SEPTEMBER 10, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 3:40pm.
All members were present.
Mrs. Johnston presented the EPAC report. She commented that the only items addressed that affected Loma Verde were: 1-having classroom doors locked at all times (use of safety magnets) and 2-textbooks still missing throughout the district. Refer to EPAC minutes for other items.
Ms. Lopez reviewed the SIT Roles and Responsibilities. Every expectation is being met by the
Under Curriculum and Staff Development:
Mr. Martinez, counselor, thanked teachers for a successful Grandparents’ Day. He reminded the committee that our Olweus kick-off is scheduled for September 19th at 8:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. The volunteers will be decorating the bulletin board by the coach’s office. He listed the contributions each grade level was responsible for: posters, skits, chants, raps, noise makers, etc. The Papa Bears will also be performing a skit. Refreshments will be served. Mr. Pina, one of our parents and PIE, will be providing some of the refreshments. We are grateful to him. An invitation will be sent out to parents asking for an RSVP so that we will have an accurate idea of how many will attend.
Mr. Martinez stated that he is doing class presentations 2 at a time during PE.
Amanda Alderete is putting in hours for her counseling degree.
Terrific Kids is scheduled for September 26th. Mr. Martinez has set aside Thursdays for RtI and S-504 meetings. He is also conducting WHO presentations. Mr. Martinez encouraged teachers to take on one student to mentor through our CHAMPS mentoring program. The orientation for this will take place on September 23rd at 3:30pm.
Mr. Martinez mentioned that there are changes for RtI in Eduphoria. The first step is to send out a parent notification. Teachers will receive further information at the next faculty meeting scheduled for September 17th at 3:30pm.
Mrs. Rodriguez and Ms. Del Rio informed the committee that Math Night (Sept. 18th from 5:00-6:30pm)
Is an informational night for parents not a game night for students. It will not be necessary for students to attend. The focus will be to provide parents with ideas on how to help their children at home. There will be an opportunity for parents to take a sample test for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. In the future we will hold a Numbers and Nachos Night geared toward students. The Parent Liaison, Mrs. Garcia, will join in on Math Night as a part of her Family Frameworks. Literacy Night (which was originally scheduled for September) will be attached to Story Time with Santa.
Mrs. Rominsky will provide a short training for teachers on the characteristics of students will Dyslexia at our faculty meeting.
Mrs. Lopez thanked Mrs. Rodriguez for her work on the Data Walls for iStation and STAAR. We are asking for improvement in class averages. In the STAAR grades, teachers have identified goals for this year and their plan for achieving their goals. Teachers are to display their iStation graph inside their door.
Mrs. Pon shared that Intersession tutoring will take place from Sept. 29th-Oct. 2nd from 8-11am. Permission slips need to be returned, lesson plans need to be turned in. The focus will be on Math.
P2 LVE SIT Meeting Minutes
UTEP reps will be visiting LVE on September 25th in honor of UTEP’s 100th anniversary and to encourage students to go to college. 8:00-8:30—4th and 5th; 8:45-9:00—2nd-3rd. Drawstring UTEP bags will be distributed to students.
Mrs. Pon spoke to the committee about Safety. Larger maps have been distributed. Teachers will need to highlight their EXIT route. Officers will be at campuses on 9/11. Teachers commented that there is no speaker in the sensory room (cannot hear Lockdown announcement). It will be next door teacher’s responsibility to inform them. If teachers have concern that they have not been “released” from lockdown, they should use their cell phone to call administrator. Cell phones must be kept on silent during lockdown. The number for security is 937 HELP. All personnel need to wear their IDs.
Attendance: Mrs. Pon is calling parents of students with excessive tardies and absences. Incentives for attendance will continue. Spell out ATTENDANCE for popcorn or popsicle party. There was some discussion about training students to question teacher if they are left unattended during PE or lunch detention. Teachers should not be giving classroom key to students when they forget something in class.
Other business: Teachers want to know if they can get trained to use the Riso so that they can run their own copies when parent volunteers are not available. They also want to know if Riso could be placed outside of the parent center while trainings are going on. Mrs. Lopez will look into it.
Kinder concern: When 4th grade students enter the building after lunch, they are very loud and disruptive. They want to know if they could use a different entrance. After some comments from SIT members, Mrs. Lopez stated that she will speak with fourth grade teachers to ask them to set the expectation of entering the building quietly. She asked Mrs. Torres if it was doable and she said yes. Ms. Alderete asked if teachers could wear jeans on the Staff Development Half-days. Ms. Lopez said she would take it under advisement.
Next SIT meeting is scheduled for October 15th.
The meeting adjourned at 4:45pm.