To start Year 7 in September 2018


Child’s Surname
Child’s First Name(s)
Child’s Date of Birth / Female / Male
(Please tick box above)
(between 01/09/2006-31/08/2007)
Child’s Permanent Address
Current School/Other

Please tick here if your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan......

(Please provide a copy with this application form)

Please tick here if your child is Looked After or previously Looked After......

Please tick here if your child has exceptional medical or social need......

(Evidence of need must be supplied by a professionally involved third party setting out the

particular reasons why the Academy is the most suitable school)

Please tick here if your child has a sibling1 at Bede Academy......

Sibling’s Surname: / First Name: / Date of Birth: / Female Male

(Please tick box above)


Title Dr / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Parent’s Surname
Relationship to Child(eg Parent)
Home Telephone Number
Mobile Telephone Number
Email Address(not compulsory)
Parent’s Signature / Date

Please turn overleaf for Important Additional Information

Important Additional Information

This form should be completed and posted to Admissions, Bede Academy, Sixth Avenue, Blyth NE24 2SY to arrive by 31 October 2017, for standard Year 7 applications. It is your responsibility to ensure that this form is received by the Academy Office.

Should you need to contact us by telephone, the number is 01670 545111 during normal office hours or you can email:

An Application form is NOT required for children transferring from Year 6 of Bede Academy Primary Years to Year 7 of Bede Academy Secondary Years, who simply remain within Bede Academy.

For all non-Bede Academy Year 7 applications, the following application forms must be submitted by

31 October 2017:

  1. This Bede Academy application form (to be submitted to Bede Academy)
  2. A Common Application form adhering to the Northumberland County Council process (to be submitted to Northumberland County Council). The online admissions portal will open on 11 September 2017.

Over-subscription Criteria

After the admission of pupils with Statements of Special Educational Need or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for whom Bede Academy has consented to be named on the Statement (evidence of this must be provided), the remaining available places will be allocated in the following order priority:

  • Looked After Children (in public care) and previously Looked After Children
  • Children on whose behalf written evidence of exceptional medical or social need is presented, such as evidence being supplied by a professionally involved third party and must set out the particular reasons why the Academy is the most suitable school.
  • Children who have a sibling(s)1 who is already at Bede Academy
  • Children who live in the published catchment area for the Academy2

(Further details of our catchment area can be found on our website)

  • Children, on the basis of the closeness of their home’s front door to the front gate of the Academy, measured by walking in the shortest possible line without entering private property.

(Walking distance must be along a safe walking public route, which doesnot include private short cuts or walk across open ground where there are no public rights of way.)

Should you need to contact us by telephone, the number is01670 545111during normal office hours or you can email:

1Siblings are recognised as brothers, sisters, half-brothers, half-sisters, step-brothers and step-sisters who reside permanently in the same household.

2Please note that where a child lives at more than one address, the main address will be deemed to be that of the parent receiving the Child Benefit payment.

Publication of Decisions

Allocation of places in Year 7 will be confirmed at the same time as all other decisions in the county,

namely1 March 2018.