December 13, 2012

MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Amon, Frank “Bud” Sankey, Bill Cunkle Secretary, Terri Cunkle.


MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: By Chairman Dave Amon at 7:02pm at the

Goshen Township Building located at 116 Knobs Rd., Shawville.



SECRETARY’S REPORT: The minutes from the previous meeting were read. Being no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as presented by a motion from Bill and a 2nd by Bud with all in favor.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The November’sTreasurer’s Report was reviewed and approved with a motion from Bill, second by Bud with all in favor.


Resolution 2012-10 amending the 2012 current year’s budget to reflect the Act 13 Impact Fee of $38,134.12 was unanimously approved with a motion from Bill and a second from Bud.

A motion was made by Bill with a second from Bud to approve Resolution 2012-9 adopting the 2013 balanced budget with all in favor.

Mr. Gates notified Terri that the SALDO was returned from the planning commission with some suggestions on verbiage concerning the supervisor’s rights. He said a letter is going out explaining and that also He will not submit to the PUC until their upcoming law suit over zoning restrictions is settled.

The renovations on the building were discussed and reviewed when Terri brought up the fire companies responsibilities towards the building when utilizing it, specifically clean up. It was determined that Bill and Bud will attend the fire company meeting on Wednesday December 19th, to discuss the new rules with the building rentals and the fire companies responsibilities.

The supervisors were brought update on the following;

  • RES royalty check of $0 was received for the Condon Rd.
  • The sign was erected for the building.
  • ACT 13 impact fee money of $38,134.12 was dispersed and deposited.
  • The contract for Keystone Collection agency to collect the LST and OPT taxes received.
  • Mr. Rainey is scheduled for Monday December 17th to install new locks in the social hall.
  • Lisa Baumgartner did report to prison on November 10.
  • Terri asked if she could purchase new blinds for the social hall. She did not have any pricing and would get back to all the supervisors with a price.


A motion from Bill with a second from Bud to once again join PSATS at a cost of $436.00 was approved by all.

A motion from Bill with a second from Bud to once again join the MVCOG at a cost of $150.00 was approved by all.

Bill noted that he was contacted by Curry & Associates concerning the recent survey they completed for a property owner in the area. During the survey it was discovered that the T. Lee Taylor Rd. is not located where it is described in the original roadway docket. Bill spoke with Shawn Agosti, the municipal service representative, and he advised that the Township contact their solicitor. Mr. Gates was contacted by Terri and he stated he will look into this issue after January 1st.

The Greater Shawville Parish asked if they could utilize the social hall for a free goodwill dinner for the community on February 16, 2013. A motion allowing the usage was made by Bud, with a second from Dave with all in favor.

The Supervisors were informed on the following:

  • A DEP violation against Hugill’s concerning the spillage of 150 gallons of fuel oil after a truck accident on 879.
  • An email from Boyle’s Insurance was received asking if they could give a quote on the upcoming insurance renewal. All agreed.
  • A map and letter was sent noting the new location of the proposed new bridge across the Susquehanna on route 970.
  • There were no permits issued in October. But Bud questioned as to whether a septic permit was issue to Owens on Jerry Run. Terri did not have one and she will call the MVCOG on Monday.

ROADWAY REPORT: Dave noted that he attended a meeting concerning the bridge structure on 879 crossing Trout Run. A letter was also received noting that construction is to begin in 2014. The load counts were reviewed from ECA, Swishers and RES for the Knob’s Rd. Terri is to send out emails to all three companies thanking them for their counts, reminding them that counts are due by the 5th of each month and that a new video was recorded on December 13th and would be available for their inspection.

In other business several correspondence were reviewed and payroll time sheets were approved and signed. The bill list was presented and reviewed with a motion to accept by Bud and a 2nd by Dave with all in favor.

ADJOURNMENT: Being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Bill, 2nd by Bud, with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Terri Cunkle,
