<Formative Assessments:
·  Listening: Conversation recordings (Audio mP3 files) with accompanying comprehension exercises
·  Oral/Phonetics: Communicative information gap activities in partners
·  Writing: Contextualized workbook and textbook activities to reinforce vocabulary and grammatical concepts
·  Reading: “Les vacances scolaires” with accompanying comprehension exercises
Grammatical structures:
Verbs être and avoir; expressions with avoir; adjective agreement and placement; possessive and demonstrative adjectives; present-tense of regular and irregular verbs: -er, -ir, -re (including aller, prendre, boire, faire); spelling-change –er verbs
Unité préliminaire: “Chez Nous”
Subthemes: Household items, parts of the house, chores, furniture / <Weeks 3-5
<Common Core Standards/Skills:
National Foreign Language Standards:1.1.; 1.2.; 1.3.; 2.1.; 2.2.; 3.1.; 4.1.; 4.2.; 5.1.; 5.2.
Illinois Foreign Language Standards:28 A. B. C. D.; 29 A B E; 30 A
<Essential Objectives: Students will be able to…
1.  Acquire new vocabulary expressions associated with households as well as explore housing in the francophone world
2.  Practice and reinforce understanding of when to use the different past tenses (le passé composé vs. l’imparfait”)
3.  Form and differentiate between the use of verbs savoir and connaître
4.  Discover the culturally and historically rich northeastern regions of France (L’Alsace / La Lorraine)
<Summative Assessments:
·  “La maison de mon enfance” – Illustration and description of childhood bedroom using the imperfect past tense
·  “À l’écoute – Quel logement pour les Lopez?” – Decipher classified housing advertisements and comprehend a family’s search for a new house
·  “Lecture: Le château de Versailles” – Comprehend pamphlet on the history of the castle of Versailles
·  «Écriture: Écrire une histoire» - Develop a story based on the house of your dreams from a child’s perspective
·  Unité préliminaire Exam
<Formative Assessments:
·  Bi-weekly vocabulary, culture and grammar quizzes
·  Listening: Conversation recordings (Audio mP3 files) and videos with accompanying comprehension exercises
·  Oral/Phonetics: Communicative information gap activities in partners / Pronunciation exercises “s vs. ss” sounds and “semi-vowels”
·  Writing: Contextualized workbook and textbook activities to reinforce vocabulary and grammatical concepts
·  Reading: “Le logement en France ” and “Les repas en France” with accompanying comprehension exercises
Grammatical structures:
Le passé composé (auxiliaire verbs - avoir and être); formation of l’imparfait; distiguishing when to use of l’imparfait vs. le passé composé; formation and use of verbs savoir and connaître; direct and indirect object pronouns
Unit 1 / <La nourriture: Quel appétit! À table!
Subthemes: Food, supermarkets in francophone countries, shopping in France, dining, specialty food shops, meals / <Weeks 6-9
<Common Core Standards/Skills:
National Foreign Language Standards:1.1.; 1.2.; 1.3.; 2.1.; 2.2.; 3.1.; 4.1.; 4.2.; 5.1.; 5.2.
Illinois Foreign Language Standards:28 A. B. C. D.; 29 A B E; 30 A
<Essential Objectives: Students will…
·  Acquire new vocabulary associated with the above subthemes
·  Comprehend an authentic food menu in French and write a review
·  Explore the culturally rich region of the western regions of France (La Bourgogne / La Franche-Comté
<Summative Assessments:
·  “À l’écoute – Comprendre une recette” – Comprehend the elements included in a recipe
·  “Lecture: Lire une carte et un critique” – Comprehend the elements on a restaurant menu and a critics’ review
·  «Écriture: Écrire un critique» - Examine the food, service, ambiance, and practical information of a local restaurant in your neighborhood
·  Unité 1 Exam
<Formative Assessments:
·  Bi-weekly vocabulary, culture and grammar quizzes
·  Listening: Conversation recordings (Audio mP3 files) and videos with accompanying comprehension exercises
·  Oral/Phonetics: Communicative information gap activities in partners / Pronunciation exercises “e caduc” and “e muet”
·  Writing: Contextualized workbook and textbook activities to reinforce vocabulary and grammatical concepts
·  Reading: “Faire des courses” and “” with accompanying comprehension exercises>
Grammatical structures:
Verb venir and le passé récent; irregular verbs – devoir, vouloir and pouvoir; formation of adverbs; comparative and superlative of adjectives and adverbs; double object pronouns (CODs / COIs)
Unit 2 / <La santé (Health): «La routine quotidienne / J’ai mal!»
Subthemes: Parts of the body, daily routine, healthcare in France, maladies and remedies, social security, accidents / <Weeks 10-12
<Common Core Standards/Skills:
National Foreign Language Standards:1.1.; 1.2.; 1.3.; 2.1.; 2.2.; 3.1.; 4.1.; 4.2.; 5.1.; 5.2.
Illinois Foreign Language Standards:28 A. B. C. D.; 29 A B E; 30 A
<Essential Objectives: Students will…
·  Acquire vocabulary expressions associated with the above subthemes
·  Form reflexive verbs in the present and past tense
·  Examine idiomatic meanings of reflexive verbs in the context of healthy living and taking care of oneself
·  Explore the history of and contemporary life in the francophone country of la Suisse
<Summative Assessments:
·  “À l’écoute – Problèmes de santé” – Comprehend a discussion of one’s health problems
·  “Lecture: Non à la fatigue” – Comprehend an article on 10 advice statements for healthy living
·  «Écriture: Écrire une lettre» - Write a letter to your teacher explaining why you weren’t able to come to class and take a test
·  Students will work with a partner/ small group to create an original interview providing advice to the public about leading a healthy lifestyle (eating and exercise habits); students will incorporate essential vocabulary and structures from Unit 2
·  Unité 2 Exam >
<Formative Assessments:
·  Bi-weekly vocabulary, culture and grammar quizzes
·  Listening: Conversation recordings (Audio mP3 files) and videos with accompanying comprehension exercises
·  Oral/Phonetics: Communicative information gap activities in partners / Pronunciation exercises consonant sounds “ch”, “qu”, “ph”, “th”, “gn”, “p”, “t” and “c”
·  Writing: Contextualized workbook and textbook activities to reinforce vocabulary and grammatical concepts