Indigenous Productions: Paul Terrell, Ravi Freeman.

Page 1. Intro Page 2. Marketing Pack Page 3. Application Form for Crew/Volunteer

Vision for Crew/Volunteers.

Spirit Fest is a consciousness festival. What that means for the crew and volunteers is that we strive for presence, enthusiasm and creating a loving and service minded atmosphere for the participants and staff as well as for ourselves. We do that by sharing goals and values as well as communication strategies.


We encourage crew and volunteers to arrive on site as early as they can as team building takes time. We will help with that beforehand with information and training tips. All groups will be led by Coordinators


Crew are those who are able to arrive before the festival starts, preferably on Monday the 28th. August, latest by 10am. Wednesday, 30th. August. and lend a hand setting up and hopefully can stay a couple of days afterwards to help take down and stow away. You will most likely be working in one area during the festival and getting to know the job well. You are asked to work out your shifts and schedules in the team meetings so that all the jobs get done and you get the time off you need. You are expected to offer around six hours service a day. We will supply basic food and of course you get a free ticket. If the festival’s economy allows supporting you in some way, economically or otherwise at the end of the festival then that will be taken up at the closing crew meeting.


Volunteers are those who do not want to do more than four hours a day. You are welcome to arrive on Monday the 28th. August but not before. Latest arrival is 8pm. Wednesday the 29th. August. You get a free ticket but no food. You can join crew if you decide you would like to contribute a bit more as long as you have arrived by 10am. Wednesday, 30th. August.


Fill in the application form and send it back with a photo, head and shoulders of yourself. We will make our selection by the middle of June at the latest.


We will ask that you pay for one, full price ticket. This will be returnable at the end of the festival when you have fulfilled your agreed duties. We have decided to do this after suffering from “no-shows” and following in line with other festivals protocols for crew/volunteers. When you get a mail accepting you as crew/volunteer then please buy your ticket within the following ten days and mail me that you have done so. This will book your place.

Bringing Partners/Friends/Children.

If you want to bring a partner, family member, friend, youth or child then they will need tickets. 12yrs and under go free.


We hope to be able to offer some tent spaces for crew who do not have their own tents. There will be a crew camping area together with the artists and staff and a crew/staff tent with small kitchen. There are compost toilets, hot showers, and a steam sauna.

Application Form.

If you are interested then please send us the completed application form.

It should be possible to copy the PDF into a mac/pages or PC/word/open office word doc and fill in the details there. Send it back WITH PHOTO!! in either Page, Word or PDF and if nothing else works, text in the mail.

Our choices will be made by the middle of June latest.

Adult full price tickets are available for purchase from the 1st. June. To secure your place we ask you to purchase your ticket by the 15th. June.

Promoting Spirit Fest.

Please help us to spread the word about this fabulous festival. You can:

Join the Facebook Events Page. Spirit Fest UK

Please link the web site to yours:

Request fliers for the festival from Ravi:

Tell your friends and post links to the FB page and web site on your Facebook page.

Tell your friends and post links to the FB page and web site on your Facebook page.Here is the poster and a press pack on the next page. Please spread through your networks.


SPIRIT FEST, 31 Aug-3 Sept.,



Web Site:

Facebook Events Page:Spirit Fest UK

Spirit Fest UKis a celebration ofLoveand Unityfor all families.

It is gathering of the heart and consciousness tribes to celebrate life withmusic, dance, yoga, shamanism, tantra and arts.

The festival has a rich mixture of workshops, children and youth eventsand activities as well asceremonies, rituals and circle work.

This year we will once again have sweat lodges andnew to this year a fire walk.

The food isvegetarian, raw and vegan.

The camping is served with hot showers,steam saunaand compost toilets.

There isGlamping.All are welcome.

This year’s musicians include: Dragonsfly, Bob Hillary,Ayla,The Babaji Temple Singers, Adrian Freedman, Jason Kalidas, Omer Makessa….


Indigenous Productions: Paul Terrell, Ravi Freeman

1. Name:

2. E-mail:

3. Address:

4. Tel Nos: Home: …………………….Mobile:…………………………

5. Date of Birth:

6.Short biography/personal information :

7. Skills, training etc.:

8. Previous relevant experience ( festivals/events/concerts etc ):

9. Do you have any special needs:

10. Is there something you would like to offer in the festival:

11. Mark any favourite area(s) you would prefer to work in:

a. Gate/Ticket Sales. b. Stewarding. c. Info. d. Glamping. e. Safety Team. f. Decoration/Beautifying. g. Creativity Tent. h. Site Crew. i. Children &Youth.

Please send this form, when completed together with a representative picture of yourself ( head and shoulders ). Not more than 1MB.

to Paul Terrell:

You can send it back in the same .doc format or as a PDF.

IMPORTANT! Please name the document SF Crew'yourname'.doc