MEMBERS PRESENTS: Lynne, Rebecca, Rosie, Robin and JoEllen

We have combined these two committees due to overlaps of the topics.

SCHOOLWIDE EXPECTATIONS: The surveys from last year were reviewed. Students have been taught expectations. Rebecca shared that the results matched some of what she sees happening and wants to increase the positivity of adults sharing the positives with the students. Rosie shared that now may be time to follow through on the findings of the survey. One easy fix is to always prop the doors open.

RESTORATIVE JUSTICE: There is a four- day training that Rebecca will attend and it is open to other interested staff and/ or parents. Also, we will post our values around the school to create shared and consistent language that will help the new people. An appreciation wall will be created so parents, staff and students can add to.

SMARTER BALANCED: The data is back. All of Ashland schools outperformed the state. Our scores decreased from the first year. This year, we will work on aligning our English Language Arts.

CHARTING REPORT: This is a list of who is on what committee and we will be recruiting more parents and students. This needs to be reviewed and updated.

NEXT DATES FOR MEETINGS: October 27, November 17, January 26, February 23, March 23, April 27, May 25

GOALS: To follow up on the survey and focus on ELA instruction.

HOMEWORK CLUB: This has been canceled this year so we need to communicate this to parents. We should put this in the newsletter.

TARDIES: We can run a report to see how this is going and make a graph to hopefully show progress. There are less students in the hallways after school starts.

SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN: This is a big area that the Site Council oversees. A lot of it is done and some is a work in progress. We will focus on schoolwide expectations using the Climate Committee. Maybe we could focus on a few goals and delegate them to committees within this group and the PTC also. Rebecca would like to meet with EAs once they are all hired. We can review expectations again in the spring since we are hitting them hard now. We will continue Restorative Justice trainings with staff and parents. Maybe a list of RJ vocabulary would be helpful and pass out cards. There are also books to borrow for more information. We will post more behavior expectations around the school and continue our RJ circles in the classrooms.

The other section deals with English Language Arts. This includes aligning instruction with PLCs. There is an inservice day in October to work on this goal.

TITLE ONE BUDGET: We review this. It is $1,700 and is for intervention materials. This will include ECRI MATERIALS (about $400), PHONICS READING FOR KIM (not expensive, about $300 or $400), and MATH INTERVENTION MATERIALS. Other ideas are trainings for EAs for intervention, Engage New York and math in general.

NEXT MEETING: October 27