Advanced English 11 Syllabus – 2013-2014
Mrs. Knodell, Room 134
Teacher Webpage:
Virtual Classroom: (student and parent access code required)
Conference Period: 1st semester 5-1; 2nd semester 5-1 and 5-2
This course is designed for college-bound students who plan to take advanced English classes next year and the ACT. Students will refine grammar, vocabulary, and oral communication skills as well as engage in critical analysis of literary and informational texts. Time will also be allocated for ACT preparation and college/career planning. Students will compose argumentative and analytical writings, and at least one research paper will be required. Course readings will include historical American documents as well as a mixture of classical and contemporary American fiction. Additional independent reading will be required. Material will be covered at an accelerated pace, and students must be able to work independently and manage time well. Technology skills will be integrated into the course via blogging and student-created multi-media presentations.
● Literature -- Longer works we will study include: The Book Thief, The Crucible, The Great Gatsby, and Macbeth. Short stories, poetry, and informational text will also be covered. Expect frequent quizzes over reading assignments.
● Composition - We will do various types of writing projects this year, including personal, creative, academic, and research. The best way to become a better writer is to write, so hopefully you will get lots of practice. All writing projects should avoid gratuitous references to sex, drugs, or alcohol. The research project will consist of a variety of assignments and will be a major grade. Therefore, it is important to complete all parts and meet deadlines. We will go through this process step-by-step, and requirements will be explained thoroughly. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and take advantage of my willingness to assist you.
● ACT Prep -- Students will practice and review for the ACT using workbook and Learning Express Library.
● Vocabulary - Another area of focus will be vocabulary. Students will complete exercises in the workbook and take quizzes. This will not only improve your reading comprehension but will also benefit you on the ACT and/or SAT.
● Grammar and Mechanics – Conventions will be taught in conjunction with writing and ACT English prep.
● Projects – A variety of projects will accompany previously noted areas of study.
● Communication Skills – Opportunities will be provided throughout the year to improve communication skills.
Grades will be given for all the components of the class. All grades are figured on a point system. I will follow Elida High School’s grading scale located in your agenda:
A+ 97-100 B+ 87-89 C+ 77-79 D+ 67-69
A 93-96 B 83-86 C 73-76 D 63-66
A- 90-92 B- 80-82 C- 70-72 F 0-62
Grades will be earned in this manner:
○ Quality work = A
○ Good work = B
○ Average work = C
○ Below average work = D
○ Incomplete work and work that does not follow directions = F
Parents and students are encouraged to check grades frequently on the Parent Internet Viewer available on the district’s website.
If you have a 95% average for the year (up to two weeks prior to the end of the 4th nine weeks), you are exempt from taking your final exam in English. You will receive your numeric average for the year as your final exam grade.
Pop quizzes over reading assignments should be expected and will not be announced. You may miss one pop quiz a nine weeks due to an excused absence; after that, you’ll be expected to make up missed quizzes.
Advanced students are also expected to participate in class on a daily basis.
Assignments are due at the beginning of the period. This means you should have work completed when you enter the room or submitted online by the due date. All late assignments will receive half credit, at best. When you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to check for make-up work. Refer to the Adv. Eng. 11 webpage to look for daily assignments. Any handouts distributed will be placed in the white cart at the back of the room. Upon returning to school, I will gladly meet with you to answer any questions regarding the day’s work; see me before class begins, though! When you are absent, you will be given the number of days absent plus one to make up new assignments. For tests and quizzes: if you miss the day of a test or quiz, you should be prepared to make up that test the day you return. If you are absent the day before a test when we are reviewing, you will be given a day plus one to make up that exam. For major writing assignments: if you are absent the day a major writing assignment is due, you must submit your paper electronically to Turnitin that day. If you have an unexcused absence or suspension, you should complete your assignments to keep up but may not turn them in for credit. It is your responsibility to inform me if an unexcused absence becomes excused. Keep track of homework assignments and due dates in your agenda. You may use your THOR Card to be exempt from one pop quiz a nine weeks or for a smaller homework assignment. It may not be used on vocabulary quizzes, tests, projects, or larger writing assignments. Please see me if extenuating circumstances require an extension on an assignment.
Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated. Cheating could be copying/sharing homework, using a cheat sheet, looking off another student’s test, reading chapter summaries instead of the actual chapters, passing off another student’s writing as your own, downloading papers off the Internet, and failing to give credit to outside sources that were used when writing a paper (you must use in-text citations and submit a Works Cited page). Consequences for cheating are as follows:
● 1st offense – zero for the assignment and parent contacted
● 2nd offense – zero for the assignment, parent contacted, and Tuesday Thursday School
● 3rd offense – zero for the assignment, parent contacted, and progressive discipline
● A three-ring binder organized into the following sections: Literature, Writing, Tests and Quizzes, Vocabulary
and ACT, and Projects
● Binder divider pages
● Notebook or paper
● Pens, pencils, hi-liters, etc.
● Index cards (3x5 or 4x6) for the research paper
● Post-it notes
● Textbook – Keep covered (detentions will be issued if books aren’t covered)
● Vocabulary workbook
● Agenda (bring to class everyday)
● Optional -- flash drive
· Be on time to class
o The tardiness policy is:
§ 3 tardies in a semester – detention
§ 4+ tardies in a semester – multiple teacher detentions
§ 5+ tardies in a semester – office referral
· Be prepared and ready to work
o Be in your seat when the bell rings
o Have homework completed, bring the necessary materials to class, pay attention (no sleeping), and do English work (not work from other classes)
· Show respect to others
· This includes using respectful language, raising your hand to speak, listening to others, moving around the room quietly and orderly, cooperating during group work, following directions, keeping cell phones and electronics off and away unless the teacher has given permission for academic purposes, treating property respectfully (leave SMART Board & windows alone), and being courteous to faculty, staff, and peers
o Special note – If a substitute leaves your name, you will receive an automatic 30-minute detention
*Threatening behavior (shouting, fighting, profanity) will result in an immediate removal from class and an office
· Warning
· 15-minute detention
· 30-minute detention (parent contacted)
· Office referral (parent contacted)
I expect to deal with mature, well-behaved students who give their best effort at all times. In return, you can expect the same amount of effort and enthusiasm from me. Let’s have a great year!
· Adv. Eng. 11 (homework & class files)
· Schoology (virtual classroom)
· Turnitin (electronic paper submission)
· OWL at Purdue (MLA Style Guide)
· EasyBib (creates citations)
· Son of Citation Machine (creates citations)
· Official ACT Website (ACT info & registration)
· instaGrok (research & mapping)
· Quizlet (flashcards)
· Prezi (presentation platform)
· GlogsterEDU (virtual posters)
· Learning Express Library (test practice)
· Teenreads (book reviews)