Children & Family Services, Inc.
THPP Acceptance Packet
- Acceptance Letter
- Participant Admission Agreement (4 pages)
- New Admission ‘Need To Know Information’ (2 pages)
- Policy: Clothing Allowance
- Samples:
- Mock Rent Check
- Return Envelope
- Receipt Page (2) 1 for Participant and 1 for File
THPP Acceptance Packet
Children & Family Services, Inc.
Acceptance Letter
Your Client: has been accepted into MAC’s Transitional Housing Placement Program.
The MAC-Team is committed to helping youth transition successfully to the real world from Foster Care.
Please call me at: to schedule a time to meet, review Program Rules and guidelines, sign the Admission Agreement and decide upon actual move-in date.
Program Manager
cc: MAC’s Executive Director
THPPCounty Coordinator
Participant Admission Agreement
I, have read and agree that I would like to be a Participant of MAC’s THP Program. If admitted:
I agree to:
- Regularly attend school and obtain a high school diploma or GED. Once I meet these goals, I agree to further my education through participation in college, trade school or other vocational training.
- Continue participating in ILSP Workshops.
- Actively look for, obtain and maintain a paying job. – (DOC)
- Remain clean and sober. I will participate in drug testing as necessary.
- Actively participate in weekly THPP meetings with my peers and agency staff.
- Attend Participant Program Orientation which will outline Program rules, expectations and emergency procedures.
- Take an active roll in preparing myself for emancipation by participating in services outlined by the Court, my Social Worker and/or my Probation Officer and by following the conditions as outlined below.
Relationships With Others – I will:
- Be respectful towards others. Violent, aggressive, or annoying/harassing behavior is not allowed.
- Attempt to resolve any and all problems with others. In the case of an unresolved conflict or disagreement between me and my housemate, I will contact the Program Manager to mediate the conflict.
- Not have any inappropriate physical contact with others. In other words, NO touching, hitting, pushing, wrestling or shoving is permitted.
- Behave in a mature and polite manner with all neighbors. If I have a conflict with any neighbor I will try to solve it and report the incident to the Program Manager.
- Not claim, be involved with, dress like or visit known or apparent gang members. I realize that this is a strict regulation of my site complex, and failure to follow this rule may result in my receiving a seven (7) day notice and immediate termination of me from the Program.
- Follow the rules of the domicile complex regarding quiet time and keep the stereo/television at an acceptable volume level.
Property – Site Inspections:
- I realize that the Apartment and home furnishings are the property of THPP and are mine to use and care for while I am a Participant of the Program.
- I realize that if I should lose, deface, damage, destroy or remove any property I will be responsible to pay for these damages and may, depending upon damage, be terminated from the Program.
- I will respect the personal property of others in the Program. I know that trading, lending or borrowing is not advisable. THPP is not responsible for any of my lost or damaged items, and they will not be replaced. No properties are to be removed or replaced with out Agency approval.
- Upon entering the Program I will sign a household inventory of items available for my use. This inventory will be rechecked upon my departure from the program and I will be responsible for replacing any missing or damaged items.
- Participants are not permitted to paint walls or hang pictures without prior approval from agency staff. Participants are not permitted to decorate with anything containing sexist, racist or offensive material.
- Agency staff will be permitted to inspect the facility at any time deemed necessary to insure the safety and well fare of all. Random spot checks will also be held to address any concern such as safety, cleanliness, etc. Note: This remains effective for all youth and those 18 and over as long as they are in the Program.
Scheduling – Passes:
- Unless I have prior approval, I will not be away from my apartment or house after 10;00 p.m. or leave before 6:00 a.m. Only with prior approval of MAC’s Social Worker, Placement Worker, Probation Officer and Program Manager, may I schedule passes that end after 10pm and overnight passes.
- I will keep the Case or Program Manager informed of my schedule and will call or check in if my schedule changes.
In the event of an emergency immediately contact appropriate authorities and THPP staff, by using the on-call cell phone (415) 784-8425.
