Project Name:______

The reasons for this check list are:

  1. To guide the designer to justify how the criteria of “Environmental Site Design to the Maximum Extent Practicable” has been met .
  2. To guide the Baltimore City SWM/ESC Plans Review Section reviewers in their review.

Glossary / Abbreviations

-DA: drainage area- HSG: hydrologic soil group- SF: square feet- FT: feet-GWT: groundwater table

-Hotspots: land use or activity that generates higher concentrations of contaminants than are found in typical stormwater.

Minimize impervious area
Green Roof /
  • Roof Slope < 30% or 4:12
  • Additional structural design necessary

Permeable pavement /
  • Slope < 5%
  • HSG A, B, or C
  • Soil boring and infiltration test required
  • Sub base invert at least 4 FT above GWT
  • 10 FT from buildings
  • No Hotspots

Reinforced turf /
  • Slope < 5%
  • Not on compacted fill
  • Not suitable for heavy traffic
  • No Hotspots

Disconnection of rooftop runoff /
  • Slope < 5%
  • DA < 500 SF
  • Pervious area length > 15 FT
  • Disconnection > 10 FT from downgradient impervious area
  • Not on compacted fill
  • No Hotspots

Disconnection of non-rooftop runoff /
  • Slope <5%
  • DA < 1000 SF
  • Pervious area length > 10 FT
  • Disconnection > 10 FT from downgradient impervious area
  • Not on compacted fill
  • No Hotspots

Sheetflow to conservation areas /
  • Slope < 5%
  • Conservation area > 20,000 SF
  • Width > 50 FT
  • Not on compacted fill
  • No Hotspots

Rainwater harvesting /
  • Must allow dewatering by use or discharge to vegetated area
  • A water balance evaluation may be required.
  • No use on Hotspots if water use is for irrigation

Submerged gravel wetlands /
  • Suitable for high groundwater table
  • No Hotspots

Landscape infiltration /
  • DA < 10,000 sq ft
  • HSG A or B
  • Depth from bottom to GWT > 4 FT
  • Soil boring and infiltration test required
  • No Hotspots

Infiltration berms /
  • Slope < 10%
  • No Hotspots

Dry wells /
  • DA < 1,000 SF
  • HSG A or B
  • 10 FT from buildings
  • Setback >100 FT from fill slopes
  • Soil boring and infiltration test required
  • No Hotspots

Microbioretention /
  • DA < 0.5 sq ft
  • Depth from bottom to GWT > 4 FT (>1 FT with underdrain)
  • Soil boring and infiltration test required
  • No Hotspots

Rain gardens /
  • DA < 10,000 SF (2,000 SF for residential)
  • No Hotspots
  • Soil boring an infiltration test required
  • Depth from bottom to GWT > 2 FT

Grass swales /
  • Linear applications only, must be as long as the treated surface
  • No Hotspots

Bioswales /
  • HSG A or B unless using an underdrain
  • Soil boring and infiltration test required
  • No Hotspots
  • Depth from bottom to GWT > 2 FT

Wet swales /
  • High groundwater table
  • No Hotspots

Enhanced filters /
  • Part of bioretention, rain garden, or other infiltration practice
  • Depth from bottom to GWT > 4 FT

SWM / ESC Plans Review Section Page 1 of 3

ESD to MEP Checklist (SWM-3) July 2013