Clerk: Colin Vince, 17 Bure Close, Watlington, KING’S LYNN, Norfolk PE33 0TN
Minutes of the meeting of WATLINGTON PARISH COUNCIL held on 8 September 2009 at 7.10pm in Watlington Village Hall.
Present: Cllr Lacey (Chairman); Cllrs Dagnall, Golding, Leedell, Mack, Miller, Pike and Rockcliffe.
Inspector Bates (Norfolk Police) and 3 members of the public attended the meeting.
Apologies for absence: Cllrs Drake, Paget and Stevenson.
SEP 09/1 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest for this meeting.
SEP 09/2 Open Forum Notes
Inspector Bates related the policing experience of Watstock 09, stating that a serious situation had developed on the Saturday night, centring on activities in the Dance Tent. At one stage 16 police officers had been on site and the Public Order Inspector had been called in. He estimated a maximum of 3500 people on site at any one time. He was also concerned at public nuisance offences such as urinating and minor criminal damage and also the lack of control of people entering the site. Inspector Bates felt that there would need to be much more security at a future event and is currently in dialogue with Mrs Julia Suiter about policing concerns. Discussion was held on the Watstock event including the musical range, the widespread advertising and the possibility of wider community involvement in organising the event.
A parishioner asked about the future use of flood sirens and was advised by Cllr Rockcliffe that because of improved forecasting techniques and the use of modern communications technology, that neither the Police nor the Environment Agency could foresee a scenario in which they would use the siren system in future.
Prior to the Council meeting, Peter Morris from West Norfolk Voluntary and Community Action (WNVCA) gave a short talk on the range of advice and services they offer to local community groups, including support with grant applications. Full information is available on their website at www.westnorfolk.org.
SEP 09/3 Minutes of the Council Meetings held on 28 July 2009
The minutes of the Council Meeting on 28 July 2009 were agreed and signed as a correct record
SEP 09/4 Clerk’s Report and Matters Arising from the Council Meetings on 28 July 2009
The clerk reported that the current balance of funds is £27,244.91. Expenditure summary figures to 31 August were presented to the meeting.
SEP 09/5 Payments
On a proposal from the Chairman, Council approved the following payments:
Payee / Amount / Authority / ReasonWatlington Village Hall / £22.00 / Admin / Hall hire 8 September 09
Watlington Info Centre / £8.95 / Admin / Photocopying July / August 09
BCKLWN / £164.45* / DEC 02/14 / Dog waste Q1 09/10 (Deferred from July)
CPRE / £29.00 / DEC 08/8 / Annual Subscription 2009/10
Clerk / £18.38 / Admin / Telephone Calls 26/04/09 – 26/07/09
HM Customs & Revenue / £25.59 / Admin / PAYE Q2 2009/2010
Batramps / £450.00 / MAY 09/21 &
JUL 09/14 / Repairs to the Skateboard Ramps following inspector’s report
Mrs A Bullock / £239.23 / SEP 08/6 / Litter Picking 31/07/09 -06/09/09
Mr J Harrington / £85.40 / SEP 08/6 / Handyperson duties August
*Includes recoverable VAT
SEP 09/6 Edward Shouldham Charity Land
On a proposal from the Chairman, Council approved the letting of the charity land for the period 11 October 2009 to 10 October 2010 to Mr Zipfell for £100.
SEP 09/7 Grants and Donations
On a proposal from the Chairman, Council agreed that the grant to the Youth Football Club of £250 for a football wall awarded in July 2007 be withdrawn given that the project has not progressed.
On a proposal from the Chairman, Council agreed that future grant awards are made on the understanding that they are spent in within 12 months.
Applicant / Cause / Amount AwardedVitalise / General Funds / £25. S137 Payment *
Macmillan Cancer Support / General Funds / £25. S137 Payment *
Norfolk Lowland Search and Rescue / General Funds / £25. S137 Payment **
* Proposed by the Chairman.
** Proposed by Cllr Miller, seconded by the Chairman.
SEP 09/8 Litters Picker / Handyperson Pay Rates
On a proposal from the Chairman, Council approved the increase in the Litter Picker pay rate to £5.80 an hour, to meet minimum wage rate requirements. Council also approved the increase in the hourly pay rate of the Handyperson to £6.20 an hour. These measures will cost a minimum of £15 this year.
On a proposal from the Chairman, Council agreed that a letter of thanks be send to the Litter Picker for all her hard work in keeping the village tidy over the summer months.
SEP 09/9 Planning Applications
The following planning recommendations were agreed:
Reference No. / Applicants / Address / Application / Council Recommendation09/00417/F / Mr H Bhondi / 3 Church Road / Amendments to shop, takeaway & flat application / Observations only
09/01432/F / M & A Developments / 46 Fen Road / Demolition of bungalow and construction of 2 detached dwellings / Support
Note: Recommendations from the committee are available at the meeting for inspection.
The following planning decision has been received from the Borough Council:
Reference No. / Applicants / Address / Application / BCKLWN Decision09/00960/F / Mr/s N Langford / 8 Warren Close / Rear single storey extension / Approved with 1 condition
09/01008/F / Mrs S Waddington / 1 Plough Lane / Conversion to two dwellings / Withdrawn by applicant *
09/00900/F / Mr S Payne / 8 Babingley Close / Conservatory extension / Approved with 1 condition
09/00989/F / Cannon Developments / 38 Mill Road / Conversion to two dwellings / Withdrawn by applicant
09/01137/F / Mr C Turner / 62 Downham Road / Alterations and extensions / Approved with 2 conditions
* Council noted a letter from the agent for application 09/01008/F, but agreed that no action be taken as the Council’s policy on pre-submissions for planning applications applies. (MIN: JAN 08/11)
SEP 09/10 Martingales and The Coppice Developments
Cllr Mack advised that following further intervention, the Borough Council has changed its decision regarding the obligation on Persimmon to culvert the drainage ditch adjacent to the school and is threatening enforcement action if the planning condition relating to this ditch is not met. The Planning Officers are also threatening enforcement action if Persimmon do not comply with the S106 Agreement in relation to the upgrading of the Stone Close Play Area and the installation of the new play equipment on the estate. Enforcement could result in a Stop Order being placed on the development. The Chairman thanked Cllr Mack for his continued pursuance of these issues.