Medical – Dental:
The Participant will schedule all of their Medical and Dental appointments, at first under the direction of the Case Manager. During the appointment a CHDP (1132C) form is completed and returned to THPP Staff or Program Manager after each visit. Participants will assume total responsibility for transportation to and from medical and dental appointments when non-emergencies, initially under the direction of the Case Manager.
Employment Requirements:
- I will obtain and maintain full or part-time employment and save not less than 50%. I will keep my Case Manager informed of my work schedule and changes.
Educational Requirements:
- I will attend high school, college, adult education or vocational training on a regular basis, and be on time.
- I must inform the MAC’s Program Manager or on-call Staff if I am ill and unable to attend school or work.
- The THPP Program Manager will regularly monitor my progress in school,GED Program, or Vocational training program, including but not limited to attendance, grades, homework and classroom behavior. Each participant must complete their educational goals by their 19th birthday.
- Participants must attend Apartment meetings, Community meetings, Process groups, and weekly coaching sessions. These meeting are MANDATORY.
- I will attend process group to develop shills in the following areas, including but not limited to, cooking, shopping,, ILS, conflict resolution, money management, hygiene, etc.
- I will attend and actively participate in my 30-day Intake Assessment and Quarterly meetings.
Housekeeping – Chores:
- It is my responsibility to keep my room and apartment clean and do my own laundry. The Program Manager will inspect the room before I (participant) receive my weekly funds. Living facilities must be cleaned not just for allowance. Failure can cause an IEPM, TDM or seven (7-14) day notice.
- Cleanliness of the apartment is to be maintained continuously. Upon entry into the program, participant will receive and orientation from THPP Staff addressing standards and expectations for cleanliness of rooms and apartments. A chore list and supplies will be provided (once for demonstration only).
- Every Participant will be able to obtain a maximum of $20.00 per week allowance and $60.00 per week for groceries. Allowance is linked directly to participant’s performance within the program (i.e., school, work, life skill workshops, housekeeping, in-house meetings, and curfew). Participants will be exposed to money management, banking and to be able to write and send a “mock” check every month.
- I will open a savings account. and save a minimum of 50% of all my earnings. I will not draw from my savings account without consulting with the Program Manager. I will verify the monthly balance with the Program Manager.
- I realize that the Program Manager will not advance money to me.
- Before entering into a contractual agreement such as credit card, auto loan, rental or purchase, I will discuss the pros and cons with the Program Manager.
- I realize that if a savings account is not open with 1st paycheck, then my allowance money will be held and saved.
Sexual Activity:
Sexual activity is not permitted at any of MAC’s THPP sites, between participants or Staff.
The THPP will provide services for Pregnant and Parenting Teens (Moms and Dads)
Visitors: (This section currently under revision)
Drugs and Alcohol:
The use of drugs and/or alcohol is illegal for persons under the age of 21. If you are found to be in possession of or use of drugs and/or alcohol you will be subject to immediate termination from the Program.
Weapons are prohibited on and around any THPP site. If noticed or suspected, Law Enforcement will be contacted and Participant will be immediately discharged.
Participants may have their own cars only if they have a valid driver’s license, sufficient insurance, and registration (a copy of each needs to be in client chart). Also participant needs to demonstrate viable means of support for payments and maintenance before permission will be granted for a participant to operate the vehicle.
All THPP sites are non-smoking. Smoking is permitted one block away from the facility.
Candles and Incense:
The burning of incense or candles is prohibited.
Animals and Reptiles are not allowed in the facility.
Aftercare Services
I agree to set up a meeting with the After Care Coordinator within two weeks of my admission to the Program and will inform them of any changes that directly relate to my discharge plan.
Termination from the Program
I understand that I may be dismissed from the program if I do any of the following:
- Repeated failure to follow the Program Rules, Contracts, or ILS Plan.
- Making threats of any nature to THPP staff or other Program Participants.
- Involvement in illegal activities (e.g., use of drugs or alcohol, theft, assault, etc.)
- Failure to progress or meet goals over a four-week period of time.
- Act in such a way that my behavior is dangerous to myself, others and/or may need a higher level of care.
- Be away from my site overnight without permission.*Automatic Discharge*
- Excessive truancy/unexcused absences for all or part of a day and/or failing grades.
