LPAC Recommended Accommodations 2017-2018

Name / ID# / Grade
No linguistic accommodations are required for this student at this time. The ELPS must be used as appropriate for the student’s English language proficiency level.
The student’s LPAC records indicate special considerations for curriculum and instruction accommodations may be needed. The Campus ELL Specialist will consult with you regarding linguistic support and development of grade level expectations.

The LPAC recommends the use of accommodations as appropriate for this student in addition to implementation and daily use of the ELPS (English Language Proficiency Standards) for all English Language Learners based upon his/her proficiency level in Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. Please see §74.4 of the Texas Administrative Code, which outlines the use of the ELPS for all content areas. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of possible accommodations, but a general list to provide guidance.

Scaffold material and concepts
Avoid assignments requiring copying
Provide additional time for processing/wait time
Shorten required task
Pre-teach and preview vocabulary through instruction
Ask questions requiring short answers to develop oral and written skills
Model and provide frames for oral and written answers
Avoid penalizing for spelling errors
Teach in small groups
Provide peer tutoring
Provide clearly written homework assignments
Provide graphic organizers
Complete alternative assignments that demonstrate the skill assessed
Provide reading assistance through peer, recording, or shadow reading
Reduce reading level of the regular assignment, but do not change content or target skill / MATERIALS:
Use visual aids in instruction (charts, illustrations, video, maps, handouts, demonstrations, manipulatives)
Use audio materials (tapes, recordings, films, etc.)
Provide summaries or assignment information in home language if appropriate
Provide ELL appropriate dictionaries and text (simplified English language), possibly native language if appropriate
Reduce length or selections on multiple choice, but do not reduce skill or content expectation
Extend time
Use open ended responses so student may explain or use illustrations to demonstrate knowledge
Oral administration, answer orally to demonstrate knowledge
Take exam in another setting or individually
Allow student's use of notes or text
Simplify format
Grade on the basis of individual achievement and/or progress
Allow student to express key concepts in his/her own words
2017-18 WMLS CALP Level / 2017 TELPAS Ratings
English / Spanish / Listening / B / I / A / H
Negligible / 1 / 1 / Speaking / B / I / A / H
Very Limited / 2 / 2 / Reading / B / I / A / H
Limited / 3 / 3 / Writing / B / I / A / H
Limited to Fluent / 3.5 / 3.5 / Comprehension / B / I / A / H
Fluent / 4 / 4
Advanced / 5 / 5 / Years in US Schools: ______(since 1st grade)
Very Advanced / 6 / 6

If you have any specific concerns regarding accommodations, please notify the ELL Specialist on your campus. It is the goal of KISD to ensure a quality and successful education for all students.

ELL State Testing Guidance

Testing Accessibility means ensuring that each student can interact appropriately with the content, presentation, and response mode of the test. In order to meet this goal, TEA will make Accessibility Features and Designated Supports available on TELPAS and on STAAR paper and online tests to students who use the same or similar features or supports during classroom instruction and testing.

Accessibility Features and Designated Supports:

·  Must be based on student needs

·  Can change over the course if the school year or from year to year based on student needs

·  Might be appropriate for classroom use, but NOT be appropriate or allowed on a statewide assessment.

List of Accessibility Features:

1.  Sign test administration directions for a student who is deaf or hard of hearing

2.  Translating test administration directions into the native language of an ELL

3.  Allowing a student to use a bilingual dictionary (word-to-word translations; no definitions or examples) on Mathematics, Science or Social Studies assessments

4.  Allowing a student to read the test aloud to facilitate comprehension (includes use of PVC pipe or recording device)

5.  Reading aloud or signing the expository or persuasive writing prompt to any student who requests this assistance

6.  Providing reading assistance to any student on the Grade 3 Mathematics test for any student

a.  The test administrator may read a word, phrase, or sentence in a test question or answer choice to any Grade 3 student but only when asked to do so by the student

b.  If the student needs the entire test read aloud, the eligibility criteria for an oral administration must be met

7.  Making the following assistive tools available: scratch paper (any medium that can be erased or destroyed); color overlays and the color setting for online tests; blank place markers and guideline tools for online tests; magnifying devices and zoom feature for online tests; highlighters, color pencils or crayons

8.  Giving permission for a student to use tools to minimize distractions or to help maintain focus (stress ball, noise reducing headphones, or instrumental music with no lyrics played through an individual student’s headphones or ear buds)

9.  Allowing individual and small-group administrations

10.  Reminding students to stay on task.

Designated Supports

·  Should be individualized to address the specific needs of each student

·  Might be appropriate for classroom use but might not be appropriate for use in a state assessment

·  Should be evaluated regularly for effectiveness and to help plan for future accommodations

·  Should be documented in the appropriate student paperwork

List of Designated Supports

Braille / Extra time (same day)
Amplification devices / Oral/signed administration*
Basic transcribing / Content supports*
Individualized student reminders / Language and vocabulary supports*
Manipulating test materials / Math manipulatives
Projection devices / Supplemental aids
Dictionary* / Calculation aids
Large print / Spelling assistance

* Students for whom the LPAC recommends the use of dictionaries, oral administration, language and vocabulary supports, or extra time as an accommodation for any reading or writing assessment may not be considered for exit at the end of the school year.