Cllr Pike advised that a further 4 houses have been sold and that there are roadwork instruction markings on the unfinished roads on the site.
A letter from a parishioner regarding the state of the boundary hedging on the school cycle /footway link from John Davis Way was read and discussed. It was agreed that as Persimmon are responsible that they should be written to seeking that regular maintenance is carried out. Failing a response from Persimmon, NCC Highways will be asked if they will agree to do the work. It was also agreed that Persimmon be urged to ensure the proper working of street lights on the site where development work has been completed.
SEP 09/11 Rowan Close Development
It was agreed that the relevant BCKLWN Environmental Protection Officer and BCKLWN Planning Officer be invited to the special Council meeting, agreed in June, which now needs to take place as the Remediation and Validation Report for the site has been received.
SEP 09/12 Highways and Transport Matters
A number of highways issues were reported:
a) The footpath from Mill Road to the Glebe field still needs overhanging branches cut back. Clerk to report again.
b) The recent roadworks on Fen Road have caused subsidence at the junction with Chestnut Close. Clerk to report.
c) A drain cover on the footway opposite 33 Downham Road needs attention. Clerk to report.
d) Footpath construction on the Lynn Road / Mill Road footway will begin on 12 October.
e) There are still parking problems at the junction of John Davis Way and Station Road. It was agreed that the clerk would write to NCC Highways to seek an extension on the yellow line markings towards the junction with Stone Close.
Cllr Rockcliffe reported that work on the drainage scheme associated with the new station car park would soon begin, this securing Department for Transport funding, as land negotiations with Mr Venni had been successful. However, there is a delay in the rest of the scheme as the other landowner, Mr Dean, has not agreed compensation terms. NCC have now decided to seek compulsory purchase of this land, which will delay the project for 6-8 weeks.
SEP 09/13 Community Projects Committee
Cllr Pike reported that work on the Youth Shelter project is due to start from 14 September, with hedging and fencing work first, followed by the shelter and seat installation.
Following presentation of the Open Forum Summary, Council agreed that the separated committees would look at ideas / suggestions within their remit and report back to Council on which items should be given priority for action. {Items 1-30 Planning Committee; Items 31-45 Environment Committee; Items 46-82 Community Projects Committee}.
Following detailed consideration of submissions to the Council regarding Watstock 09, on a proposal from Cllr Pike, seconded by Cllr Golding, Council agreed (5 in favour, with 2 abstentions) in principle to allow Watstock 2010 subject to a number of conditions being met, namely that there is no Dance Tent, that agreement is reached with the Police on policing and security arrangements, that plans for environmental issues including adequate toilet and litter facilities are met, and that costings for the event are viable given that there may be considerable extra costs if professional security has to be hired and the field fenced for the event. It was agreed also that Mrs Suiter be invited to the next meeting to update the Council and that she be invited to a meeting of the Community Projects Committee for an interim briefing.
SEP 09/14 Environment Committee
The clerk advised that negotiations are still ongoing with the Borough Council to enable offer letters for the use of the Britton Close site for allotments to be sent out. Cllr Golding advised that there might be an offer of land for allotments from Mr Pearson next month. The clerk reported that the land development plans for the village under the Local Development Framework are still expected in September or October. The Chairman advised that there are 2 allotments for rent in Runcton Holme.
On a proposal from Cllr Pike, seconded by Cllr Golding it was agreed that the grass area between the village hall and the football pitch on the Glebe Field be cut on a permanent basis. A decision on further permanent cutting on other parts of the field was deferred to allow the Community Projects Committee to discuss this matter with the adult football club.
On a proposal from the Chairman, Council agreed to defer a decision on cutting the hedges around the Recreation Ground as the second quote had been delayed.
On a request from Cllr Miller, it was agreed to get the Handyperson to cut back vegetation around the litter bin by the swings and also to grease the swing shackles. The non-cutting of the grass at the Warren Close Play Area would be investigated by the clerk.
In increase in dog fouling was reported and it was agreed to step up the notice campaign on this issue.
SEP 09/15 Correspondence for information
From / Subject / Information NoteNALC / AGM 12/09/09 / Notified by email
CPRE Norfolk / Autumn Supper and Talk / Notified by email
NALC / Buckingham Palace Garden Party 2010 / Passed to Chairman
Charity Commission / Charity Annual Returns / Completed by clerk
Greenhouse Trust / Energy Saving Trust presentation 10/09/09 / Notified by email
CPRE / Fieldwork Magazine Sept 09
COIF Investment / Shouldham Charity A/C income £3.18 / Balance £1425.04
Clerk & Council / Direct Magazine September 09 / Held by clerk
NALC / Norfolk Link Magazine August 09
NALC / Annual Report 2008/9
Norfolk Wildlife Trust / Old Railway Sidings are ‘County Wildlife Site’ / To be forwarded to site owner
SEP 09/16 Members Information Exchange / Agenda Items
Cllr Miller recorded her admiration for the content of the latest issue of the Gossip.
There being no other business, Council rose at 9.27pm.
The next ordinary meeting of the Council is on Tuesday 20 October in the Village Hall.
Chairman Clerk 20 October 2009