- Expulsion from or quitting school
- Allow a runaway to stay at my site.
- I decide that I no longer want to be a part of the Program
In addition, I agree to obey all federal, state and local laws and follow all rules of the THPP complex as described in the Lease Agreement.
Aftercare Services
I agree to set up a meeting with the Goals Coordinator within two weeks of my admission to the Program and will inform them of any changes that directly relate to my discharge plan.
THPP ParticipantDate
THP Program ManagerDate
Executive DirectorDate
New Admission ‘Need To Know Info’
You have been assigned to site:address:
Site phone number:
Your Case Manager is:Phone #:
Your Residential Youth Advisor is:Phone #:
- In case of an “emergency” call your Program Manager.
(To be discussed in more detail)
- You will receive $20.00 per week allowance, to assist you with transportation, laundry costs, and personal items. However, if your chore(s) must be assigned to another person for completion, that person will receive the allowance.
- You will receive a $60.00 per week food card or $80.00 if you are a minor parent, who has had their child. (To be discussed in more detail)
Distribution of #1 and #2 is only on: between . You must be present to receive the two unless you are at work or on an approved pass.
- Mock Rent Checks
I must mail in my ‘Mock Rent Check’ every month to :
Property Management
P.O. Box 297
Daly City, CA. 94016-0297
(Participant’s must provide stamps for the envelope)
Page 2 Need to Know Information
- Mandatory Community Group Meeting is the: 4th Thursday of every month at , at the Main Office. Your 30 Day Program Compliance Meeting is: Your first 90 day Quarterly Meeting is:
- Received Key. Yes______No ______If you lose your key, your replacement fee is $25.00.
- We suggest using the Agency POB to be sure you get your important mail. The mailing address is: P.O. Box 297, Daly City, CA 94014-0297 c/o MAC’s Children & Family Services, Inc. Mail sent to your site may be delayed or not reach you at all.
Upon admission an “Emancipation Security Deposit” $50.00 will be established in your name. In order for you to receive all or a portion of the deposit, you must complete the following criteria:
- Have been in the Program 6 full months
- Leave everything exactly as it was found upon admission
- Apartment/House must be disinfected, cleaned and orderly
- All trash removed
- All keys returned
The unit will be checked Program Manager and by Maintenance Manager, it will be determined the amount you will receive. The deposit will be paid within 21 days.
Placement WorkerDate
cc:Participant File
Transitional Housing Placement /Pregnant/Parenting Teen Program
You will be provided $150.00 per quarter for a Clothing Allowance, to be disbursed at the end of every complete 90 days. (Please allow two weeks)
MAC’s retains the right to be discretionary in the distribution of Clothing Allowance funds. If MAC’s discerns that you require additional assistance in the appropriate use of money, a Staff person will accompany you shopping.
You must submit receipts for money spent weekly to your Program Manager or Residential Youth Advisor.
If it becomes necessary for MAC’s to provide an early Clothing Allowance, funds will be deducted, as you become eligible.
Participant: Date:
Placement Worker: Date:
cc:Executive Director
Participants File
County Placement Worker
THPP Acceptance Packet
Children & Family Services, Inc.
Check # 11830
Pay to the order of: $
Mock Bank
For: Month & Year
Check # 11831
Pay to the order of: $
Mock Bank
For: Month & Year
Participant Name
Real Address
City, CA Zip
To:MAC’s THPP Property Management
P.O. Box 297
Daly City, CA. 94016 – 0297
THPP Acceptance Packet
Children & Family Services, Inc.
Transitional Housing Placement Program
Two copies: signed – 1. Participant 2. Participant’s File 3. Participant’s Placement Worker
- I have read, understand and agree to follow THPP Rules.
THPP ParticipantDate
County Placement Worker Date
THPP Staff SignatureDate
Participant’s file
County Placement Worker
Transitional Housing Placement Program
Two copies: signed – 1. Participant 2. Participant’s File 3. Participant’s Placement Worker
- I have read, understand and agree to follow THPP Rules.
THPP ParticipantDate
County Placement Worker Date
THPP Staff SignatureDate
Participant’s file
County Placement Worker
THPP Acceptance Packet