Course Length: 1 Year
Mrs. Fay A. Walker, MS, M.ED
Course Description
Cyber Securityis a course that aims to develop student knowledge and skills in information technology and computer security.Also, students will learn to protect networks, programs, Operating Systems (Windows and Linux), and data from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction. Selected students will participate in Cyber Patriots competitions. TSA is an integral co-curricular component of this course which serves to enhance classroom instruction and help students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Prerequisite:None Materials needed: paper/pencil, laptop, earbuds
Course Goals:
Prepare students to think creatively and critically in making decisions to improve their overall quality of life.
Prepare students to become responsible citizens and leaders in the family community and globally.
Provide students with assistance in exploring career opportunities and gaining employability skills.
Provide a program that offers a variety of learning experiences and promote cyber security awareness.
Lesson Topics:
Cyber Ethics
Computer Basics and Virtual Machines
Principles of Cyber Security
Computer Security
File Protection and Monitoring
Linux Operating System (OS)
Password Security
Network Fundamentals
Social Engineering and Phishing
IT Fundamentals
Computer defenses and system penetration on a secure virtual environment.
Digital Forensics
Career exploration in Cyber Security and STEM
Students are expected to participate in all class discussion, labs, and projects, complete all reading and writing assignments, and complete all other assignments in and out class. Students are also expected to observe Huntsville City Schools Behavioral Guide, Williams Jr. High policies and procedures and my specific class policies and procedures. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times.
Missed Work:
Absence (Excused absence) Missed assignments should be completed within 10 school days of the student’s return (exception:10 days cannot exceed the end of the nine-weeks).
Class/Homework assignments missed not due to an excused absence. Students will be given the opportunity to turn in all classwork and homework missed. Students can turn in missed work the next class day.
Missed Tests/Quizzes: Students will be notified via Edmodo that they have missed a test and or quiz. We will work together to reschedule a time that the student can take the missed test or quiz. The test or quiz must be taken within two-weeks or if arranged it can be taken before an absence. No points will be deducted for making up a test or quiz.
Rework/Re-Do/Repair: Grade recovery provides students additional opportunities to demonstrate mastery of course standards. Allowing students to rework or re-test provides feedback to both the teacher and the student on mastery versus non-mastery.
Do Now/Essential Question/Reflect
It is important for us to start and end class with our targeted goals in mind. These activities are an intricate part of that process. Please place all assignments in the appropriate folder/notebook as directed.
Homework will be assigned and should be completed as instructed.
Announced and unannounced quizzes will be given.
A. Tests will be announced in advance.
B. The test date will be posted on the board, Edmodo
It is the student’s responsibility to get missed notes/handouts/work in the event of an absence. Please use the following as a helpful guide.
1. Check posted Class Agenda Board, and/or Edmodo for missed work.
2. Check with the teacher or a friend for missed bell ringers, notes, assignments, and reflections.
3. It may be necessary to stay after school to make up work.
4. This class follows the Huntsville City School’s Policy on Absences/ Tardies and missed work.
5. Make-Up tests will be scheduled within the allotted timeframe or by individual student needs
60%:Summative Assessment which includes performance based assessments, labs, projects, writing assessment, all of which directly reflect course standards
Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Notebook/Portfolio Check
30% In-Class assignments that directly reflect course standards
10%Homework- assignments that reinforce daily standards and/or introduce standards
10% Homework
Grading Scale
A = 100—90
B = 89—80
C = 79—70
D = 69—60
F=59 and below
Cyber Security Contract/INFORMATION SHEET
*Please fill out and sign where necessary below and return by Tuesday, August 23, 2016. Each student MUST have a completed sheet on file. The signed page will count as your child's first homework grade for this course.
I, ______, agree to:
- Act responsibly at all times in the classroom.
- Use the computers and internet according to the policies outlined in the Student Handbook.
- Follow all instructions given, orally or in writing, by the teacher.
- Perform only those activities assigned and approved by my teacher.
- Protect my eyes, face, hands, and body by wearing proper clothing and using protective equipment as needed/instructed.
- Carry out good housekeeping practices as instructed by my teacher.
- Notify my teacher immediately in the event of an emergency.
- NEVER eat or drink in the classroom/lab unless instructed to do so by the teacher.
- NEVER horseplay or run in the classroom.
- I understand that I may be removed from an activity and/or the classroom if not adhering to the terms of this contract.
- Return this form by August 23, 2016
*Student Signature: ______Date: ______
My child and I have read and understand each of the documents listed below:
Syllabus/Course Description
Media Release Notice
We understand that we will be held accountable for this information and any additional written or verbal instructions provided by the school district or my teacher.
(Student’s printed name and signature) (Date)
(Parent’s printed name and signature (Date)
Media Release Notice
I agree to permit Huntsville City Schools to photograph, audiotape, or videotape my child at any time my child may be at any school function or activity, and I give my permission to Huntsville City Schools to use any such photographs, audiotapes, or videotapes including my child’s full name for whatever educational purpose they may deem appropriate.
_____ I Agree _____ I Disagree ______Parent Signature/Date
Dear Parents:
I am willing to do whatever it takes to help your child be successful. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns you may have. The school’s telephone number is 256-428-7330. You may also email me anytime.