48-Pulse Based SSSC (Static Synchronous Series Compensator), an Evaluation of its Performance
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of São Paulo
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, Trav.3, n° 380, S.P.
Abstract: This paper presents a performance comparison between a 24-pulse and a 48-pulse phase-shift VSI based SSSC. Initially a brief but useful description of the SSSC basic operation, is presented. Simulations of the two configurations have been carried out using the EMTP program. It has been found that the 48-pulse based SSSC, may well avoid the presence of harmonic filters, because it presents a nearly sinusoidal set of three-phase voltage waveforms which clearly agree with power quality standards. It is also shown the SSSC ability in modifying instantaneously both active and reactive power. Within the current electric market, a continuous assessment of the technical performance of this device and the other FACTS members, is needed.
Keywords: SSSC, FACTS, Series Compensation, THD, Transmitted Power, EMTP.
1 Introduction
Solid state electronics is developing very fast and research is needed to determine the feasibility of the use of this new devices within the FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) technology. The use of FACTS devices in the present deregulated electric market, is bringing the users of high voltage transmission systems fresh opportunities as well as new challenges. So far, they appear to be one of the most important alternatives to overcome both the inflexible condition of most of the power systems and the continuously growing demand of power in them. Recent developments in power research have lead to FACTS devices to modify the power flow locally within a power grid. As a third generation member of the FACTS devices, the SSSC (Static Synchronous Series Compensator) has the ability to perform some functions which no other conventional equipment with similar tasks (e.g. synchronous condenser, phase shifter transformer, etc) could perform.
At present, little attention has been paid to this device probably because it has been obfuscated by its akin the UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller). It is to be pointed out that the SSSC forms part of the UPFC; yet, it performs one of the most important functions within the UPFC [2].
The objective of this paper is to focus and evaluate the performance of the SSSC (Fig. 1) when operates under a 24-pulse and a 48-pulse phase-shifted inverter configurations.
Fig.1 Two machine system with a SSSC
2 SSSC Analysis
Basically, the SSSC is a voltage source inverter (VSI) based device which injects an alternating nearly sinusoidal series voltage that is in quadrature (90°) with the line current. The voltage coming out from the set of GTO (Gate Turn-Off Thyristors) based inverters, is controlled both in amplitude and phase angle.
When the SSSC injected voltage is set to lead the line current, it behaves like an inductive reactance in series with the transmission line causing the line current, therefore the power flow, to decrease. Conversely, when this voltage is set to lag the line current, it behaves like a capacitive reactance in series with the transmission line causing the line current, therefore the power flow, to increase [4], [6]. The former is said to be operating in the inductive mode, whereas the latter in the capacitive mode. Both the magnitude and the direction of the quadrature injected voltage, can be controlled. The above description can be better comprehended with the help of Figs. 2 and 3, in which a simple power transmission system and its vector diagrams, are represented.
Fig.2 Simplified power transmission system with a SSSC
Fig.3 Vector diagrams in presence of a SSSC:
(a)no compensation, Vq=0
(b)inductive compensation
(c) capacitive compensation
Using the above vector diagrams, the transmitted power equation in presence of the SSSC can be obtained [3], [6] with no difficulty, as shown:
Using (1), (2), (3) and (4), as well as regarding the system as symmetrical, yields,
Note in (5), how despite the phase angle difference between the sending and the receiving end voltage () would be equal to zero, it is possible to transmit real power through the line. Also, if the series voltage ,Vq, impressed across the line would have a reversed polarity (i.e. with the same line voltage drop polarity), the transmitted power can be decreased. This being a situation as if the inductive line reactance was increased. Yet, if that reversed polarity from the compensating voltage is set to be larger than the uncompensated voltage existing across the line, then, power flow can be reversed [1], [4], [6].
Fig. 4, depicts the configuration used to simulate the 48-pulse inverter waveforms. The 24-pulse inverter configuration will be constituted by only half the number of the 6-pulse inverters shown in Fig. 4. The shifting output transformer technique to obtain multilevel voltage operations is well known from long time. It consists in summing the output of different inverters by means of suitable phase shifting transformers, in this way an intrinsic harmonic reduction and a certain voltage level, can be obtained.
