<May 24, 2008>
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Dr. Abye Tasse
Associate Vice President for Strategic Planning and International Affairs
Addis Ababa University
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Cell phone: +251 911 24 25 38
Office: +251 11 123 10 84 or +251 11 123 97 50
Email: ,
Prof. Tsige Gebre-Mariam
Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research
Addis Ababa University
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Cell phone: +251 911 24 25 55
Office: +251 11 123 97 56
Dear Dr. Tasse and Prof. Gebre-Mariam:
(1) With my great interest, I read an invitation to attend the following workshop by your president Prof. Andreas Eshetz;
International Workshop on Addis Ababa University Plan for PhD Programs
June 19-21, 2008
This is a strong and very impressive plan. We would be very delighted if we can be of any help to this program.
(2) By the kind invitation from the Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation, I and my wife attended the following symposium;
International Symposium on ICT Education and Application in Developing Countries
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 19-21, 2004
(3) After attending this symposium, I had a pleasure of visiting the following universities and hospitals for fact-finding and assessment to create Global University System in Ethiopia (GUS/Ethiopia);
- Addis Ababa University
- Admas College
- Bahir Dar University
- Debub University
- Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation
- Gondar College of Medical Science
- Gondar University
All of people we met at those institutions indicated their strong interest -- see <
See also “Initial group member” to establish the GUS/Ethiopia at the Section II-3 of the same page.
See also ATTACHMENT I below for our subsequent list distributions.
(4) Their enthusiasm was profound since Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation announced at the symposium the deployment of Multimedia Broadband Internet (MBI) with a terrestrial optical fiber line at 2.5 Gbps from Kenya to connect higher educational and healthcare institutions in various towns of Ethiopia -- with the fund from the World Bank;
Information and Communication Technology Assisted Development Projectof the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia by the World Bank fund (US$ 25.0 million), August 18, 2004
See Section III-2 of <
(5) The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Addis Ababa indicated me that they would financially support GUS/Ethiopia once when it is endorsed by the Ethiopian Ministry of Education to utilize MBI.
I would then be very delighted if I could liaise between you and the JICA/Addis Ababa, should you ever need any help from them — after all, it is said that your university was firstly created with the Japanese government’s fund.
(6) As following your Ethiopian’s precedence of MBI, we are now proposing to have a Trans-African Ultra High-Speed (2 Tera bps) Optical Fiber Network along with the proposed super highway network which will connect various sub Saharan African countries to promote commerce and which will be pledged by the Japanese government at the Tokyo International Conference on African Development(TICAD-IV) in Yokohama, Japan next week -- see ATTACHMENT I of;
(05/20/08) Follow-up on the Idea for Trans-Africa Ultra High Speed Optical Fiber Network
(6) Pls visit “Projects of GLOSAS/USA”< and particularly note the followings in it;
(a) Global University System (GUS) Project for;
(i) The 21st Century Version of Fulbright Exchange System
(ii) Finnish Noblesse Oblige Project
(b) Peace Gaming Project for;
(i) Globally Collaborative Environmental Peace Gaming (GCEPG)
(ii) Global Socio-Economic-Energy-Environment Development (GSEEED)
Which will lead to
(c) Globally Collaborative Innovation Network (GCIN)
(7) The Japanese government will pledge at the TICAD-IV conference to double their Official Development Assistance (ODA) fund to African Countries.
Subsequently, it may be a good time to revive the GUS/Ethiopia activities and approach to the JICA in Addis Ababa as mentioned above.
(8) Pls feel free to inform me if we can be of any help to your excellent program.
Wishing you a very good luck to your workshop.
Best, Tak
List Distribution about creating GUS/Ethiopia
(10/14/04) Request for cooperation for establishing GUS/Ethiopia
(11/06/04) Trip to Ethiopia from October 16 to 30th, 2004
(11/07/04) Possible mini supercomputer in Ethiopia
(11/10/04) appreciative program
(12/29/04) Possible technology transfer on Beowulf mini supercomputer from Hiroshima University to Ethiopia
(12/30/04) Construction of e-learning proposal of GUS/Ethiopia
(01/21/05) Vacancy for teaching at GSTIT in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(03/30/05) Broadband Internet in the US and Ethiopia
(04/05/05) Ethiopia is now leapfrogging on ICT
(04/18/05)-b Current status of GUS/Ethiopia activity
(07/19/05) Possible "Power Line Communication" Project in Ethiopia
List Distribution about Trans African Ultra High-Speed Optical Fiber Network
(02/01/08) Finnish Noblesse Oblige Project for Paradigm Shift and Change the World
(02/14/08) Idea for Trans-Africa Ultra High Speed Optical Fiber Network
(02/15/08) International Year of Planet Earth/Global Launch Event at UNESCO
(02/17/08) Possible Japanese fund to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia along with Black Sea Ring Project
(02/18/08) Possibility of NREN becoming GUS
(02/29/08) Eloquent clarion call for Africa Renaissance
(03/01/08) Respectfully requesting time for my testimony at “Broadband Advisor Hearing” at LaGuardia Community College, March 3rd, 2008
(03/04/08) Broadband Advisory Hearing and Advancements of ICTs in Korea and Japan
(04/24/08) (1) UN University seminar and (2) Respectfully requesting support to African Information Superhighway
(05/20/08) Follow-up on the Idea for Trans-Africa Ultra High Speed Optical Fiber Network
* Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D., P.E., Chairman, GLOSAS/USA *
* (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation Association in the U.S.A.) *
* Laureate of Lord Perry Award for Excellence in Distance Education *
* Founder and V.P. for Technology and Coordination of *
* Global University System (GUS) *
* 43-23 Colden Street, Flushing, NY 11355-5913, U.S.A. *
* Tel: 718-939-0928; Email: *
* *
* U.S. Federal Tax Exempt ID: 11-2999676 < *
* New York State Tax Exempt ID: 217837 <