Early Childhood Enrollment Form

Student Name: ______Today’s Date:______

Address: ______Date of Birth: ______

City: ______State: _____Place of Birth: ______

Zip Code: ______Phone: ______

Mother: ______Father: ______

Has the student had any other English Education Classes?Yes______No ______

If yes, when & where?

Is the student up to date on their immunization shots? Yes______No ______

Does the student have any food allergies? Yes______No ______

Can the student have sugar snacks? Yes______No ______

What are the student’s favorite interests?

Who is the responsible person for your child while in class?

Rules and Regulations


Since we are a free early childhood program, we ask that you help with daily snack schedules. At the beginning of the month your child’s teacher will post a calendar that will advise you which week to bring snacks. These snacks can be anything from crackers, fresh fruit or any snack items that can be shared with 5-10 students daily. If you are unable to do your week, please advise your teacher so arrangements can be made. If snack is not provided by the parents the students might not get a snack or will have leftovers from previous weeks.


Family Education Services has many toys and activities that we provide. We ask that you leave all toys at home so they don’t get lost, destroyed or cause any issues with others students. If your child needs a comfort item please know that these items are allowed along with teething toys for infants, as we do not allow children to share items in their mouths.


So that there are not many interruptions during class, please have your child use the bathroom before they enter the classroom. If you child needs to use the bathroom we will have a group bathroom break allowing there to only be only one interruption in the adult classroom.

PACT Time:

Parent and Children Together Time is a special time with your child. When you sign up for this program you and your child will spend time during the week working on projects, activities and learning new skills together. This is a time for you, as a parent, to be one of your child’s first teachers.

Quality Care:

Please be aware that we try to provide the best quality care for your child. If this is your child’s first experience in a child care setting please be aware that it sometimes takes time for your child to get use to the classroom and schedule. If you are concerned about the transition please let your teacher know or contact Trisha Herman at 854-2595.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your teacher or 854-2595.