It should be noted that the 24 and 48-pulse inverters analysed use Y-Y and -Y transformer connections as a magnetic interface with the ac system. Both multilevel inverter configurations utilise the so called QHN (Quasi Harmonic Neutralised) technique for harmonic cancellation [6].
It can be seen (Fig. 4a) that only one dc capacitor is used for the eight voltage-sourced inverters. Each inverter used, is assumed to be lossless, that is, no losses are present as a result of the switching condition. Likewise, the vector diagram of the output voltages from the 8-inverter arrangement along with their respective phase-shifted angles, is shown in Fig. 4(b). The left circle containing the output vectors of the first four inverters, whereas the right circle corresponding to the rest (i.e. output vectors from inverters 5, 6, 7 and 8).
The control system used in this SSSC model, utilises measurements of voltages and currents at the SSSC point of connection with the ac system. Details of the control system are considered to be beyond the scope of the present analysis.
Fig.4 SSSC with a 48-pulse arrangement:
(a) Phase-shift transformer configuration
(b) Output voltage vector diagram of the
8-converter set
3 SSSC Dynamics
The power balance between the converter input and output power is chiefly required to maintain the dc capacitor appropriately charged, thus keeping the dc voltage, Vdc, around its nominal value.
If harmonics are neglected, the dc current, idc, and the capacitor voltage have the following relation, (Fig. 5):
with the converter regarded as lossless, at all instant the power relationship, Pdc=Pq, will have to be complied by the SSSC. The term, Pq, being the power injected to the ac system.
Fig.5 SSSC converter (VSI)
Equations (7) and (8) rule the dynamics of the SSSC. During the periods in which the dc capacitor voltage is equal to its nominal value the instantaneous real power at the SSSC terminals is practically zero. The SSSC can be continuously controlled to inject the quasi sinusoidal ac voltage for leading or lagging the line current by /2 rad. A permanent track of the line current along with the ancillary controls of the series compensator will permit to set the proper PI controller values for having a fast or a moderated response. Generally, a sluggish PI response may not provide enough response time to the SSSC for coping with the system transients. Conversely, a fast PIresponse causes some oscillations over the compensation characteristic.
4 Results
The EMTP program constituted as the main tool to validate the analysis presented in this paper. The curves shown below are based upon the phase control based technique which involves 4 and 8 multi-connected phase shift 6-pulse inverters, respectively.
Figs. 6(a) and (b) show that both configurations, in general, have a good performance under balanced conditions, and they are capable to have quick transient responses (about ¼ cycle). This will mainly depend upon the PI controller adjustment in the program control system.
To realise an evaluation in the waveform improvement, the voltage waveforms corresponding to phase A of Figs. 6(a) and (b), were plotted separately and are shown next.
Fig. 6 SSSC voltage injection from a:
(a) 24-pulse inverter
(b) 48-pulse inverter
Fig. 7 Series injected voltage, phase A
(a) 24-pulse arrangement
(b) 48-pulse arrangement
Ideally, the phase-shifted 24 and 48-pulse inverter configuration should only present harmonics of order and , respectively. The ac output voltage having harmonic magnitudes of:
Vh_24=1/23rd, 1/25th, 1/47th, 1/49th, ...
Vh_48=1/47th, 1/49th, 1/95th, 1/97th, ...
However, in the QHN technique using Y-Y, -Y transformer connections, cancellation of the low order harmonics in relation to the total pulse number (i.e. 24, 48-pulse) is not realised thoroughly. That is, the 24-pulse configuration presents harmonics of order: 11th, 13th, 23rd, ... etc.Similarly, the 48-pulse configuration presents harmonics of order: 11th, 13th, 23rd, 25th, 35th, 37th, 47th ,...etc.
The above, thus, agreeing with the term quasi harmonic neutralised configuration designated to this technique of transformer arrangement. An alternative to cancel out the low order harmonics pertaining to the 24 and 48-pulse configurations may well be with the use of delta-zig-zag or wye-zig-zag transformers as magnetic interface between the inverter and the ac system [5].
When a 24-pulse configuration is used, there is typically a need to install passive filters on the output terminals of the inverter, to reduce the harmonic content of the output voltage waveforms. High levels of harmonics will affect industrial power system equipment in a number of ways, prominently overheating and misoperation.
