Goal Setting

4-H Tech Wizards

  1. Write three goals: one short term – to be completed in 3 months of less; one medium term - to be completed in one to three years; and one long term - to be completed in 5 -10 years.
  1. Each goal must be clearly stated and include the due date, a plan of how you will complete the goal, in other words steps to take to complete the goal, and how you will measure whether or not you attain that goal.


Short term goal:

I plan to learn how to create and publish my personal web site by June 1, 2010. To accomplish my goal I will learn how to use Dreamweaver and work on my web site two times a week, 2 hours each time, for 12 weeks. My web site will have at least three pages. The measurement I will use is the act of publishing the web site.

Medium term:

I plan to learn how to plan and film digital video documentaries, edit them using Final Cut Pro software and stream a one minute video on the web by June of 2011. To accomplish my goal I will attend 4-H Web wizard classes in streaming video, plan a project with my mentor, and follow the 12 week Tech Wizards schedule for taping and editing. The measurement I will use is the act of publishing my video in a streaming format on my web site.

Long term:

I plan to attend college and graduate with a B.S. degree in the field of computer science by 2015. Steps I will follow are to take all necessary high school prerequisite classes and make sure that my GPA is at least a 3.0 so that I will be accepted by my college choice. I will apply for scholarships to help me with my education. I will also look for opportunities to work in the computer science field either as a volunteer with nonprofit organizations or for pay. I will follow the prescribed plan of education for my college. I will know that I have attained my goal when I hold my diploma in my hand and my friends and family are all very proud.

Email your goals to (name of the site coordinator) by Tuesday