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Professor’s Name: Meehan

Study Guide for Chapter 4: Christian Diversity

  1. Identify the terms at the end of the chapter.
  2. Write a short paragraph in which you give some examples of Christian diversity in the modern world. If you like you may use information from the websites below in addition to the textbook’s summary.
  3. Briefly explain the worldview of early Christians, and how it was shaped by the Greek worldview and also by the Hebraic traditions.
  4. Compare and contrast the beliefs of modern liberal evangelists and of conservative or fundamentalist Christian evangelists in one paragraph.
  5. Write a short paragraph summary from the Pew Forum email that you received this week, and or go to the Pew Forum homepage and look at the archived newsletters and summarize one that interests you.
  6. Look up one of the links below and write one paragraph about something related to Christianity that you learned from looking at the information in the link related to materials in this chapter

(The American Academy of Religion)

(multi-faith, independent)

(24 hour streaming video, faith based information, religious diversity)

(faith and freedom)

(religion and ethics newsweekly)

(Harvard’s pluralism project)

  1. (texts by religious scholars)

1.Idolatry and injustice are two dimensions of ______.

2.The legal case that decisively formed the public image of fundamentalism was the ______in 1925.

3.The sacred scriptures of Christianity are found in the ______.

4.Of the four gospels, the one that is different in tone, content, and structure from the other three is the Gospel of ______.

5.When modernization split evangelical theology in two, Protestant ______opposed the Social Gospel.

6.The purpose of the First Vatican Council was to shore up the teachings of the church against the threat of ______.

7.After the Council of Chalcedon in 450 CE, Jesus was considered to be one person with two natures—divine and ______.

8.The Second Vatican Council resulted in a ______of more than 400 years of church attempts to reject the emerging modern world.

9.The doctrine of the Trinity affirmed that God is ______all things.

10.Christians believe that sacred scriptures show that Jesus of Nazareth is the ______, or the anointed one or messiah.

12.The ______condemned Jesus to die because they thought he was an enemy of the state.

13.The life of Jesus provided people with ______that their own suffering and death could be overcome in the resurrection.

14.The via moderna of the Renaissance and Reformation fostered a new modern way of thinking and ______.

15.______began as a Jewish sectarian movement.

16.When Luther posted the Ninety-five Theses Against the Sale of Indulgences, it marked the beginning of the ______.

17.The letters of ______form about one-quarter of the New Testament.

18.It can be argued that the ______of Constantine was the single most important political event in the history of Christianity.

19.Eastern Orthodox Christianity was distinctive for its ______emphasis.

20. It was the work of ______that provided the first model for church and state.

21.The first monks tended to be ______but eventually began to form monastic communities.

22.The medieval church taught that the grace of God could be conferred on humankind through the seven ______, and they could only be administered by ordained clergy.

23.The ______monasteries were all answerable to a central command, and their model for organization was adopted by Pope Gregory VII for Roman Catholicism.

24.In the modern church, some Protestant denominations with mystical or Gnostic roots provided more leadership opportunities for ______.

25.The ______were meant to change the fact that Christianity’s holy sites in Palestine had come to be in the hands of Muslims.

26.Modernization secularized the world by ______faith and reason.

27.Martin Luther initiated the Protestant ______.

28.Luther was objecting to the selling of ______when he posted the Ninety-five Theses… on a church door.

29.The ______work ethic, as developed by John Calvin, demanded that one live simply and work hard.

30.The ______became the object of persecution when they spoke out against the Church of England’s doctrine as not being pure enough.