According to IEEE 519-1992 standard, the total harmonic distortion (THDv) voltage shall not exceed 5.0% of the fundamental 60 Hz frequency, for voltages below 69 kV. In a simple way the THDv in voltage can be expressed as (10),
V 1: rms value of the fundamental voltage component.
Vh : hth harmonic voltage component (rms).
The THDv evaluation for both inverter waveforms shown in Fig. 7, was realised. The corresponding results are summarised in Table1.Note in Table 1, the less percentage of THDv present in the 48-pulse configuration compared to the 24-pulse case, as the former have a nearer sinusoidal waveform than the latter.
Table 1.THDv of the configurations analysed
Harmoniccomponent / 24-Pulse
(p.u. value) / 48-Pulse
(p.u. value)
1° / 1.00000000 / 1.00000000
11° / 0.02490476 / 0.02286387
13° / 0.01914285 / 0.01796721
23° / 0.04876486 / 0.00513264
25° / 0.03980952 / 0.00437291
35° / 0.00675924 / 0.00498503
37° / 0.00728571 / 0.00673892
47° / 0.02185714 / 0.02454539
49° / 0.02647952 / 0.01973964
THDv / 7.89% / 4.42%
Another big improvement occurs in the voltage of the dc capacitor (Fig. 8). The dc capacitor is used as a temporary energy storage device, making possible a continuous exchange of the energy between the ac system and the SSSC.
Fig.8 Dc voltage behaviour in the SSSC
(a) 24-Pulse inverter
(b) 48-Pulse inverter
The virtually higher switching frequency of the 48-pulse arrangement can be regarded as a more frequent update of the charge in the dc capacitor, compared to the 24-pulse case. Thus, reducing notably the ripple existing in the dc voltage.
An ideal VSI, would provide a sinusoidal output voltage and would have zero input current from the dc capacitor [1]. In this way, the dc capacitor would assist the VSI only during transient periods of the SSSC operation.
The SSSC ability to control and modify instantaneously the transmittable power, is shown in Fig. 9. Observe the form in which it can reduce or increase power almost instantaneously. The referred response corresponds to the condition when power is flowing from point 1 to 2 in the simplified system shown in Fig.1.
The ideal condition of the converters as well as the assumptions considered in this paper may lead to an excessively optimistic performance of the SSSC. Therefore, for an actual SSSC it should be realised a deep analysis on the assumptions regarded, namely: losses in the converters, unbalanced condition of the ac system and some constraints related to the SSSC operation.
Fig.9 Receiving end active and reactive power
4 Conclusions
In this paper, an evaluation in the performance of a 24 and a 48-pulse phase-shifted VSI-based SSSC, was realised. Both configurations have shown a good performance under balanced conditions. However, the 48-pulse configuration presents a nearly sinusoidal series voltage waveform, thus, this configuration may avoid the presence of harmonic filters between the inverter and the ac system without trespassing the voltage harmonic content limit of the power quality standards. In general, the SSSC has showed a quick transient response (about ¼ cycle or more) depending on the PI controller adjustment. It has also been observed the SSSC ability in increasing and modifying the transmittable power of a line, where it has been implemented.
[1]N.G. Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, UNDERSTAN-DING FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems, IEEE Press, N.Y., 2000.
[2]R.L.V. Arnez, L.C. Zanetta, Steady-State Analysis of the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) and its Capability in Modifying the Transmittable Power, IEEE/PES, Latin America Transmission &Distribution Conference, São Paulo, March 18-22, 2002.
[3]L. Gyugyi, C. Schauder, K.K. Sen, Static Synchronous Series Compensator: A Solid-State Approach to the Series Compensation of Transmission Lines, IEEE Power Engineering Review, 120-6, WM, January 1996, pp. 1-8.
[4]R. Mihalic, I. Papic, Mathematical Models and Simulation of a Static Synchronous Series Compensator, International Conference on Electric Power Engineering, PowerTech, Budapest, 1999.
[5]M. Carpita, S.M. Tenconi, M. Fracchia, A novel multilevel structure for Voltage Source Inverter, European Electronics and Drives Association (EPE) 91, Florence, Italy, September 3-6 1991, pp. 90-94.
[6]K.K. Sen, SSSC-Static Synchronous Series Compensator: Theory, Modelling and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol 13, No 1, January 98, pp. 241-46.